7 days on the Apalachicola River, FL

All in GK

The 12th it is.

Where is everyone coming from?
Anyone up for carpooling?? If not, no biggie, just thought I’d put it out there…at $3/gal I think carpooling is very smart…

Have rack, will travel -Toddy

Let’s carpool, yea…let’s do it

– Last Updated: Sep-28-07 9:35 PM EST –

Come on up to Atlanta and you can ride down with me. Should only be about 250 miles out of your way.

Less than 2 weeks away. Have you got everything and is it sitting at the front door?

If you have a sleeping bag and a stuff sack... don't put it in the stuff sack until you are ready to leave. I bet you knew that.

Make sure you have plenty of snacks for night time if not I'll share my Fig Newton. That's when I get hungry.

See you in 13 days and 12 hours on the Oct 12th.


Silty, are you really going?

Alright smary pants
I wasn’t talking to you…I was thinking there might be other people heading NORTH to the venue, not south…

And no, if I put my stuff by the front door the huskies would think they were play toys and I’d come home to tiny little pieces of ripstop and then watch to make sure the rest cleared their colons…not a fun time. They’ve swallowed stuffed animals WHOLE, and then passed them, WHOLE. We do not leave valuables that smell like the great outdoors lying around. They don’t care for furniture (thank heavens). I’m camping at Seminole Lodge so I’ll see you on the 12th. -Toddy

Tough from the beginning
We (me and my kayak) will do a moonlight paddle Friday night with or with out the moon.

I’ll be at Seminole Lodge by noon on Friday to do the tour.

I’m out…dang it!
I’m out…best case scenario I would have only been able to join for a day or two anyway. This dang job thing really is putting a kink in my hobby! Good luck to all…take lots of pictures for the rest of us! BPS

That stinks autiger!
Sorry you won’t be joining us, even if it was only for a few days. We’ll paddle a few strokes in your honor!

Getting all my goodies together and ready to go. Leaving at some ungodly hour Friday morning to catch the shuttle to Lake Seminole Lodge. Hope to paddle with you some other time in the future. Take care- Toddy

It’s October 9, 2008 10:53pm

October 10, 2007 9:29am
Coffee’s good. Should be paddlin’

Hubby played hookey today and we are still in our PJs…and our coffee’s definitely better! Gotta mow the lawn later when it dries out but mostly going to be a nice day off. See ya Friday and ditto on the leaving early…I think I have to hit the road by 4…trying NOT to think about it to tell you the truth. Just prop me up if I pass out on the Woodruff Dam tour:)


10:24am in pj’s

– Last Updated: Oct-10-07 10:34 PM EST –

won't be like that next week.
Enjoy the day but get that grass cut before you leave.
Hope you had a good day. See ya Friday with a big smile.
You're going to meet the cold-blooded, insensitive, name calling, tough, egotistical, cocky, loud mouth, bragging, ACA has-been instructor... G_K, ain't ja scared?

October 11, 2008 7:34am

No Timekeeper action on the paddle, ok?
This is vacation…we’ll get there when we get there!!

Besides, down here we’re on Florida time…

Has anyone returned early (partial trippers) from this trip yet? There was some pretty nasty weather headed that way this afternoon so I hope all is well.

well wishing
Have been watching the radar today and yesterday. Figure you guys should be past Ft. Gadsden by now and are probably hugging that west shore. Even with the weather, I’d rather be there than in this office…Best of Luck, Tray E.

Got home at 11 last night
There was a big oyster roast at the Wheelhouse last night. I took off beforehand to get home to the family. Weather was FANTASTIC with the exception of the last day, which was a veritable monsoon. But even that was really neat, 20+ paddlers in the rain gliding under the 319 bridge in Apalachicola in to the Gulf. Great paddle. We had day trippers here and there and some folks coming and going but a pretty solid core group. Various levels of paddling skill but everyone survived! I had a blast. I believe GK stuck around for the festivities so you may not hear from him for awhile. This was a very educational tour as well and we’ve all come home with a ton of information to process regarding the FL/GA/AL water wars, etc.

All in all, great paddle, great group, good food and the gear is good and stinky. Can’t get better than that!

Many happy returns- Toddy

from what
I hear I’m suprised there is any water in any river in the southeast—did you carry the kayak a lot?

All the water from Atlanta…

– Last Updated: Oct-21-07 9:12 PM EST –

ends up in the Apalachicola. It drains a huge area. For the most part, the Gulf Coast hasn't had nearly the drought of the rest of the region. For example, we had 2" fall in Biloxi yesterday.

EDIT: I saw a map on the weather channel yesterday color coding the worst drought areas. The Apalachicola "valley" was in the worst "red" coded area. Just west of there and all the way back to New Orleans has almost had too much rain in recent weeks (The Pensacola tornados from last week for example!).