Which Pungo is a good Pungo?

Hi, I think I should buy a Pungo as my first kayak, 120, but I know there are different models made by different manufacturers. Which is the good one?

anybody who sea kayaks, ww kayaks
surf kayaks etc etc should be able to sort it out.

a pungo is a pungo
Confluence is the manufacturer. Wilderness Systems is the brand. the classic was marketed as a Victory (another Confluence company) for a very short while.

The 120 will be a Wildy boat. If you find another manufacturer out there making a ‘pungo’, it’s a fake!



he’s a wannabee.


btw- you know there’s a greenland boat hidden in a pungo? take a look see.


yeah I really should be kinder
the big bear is grouchy. better go on the pond or rest up for some real fun tomorrow

the Pungos…

– Last Updated: May-29-05 9:35 PM EST –

There are several "Pungos" in the Wilderness Systems line, ranging from 10 feet to 14 feet. There are three 12 footers - the Pungo 120, the Pungo 120 DuraLite, and the Pungo Classic. The 120's are updated designs from the Classic, and include the Phase3 seat and rear dry-storage compartments. The difference between the two 120's is the weight - the DuraLite version has a thinner wall and a slightly reduced boat weight. The Pungo Classic has the Phase3 LIte seat and a day hatch (no bulkhead). Further confusing the issue is that Wilderness Systems also makes a stripped down version of the Pungo Classic under the "Victory" brand name and sells it to some of the big box retailers - but don't count on any of them to TELL you that their cheaper version of the Classic is different from the WS brand version you'll find at a real kayak shop.

A suggestion, btw - unless you're really looking for a fishing and hunting kayak, take a look at a couple of other 12 foot boats before deciding on a Pungo. It's a great sport boat, but somewhat limited in usefulness for open water (because of the large cockpit opening). If you want something in that size and price range that will handle more like a touring boat, you should also take a look at the Necky Manitou and the Current Designs Kestrel 120. Just a suggestion...

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Manitou/Pungo Classic
I accompanied someone trying both of them out,and liked them both.

Good Pungo?
Isn’t that an oxy-moron?

Pungo’s are great for their intended use

– Last Updated: May-30-05 3:08 AM EST –

I have also written about my comeuppance at seeing two guys in pungos totally shred the green wave in cohasset) long ago. I was advocating (to a couple of friends) telling them not those boats there and their obvious mastery schooled me before I could make a more publicout of myself, A valuable lesson.

I paddle a pungo in the saint Lawrence in the thousand islands with great delight whenever I can crash at my friends summer mansion up there. (yes I am a bit jealous, the craftsmanship that went into that home cannot be purchased for any roce these days) I paddle his cape horn 170 with even greater delight if he is not using it there.

No , it is not an oxymoron.
The Pungo 140 Duralite I paddled at a demo day was very quick and a pleasure to handle. It is a great small water boat. And I think the Phase 3 seat iswonderful.

I was really tempted to say that…
…the only good Pungo is a dead Pungo, but I won’t. :wink:

Now before the armies of Pungophiles descend upon me extolling the wonders of their pudgie polyethylene punts, IT WAS A JOKE, OK???

Relative to what?
I think it’s important to keep these comments in context. Compared to “Swifty-class” boats, yeah, a Pungo is a real hot performer. For anything other than “small water”, it’s seriously lacking.

REC class
if we look at the genre we see a star.

REC BOAT- short (slow), wide (stable), friendly and comfy (generally), kayaks designed for calm waters.

steve (who’s been in a number of rec boats recently)

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You will be character assassinated for the slightest sign of saying something I don’t like!!!

more on Pungo
I admit, I am a noob, and I am very confused. Each year for past 3 I have threatened to buy a kayak. I live in Maryland-D.C. right near the Potomac River, and want to be able to Kayak on the river. I’m athletic, but I’m no hero, not yet anyway, and whitewater scares the crap out of me.

Everytime I go down to my local kayak shop, SpringRiver in North Potomac, MD, the owner always tries to put me in a Pungo 120/classic. He extolls the phase-3 seat, the hull having dual equilibrium points (sorry, I don’t know terminology but I am an engineer), reasonable price, and that it would be a good first kayak for a big guy, I am 5’10" 250 lbs (no, not fat, I am a competitive weightlifter).

Anyway, is he right? Should I just do it? The only other kayak he recommends to me is a 12’ kayak by Necky (can’t remember name) which is more expensive.

Oh, and thanks for the input, and the humor.

Just buy a damn kayak already
If you’ve been looking for three years that means that you haven’t enjoyed the satisfaction of paddling in that time. Quit debating with yourself and take the plunge. You can upgrade next year when you get better.

Good luck and DO IT.

The Dead One
is the only good Pungo

Phase Three Seat And Rear Bulkhead
The phase three seating is the most comnfortable I have tried. The one I bought for my girlfriend had a rear bulkhead which will keep it from sinking.

If you do not plan on doing whitewater, or open ocean, the Pungo is a great first boat. Friendly, light, and efficient.

Pungo bashing is real popular around here. It provides an excuse to brag about having a more expensive boat…

How do you plan to use the boat? Longer equals faster and going straighter. Shorter, slower but more maneuverable. Is it basically an activity float platform (fishing, photography, etc.) or do you plan to develop your skills and do more challenging water? The drawback I see with starting out with a wide-open cockpit boat is if you develop your skills, you’ll quickly outgrow the boat. That is, many skills involve control of boat lean with your thighs/knees. If you don’t have thigh braces or a deck to lock them under, you don’t have that control.