I recently purchased a Standard Horizon VHF radio from West Marine and am pleased with the radio so far…but i can not find an attachment point for a lanyard. Anyone else have this problem and if so how did you resolve it? I would like to know i wouldn’t lose it in a crisis situation (god forbid)
should be there
I haven’t bought a SH for awhile but there was always one in the box in a wee little plastic bag. Very tiny cord that looped through a very tiny hole that was molded into the corner of the unit.
What model? Call SH and ask them if you don’t find it.
owners manual?
hmmm, just read manual for a couple of the Standard Horizon handhelds and they don't indicate. Most common spots are either upper side or very bottom. If no lanyard location (seems odd) maybe something using their belt clip will work.
Use the belt clip knob
There is a round knob that screws onto the back of the unit that’s intended for using with a belt clip. Attach that, and tie your lanyard TIGHT in the groove in the knob, and tie the other end to your PFD.
Works very well with mine.
second the clip knob
On one of mine I used a standard camera lanyard, which has a small loop of fine material that is strong and designed to go through a molded loop. I screwed the knob onto that loop of material. I don’t use the clip anyway, as there’s a pocket on my PFD’s for a radio. A carabiner on the should stays there, catches the lanyard when I paddle coastal
good ideas…
it didn’t come w/ a lanyard and there isn’t even the tiniest of hole for one either. It did come with a clip so i will look into that possibility.I have a lanyard off an old camera that i could use. See , that is why i come to all of you.So helpful.Thanks
Standard Horizons
MY HX850S has 2 holes in the belt clip. I put a line thru them
too bulkie w/ the belt clip
attached…this radio is a bit bulkier than a friends icom, so it will be to tight a fit in the PFD w/ the clip attached.Will look into the knob trick though. Thanks.
Use a $20 Acquapac
Do yourself and favor and get a waterproof aquapac for it.
For one thing, the radio is no longer water proof if the speaker mic jac cover is loose. Secondly, the seals around the battery packs eventually wear.
It might be waterproof before the warranty runs out, but eventually it will fail. It will last a lot longer if you put it in a bag.
I did something very similar. Made a small loop and attached to the clip knob. Attach a lanyard at that loop as needed.
can you hear it well enough and talk
when in the waterproof bag? always wondered that.
Mine came with a small lanyard
and I just added a couple feet of small nylon string and a clip on the end. I clip it to a small D ring on the inside of my PFD pocket . It’s nice to have it easily accessible and secure when needed.
I used an aquapac bag for 10 years with my old non-submersible VHF. It worked fine. The amount of audio degradation was minimal. Only drawback was fititng it in a PFD pocket, but they may have changed the bags since then. Check and see what’s available if you decide to go that route.
One thing, though. If you use a drybag with ANY electronics, use a dessicant like silica gel in the bag - it keeps condensation down, which forms inside the bag especially in bright sun, and can drive itself into your gadgets. I vent my GPS bag at lunch stops, too. Works great.
Thanks for the tips
Yes, sound goes through it just fine.
Not sure if this helps…
…but I have a Standard Horizon HX270S that I have used for several years without any issues. I made a crude lanyard that attaches to the “button” on the back. Maybe something like this will work for you. Maybe not. See photos here: https://picasaweb.google.com/stratus5b/Radio#
Nothing fancy but it works fine. I don’t use a waterproof bag and have never had a problem. The line is way over-built but I have a ton of it so I use it for everything. It fits in the radio pocket of my MsFit. I keep telling myself that I should come up with something nicer as this lanyard get more beat up and dirty by the day but nothing is going to break it.
Maybe this will help. It doesn’t have to be fancy and I haven’t had a problem with my waterproof FM leaking after lots of time on and under the water. I know it could happen but it hasn’t.
Read your Horizon Manual
I have a Standard Horizon HX851 and if the speaker mic jack cover is loose or you use a speaker mic, then the radio will get ruined if it takes a dunk.
Adding more stuff to my checklist like check speaker jack, check gps rubber covers, check camera latches is not worthwhile. Its not worth $200 bucks to forget to check everything. Thats why I use a bag.
For most immesrsion ratings, there is no independent testing done. All testing is done with brand new units, fresh seals, fresh rubber covers etc etc and does not reflect the state of a piece of electronics thats been in the sun for 6 months or had its battery pack opened a hundred times.
…or buy a better designed radio
ICOM radios don’t suffer from the poor engineering that’s common with S-H radios. That eliminates the need for using bags that compromise the usability of your radio, by reducing speaker/mic volume, making the controls harder to operate and forcing you to carry it in a pocket that makes it less accessible and harder to stow after use.
I’ve used ICOM radios shoulder-mounted on my PFD for years without any leakage problems. When I need it, it’s immediately usable with one hand, regardless of the conditions I’m in. Try using a bagged radio in really rough conditions sometime and you’ll quickly learn its limitations.
Still beating that dead horse, eh?
Just as a counterpoint and without getting into ancient history as well as pointing out foibles of both makes, S-H makes some very tough and very good radios as does Icom. Personally I have had great luck with S-H radios which have endured a fair amount of abuse without complaint as I have with Icom. My opinion is the best of the lot are the no frills models.
icomm and water
what I do like about my ICOM is that there isn't a battery compartment so it can't leak. Though this is what lead me to the need to remove the battery after use to avoid tiny bits of water from corroding the battery terminals.