Yoke pads

The Yoke on the Mistral I have is contoured but a bit hard ,could anybody suggest pads they use and where I can buy them . Thanks

Are you handy ?
Make your own.

I have made several and they are nice and cushy

Jack L

Chosen Valley sling pads
I use Chosen Valley sling pads, available at Rutabaga or Spring Creek (store.springcreek.com). They come in a clamp-on and a bolt-on version.

cheap option

– Last Updated: Jun-10-16 10:51 AM EST –

There are clamp-on and bolt-on pads, as mentioned above. A cheaper option is just a piece of contoured foam like this one: http://www.austinkayak.com/products/9795/Harmony-Contoured-Yoke-Pad.html

My Solution
I tried padding it but didn’t work. It has too deep of a dish to work with bolt on pads. It was not comfortable for me, so I just sold mine to a friend and bought a yoke from Ed’s Canoe. To this, I attached my nice, Bourquin yoke pads. Used many over the years, but they are the best. Well worth it IMHO?
