Analyze this video

maybe you just hit on the point
Are you having your strokes analyzed for cert, or for effectiveness while in the water?

I agree there is a certain form one wants to adhere to. But you have to admit that cert agencies can come with their own inflexibility.

to-ma-to to-mah-to
That is a very good question - would stroke analysis make me a more efficient paddler?

I would also need to listen to what is being said and not assume my way the only possible, and the best? Of course, who says that the person doing analysis is infallible?

Sometimes in a any learning process “whys” are more important than “whats”, even though “whats” take way less time than “whys”.

For real laughs, try searching for
videos on the J stroke. Instructional youtube can be a minefield of surprises.

Maybe you should make your own!