I have been scouring the internet trying to figure out who the last owner of Stowe Canoe Co is. I cant find any anywhere. Last known owner that i can find is Tubbs, the snowshoe people. Any idea where it went?
According to this thread, it went out of business:
I know it went out of buisness, I’m trying to find who owned it last. Surely the molds are stored somewhere.
The link stated it was sold to an investment group which also owned Vermont Tubbs. Tubbs snowshoes are still in production, so maybe it can put you in touch with the investment group - who would be the owner of the molds.
@clumsyninja said:
I know it went out of buisness, I’m trying to find who owned it last. Surely the molds are stored somewhere.
not necessarily
Rob Sharges last made canoes and the molds were damaged in a flood
He did repairs only then faded away
I think the flood actually carried the shop contents away
great to know they are back