Sing was out at the beach. I was out on the river – Crystal section of the Farmington River in CT. We got some rain on Tuesday that brought up a lot of rivers up and gave us hope for some interesting options. Unfortunately, most of them dropped by Friday. That’s OK – Crystal was low, but still runnable with lots of rock gardens to surf and ferry. The put-in is well-known for its seal launch hill.
One of the advantages of a RM boat. I would never do that with my composite (although it could probably take it).
I was out with the RM Stratos 14.5 yesterday. Had just installed an electric bilge pump with a magnetic switch and tested it out. It works. Now more confident about doing some solo rock play with that boat!
Oh my god, thank you for mentioning seal launches and canoes, it brought back a hilarious memory: When I was a teenager (well old enough to know better), my friend Mark and I were canoeing with his scout troop in the Pine Barrens. We were dawdling along behind the group and somehow realized that the river made a big bend, AND that there was a trail with, effectively, a portage shortcut.
We landed, picked up the boat, trotted a quarter-mile with it on our shoulders, and saw that not only would we wind up ahead of the group, we could slide right down a bed of pine needles and sand into the river.
In an open canoe.
So the rest of the troop came around the bend to see us rocketing down the bank and burying the first ten feet of boat in the water. And paddled past laughing their butts off as we bailed the half-full canoe.
I’ve only done it in the snow , which gives a little cushion to the rocks and roots. Like you, I’d rather that beat up my boat too much - it gets enough abuse as it is.