Wolfe,s Neck State Park, MAINE paddle today

Is it possible to get sightings of seals or more unusual birds on a day trip in October? Heading out in sea kayaks after the waves die down and unsure of which way to head!

Do you live in Maine or are you a visitor? Asking because things like seal haul outs at low tide and migratory bird patterns are repeating and fairly predictable things.

Also just looked and am seeing dangerous breaking surf until 11AM. Which ends just about the point that the offshore breeze starts really picking up if conditions are right today.

Have you time in Maine waters?

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Live in Maine, yes. Found Mere Point (really, Simpson entry) and had a delightful explore. Found the nature preserve. Dead horseshoe crabs were the more interesting nature sightings :wink: Still hoping to find seals on a 1-2 hour padddle someday. Ideas for the spring are most appreciated!

I’m more familiar with the Maine coast a little further east, and here are two spots where you often see seals. I’m sure there are good spots closer to Wolfe’s Neck and perhaps you’ll get some recommendations for those as well.

Knowles Rocks in John’s Bay, launch at Colonial Pemaquid:

Ram Island Ledge, near Boothbay, launch at Knickercane Island Park:

Technically, I think you are supposed to stay 100 yards from any seals hauled out on rocks, especially during spring pupping season. So bring those binoculars.

This little guy was at Knowles Rocks last August. That’s full zoom on my camera - I gave him or her lots of space.

Figuring out where seals haul out at low tide is preobably not going to be a difficult search if you are in the area.

The problem with spring is what Wolf mentions. June and July are pupping season and if a kayak gets close enough to be sure they are seals you put pregnant seals or very young ones in the water. Not good.

I am not kidding about being close enough to tell that they are seals. Unless you have truly remarkable vision with the naked eye, getting close enough to observe that some of the rocks on the ledges seem to be moveing is about as close as you can go. If there is a white rock that is moving stay far away, that is a very young pup.

Migratory birds you can likely find references on over the winter, they have defined paths. Just be aware that there are pelagaic birds which will not come within an easy distance of the mainland even on migration. They will stay out on islands or ledges well offshore. Gannets for ex.