You've won a free paddling trip in WV

The trip includes free camping, someone to shuttle and paddle with, and to tell your paddling stories to. Even a boat like a ducky can be rounded up. The OP is not responsible for transportation to and from the venue, meals, but often does have extra beverages.

This is an open invitation to come to southern wv and paddle a bit this Fall. My calendar is pretty open. I spent three months out on the road kayaking. I’ve come home and will stay for a while to let the travel budget recover. My next trip is for a month in Mexico hiking in Nov./Dec. I plan to stay local for a while and it is a good time for me to return the favor by being a host. So many people have treated me so well recently and also in the past.

What is the water like in southern WV in the Fall? Awesome of course. Creeks and smaller streams don’t run unless there is a bunch of rain. The New River holds water all year and of course they release water from Summersville dam for the Gauley. Almost all the water where I live is moving, lots of class I-III sections, and of course the New River below Cunard and Gauley below Summersville dam is class III-V water. I’ve aged out of the class III-V unless it involves a raft and with somebody that has the lines dialed up.

My favorite place to paddle: Upper New with its primitive camping and class II and III water is splashy fun. With non-technical rapids and good recovery pools, it is popular with experienced float fishermen, older people, families with children, and newbie folks wanting to learn and practice ww. You do want a boat with added flotation for this stretch. I have some duckies but you need to be able to sit up independently to be able to use them. They do have thwarts and seats. The New river is generally a warmer river than the others in the area but depending on the weather and how late you come in Oct. a splash top or even wetsuit can be handy during a cold spell.

Windows of opportunity: Tues Aug.- 22- September 5th, Sept 7th-Oct. 1st, Oct. 3rd- 8th, Oct. 17th -19th, Oct.21st-31st

My favorite camp spot and it is still free for 2023

Staying at the house is an option as well. If you are short on time and want to maximize paddling miles it is a handy option and also budget friendly.

My favorite stretch of river is from Glade Creek Campground to the Grandview Sandbar Campground on the New River. It is a 4.9 mile stretch of river that is included in a longer section of river descriptions written by Chuck Brabec for AW many years ago (aw link). The first class III (Grassy shoals) is totally sneak-able thus a challenge by choice. The last rapid in the 4.9 mile stretch is really just a long II at fall water levels. Both of these rapids get really big at high water. We would find something else to run if that scenario played out.

What do I like about it? the scenery, the mellow vibe, and a few nice surfing waves. Just a relaxing place to hang out or challenge yourself by trying harder moves on easy ww.

a little footage- shot close to the waterline to make it look bigger and still not real impressive, sorry no canoe footage, but I do see a few canoes from time to time and have open boated it several times in my madriver adventurer. You are likely to see kayaks, duckies, and oar frames with fishermen.

another video that really captures the scenery from somebody I don’t know

One final thought, overnights are possible as well, carrying or not carrying your own gear depending on the stretch you want to do. Your invited, Tony


Currently down in Narrows Va next to New River. I only have off on Sunday and get off work around 530ish during the other 6 days. I have a 13’ Perception Sport kayak. I cant find anyone down here who wants to go. If this is a open invitation, I would love to go.

hey mezzrack I’ll boat with on sunday. You want paddle up this way (grandview sandbar to glade) or closer to you (Pembroke to Bluff City) or paddle into bluestone wildlife area on the New?
sending you a pm with phone number