Black Friday-Much Rather Surf Than Shop

The ocean cooperated with clean 2.5’ waves. Mellow waves and workout to burn some calories.




Absolutely. I’d be out paddling today too but it’s cold (for FL) and rainy and tomorrow and Saturday look much nicer. So I’m doing some chores and will put up my Christmas lights later. Glad you were able to get out and enjoy a nice day on the water!

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Came across this image and thought of you @sing

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Waves looks pretty empty. You would have a fair amount of company in San Diego.

Party Wave !!! Everybody let’s go!

Pretty cool pic. I assume those were canoes of some type. Would have love to see them in action!


Yup. Were several folks out there with me. The numbers will continue to dwindle as conditions get colder. A “hard core” few will surf as long as the waves are rolling in.


The dwindling numbers of surf riders and the serenity of winter surf!


Sing - what model is the green kayak? Thanks.

Took a beach stroll. Clean 1.5’ waves. One lone longboard beginner out there. Kudos to him!


Dagger Stratos 14.5s. Pretty good playboat, but doesn’t match up to my Sterling Prgression for rough water control.


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