"Wilderness Women"

Lets look at this list: (she’s a winner)
Ready to throw down for a camping trip, (or a beach romp)

Will let a sweetheart live with her and not pay rent.

Is still adventurous at 56.

Has a “bring home no diseases and no complaints” policy.

Might well enjoy making noise in bed

And takes her coffee black.

If my espresso machine and I were looking for a new home…

the list
is one that sounds like one i wish i could write. i might change a few thing but not many. i don’t think 56 or any age is to late to start an activity that you like or think you might like. sorry that you had to find out the hard way but if that hadn’t have happened where would you be now?? there are people who fit that list out there!

Pass on the best
and discard the rest!

I agree with dietz…

– Last Updated: Jul-01-06 12:00 AM EST –

I took my daughter camping and canoeing (sometimes both on trips lasting as long as a week) since she was four years old and thoroughly enjoyed every trip we took. I taught her how to paddle, camp, hunt (pistol, rifle, archery), fish, forage, throw a bladed weapon (knife, hatchet, small axe), navigate (with or w/o compass or map), and how to handle just about any emergency in the wilds of Florida. She's 27 now, happily married to a marine mechanic and has blessed me with a now 2 y.o. grandson. I take pride in the fact she's now a better hunter, better fisher, and better forager than I (the pupil is now the Master!) and is currently going to school to major in criminal psychology. We're still very close. I'm very proud of her and her accomplishments. She wants me to take her and her family paddling for a few days as soon as her boy turns four. How did a woman with all this talent and her husband meet? It definitely wasn't at a bar! Of all things it was on the internet looking to exchange CDs. So gentlemen, the really good ones are out there, in my neck of the woods some of these "wilderness women" still exist. You just need to overlook the misnomer of "redneck women" (the ones I know are intelligent, thoughtful, caring) and as long as you're a man of good moral principles, (you don't need to be a church-goer, just don't lie to them, cheat on them or mistreat them or you may find a very important body part removed and fed to the nearest gator. The rest of your body will follow on your next stupid act) with a little encouragement they'll be happy to show you what they know and if they don't they are willing to learn.