i was thinking about the deaths of verlen kruger and gene jensen this morning and i got to wondering who will be the next legends in canoeing. serge corbin is already probably the greatest racer ever. what about tripping? cliff jacobson? i also thought of bill mason, who apparently wasn’t the strongest, toughest man in the world. i’d still consider him a legend, though, for his contribution to canoeing. could it be our very own norm miller? a few more epic trips and he’s in elite company. what about david yost, etc. any thought?
legends to be
Bill Mason would be a likely candidate. In fact most would say he already is a legend.
Cliff Jacobsen might, but has left a lot of bad vibes with product endorsements both in his books and advertising, some of which distastefully appear as ads in the back of his books. That could be just my opinion entirely though.
hmm L
Canoeman 69!!!
Def not me, but thanks for the thought !
Thanks for the kind thoughts chad but i dont even consider being in the ballpark as many of those mentioned. But then give me another 30 years and see what happens
Serge Corbin: (Over 500 National and International Canoe Marathon Wins)Winningest Athlete in Sports History!
John Bowermaster: Currently on a world paddling expedition.
Steve Landick: (The ever so humble!) Has paddled close to 80,000 lifetime miles including the first ever UPSTREAM of the Colorado River from Sea to Source.
Rob Perkins: First to solo the Back and many other extraordinary feats. CHeck out his paddling expedition videos http://www.gotrob.com
With out a doubt, CLIFF JACOBSON!!! Author of, oh god at least 20 paddling books! He’s the Hemingway of paddling.
How about P-Nets very own Greg Allen: Who again this year will solo the Mackenzie, Not bad for a paraplegic!!! Nice photo in May issue too Greg! Go get em, http://www.stillmevoyage.com
Well we should give credit to Hans Lindemann who paddled solo across the Atlantic in a Klepper kayak in 1951 (?) and followed it up the next year by doing it again in an African dugout canoe.
Peter Bray- Crossed the North Atlantic from Canada to Ireland in a kayak solo.
Gary and Joanie McGuffin- Canadas married couple of paddling fame.
So my choice in order
S. Landick, Cliff Jacobson, and Serge Corbin
Without a doubt
what makes a legend?
I think Acura makes it
next legend
Serge Corbin as the top canoe racer of all time in North America. Steve Landick - he went on most of those crazy trips with Verlen Kruger.
Oh Chuck, Ya just made my day ROTFLMAO!
legend criteria
i don’t think there are any hard and fast rules. practically anyone who has done anything impressive in the world of canoeing for any considerable length of time is a candidate, imo.
kerry newell
He has fresh air children from the inner city that he introduces to canoeing with a huge scout canoe. What a great man. Have you been at the boat launch and had to tell stray kids that you have no room in your boat for them?
yep and more
landick didnt stop in 1986 with Verlen hes been paddling hardcore since. Hes the world record holder of the 470 mile yukon race with a time of about 42 hours. Hes in it this year again so check out the race site www.yukonquest.com (i think thats the url) Heck, just on the drive home to Michigan from the race he paddled 19 different rivers.
Crossed Lake Superior in about 30 hours at its widest spot.go steve go