The Anas Acuta is very different…
…from the Silhouette. The Silhouette is fast and tracks fairly strongly, where the AA is highly maneuverable and somewhat slower. It’s also more stable and IMO, it’s a better rough water boat. One of the main reasons that I don’t have my Silhouette any longer is that I could never get completely comfortable in it in conditions. It would occasionally surprise me and that unpredictability bugged me. I still have an AA and it’s the boat I use the most.
When you get down to it…
…about the only thing that’s at all “Greenlandic” about the Greenlander is the name. Although it’s a fine boat for what it is - a high-volume, expedition-style boat - it’s a barge compared to the low volume boats that Greenland kayaking aficionados paddle.
Pro test paddle
Well I got out in it today. Conditions were calm with small ice floes coming down the river.
Basically the boat is too big. Cockpit fit was good but I didn’t put enough hull in the water.
Thanks for your replies.
obviously salty that’s not what he wants
to hear.
Go with a Silhouette. It’s the better boat.