Wilderness Pungo 140

I asked awile ago can’t find answer. Need to find where I can get foam for the front bulkhead of the 140. Wilderness web site is useless.

Thanks again,


Try These Links…

– Last Updated: Feb-01-06 6:17 AM EST –

Minicell foam.



The latter is cheap but sometimes they curl the foam up in a box to save space/money on shipping. For a bulkhead you want to work with flat piece, rather than one with a "curled memory."

Minicell can bought in varying thicknesses. Generally, you want the bulkhead to be 3" thick. This depth gives the foam more stabiity and rigidity. Less thick pieces may shift or torque and break the seal, thus leading to an eventual leak.


AlderCreek.com can send you one. ready to install.


yeah, that’s my only complaint
i love the boat, but the company is useless…don’t think i’ll be buyning another one of their products.

How old is it?
How old is your Pungo 140? Is it a newer one? I’ve seen alot of this years Pungo’s arriving with badly sealed bulkheads and many with the bulkhead cut too small, leaving gaps between the foam and the kayak itself.

“They” say they are working on it…

If it is a new kayak, they SHOULD replace the bulkhead for you. Have you contacted your dealer?

Or…is it an older model you are fixing up?


“this year” as in

mine is a 2004 and i haven’t noticed any leaks…should i worry enough to look more closely?

2005 you say? Early 2005?

The kayaks I’ve seen with the most problems are mostly the ones built and shipped out in the last several monhs. I saw a bunch back in December that were bad and then more bad ones again this month.

If you got yours early last year, or even if your dealer recieved it earlier last year, yours should (hopefully) be good.

Check closely around your bulkheads, along the top in particualr where it is hard to see and get at…look for any gaps or places where it is not sealed. Watch for places where there is a big gap between the plastic and the bulkhead that has just been filled with sealant too. Some of the recent ones have bulkheads cut too small in places and (some) are filled with extra sealant. It is a weker joint though. Some of them just have open gaps where they do not fit.

On a few of them, I’ve seen the bulkhead sopo right out…not a good thing!

yours though, beinlg slightly older should be better. I’d still check it over though.

Good luck!!
