Odd names indeed
…for canoes, anyway. I have a Starship and I love it. I will keep it until I cannot carry it anymore (it is a tad heavy for a solo compared to today’s fancy boats). But really, “Starship”? Was the man a Trekkie or did some resin fumes get to him? We will probably never know.
The OP hasn’t replied with some pictures. That would solve the mystery.
I’m surprised PJC has not made an appearance here. He has an Ariel and a Starship. He was very kind to help me when I was searching for a replacement seat for my Starship.
I’m game
I’ll fall out of your canoe if you take my picture.
Just bring it to the Rendezvous.
I’ve paddled a Moore Proem with
no problem. Would Blackhawk’s be more challenging?
Not coming to fall vous
but I would like to see comparative shots of you and Pblanc in the Proem.
You will likely have an opportunity to test paddle my Proem at the Vous.
It is currently in “holding pattern” in central Wisconsin, but should be arriving with PJC; stalwart boat hauler/handler, bon vivant, ranconteur, libertine, and suspected serial ax murderer.
Moore Proem…
For all practical purposes; the Moore & the Blackhawk Proem are one & the same Yanoer........you, little, long haired, Illinois corn field, irrigation ditch paddling, leaping gnome.
Are you going to come to the Fall Vous, and demonstate your unique & wonderous, Proem free style paddling moves? I want to see you dip gunwales in the water, do 360 degree spin moves, and have camera ready to document same.
Great pnet photo of the week op..............
Proem: a tippy baby fish-countngboat?
Have you paddled it, Bob. I think I’d like to see a picture of that.
Blackhawk Phil
I think he was a Navy Seal. One hell of a good guy. We had his Phantom tandem. Very fast & sleek, beautiful lines. Got my first canoe at Blackhawk on the Rock R. back when life was easy. Deciding between the somewhat sluggish, oil-canning Mad River Exp. or a Sawyer, Phil steered us a bit toward the Sawyer and a few thousand miles later I Thank you.
Yanoer, bring it to Midwest
We can help you shut thebob up. Remember when you go to Rendezvous, bring extra sleeping bags.
Wildernesswebb…we will of course need pix… might be pic of the year.
You might paddle irrigation ditches, but that is a mighty fine garage you have.
Freestyle? I don’t do no freestyle.
I just said I had no trouble paddling it.
Don’t know if I’m coming to the fall vous.
Thanks for helping me find my identity.
I was forgetting who I am
Only the best boats for our irrigation
Phil Sigglekow was a great guy, took the westbound a couple years ago.
Fish counting…
Haven't paddled Proem yet; have to wait until Rendezvous. Pat is bringing it down to me from Wisconsin.
Have paddled my Nighthawk with permanently affixed pedestal. It's a bit twitchy; especially on the river. Sitting on it's pedestal, my rear end is nearly above the gunwales.
I'm thinking with pedestal that's mounted in the Proem, I'll be lucky if my rear end is not "above" gunwales in it too. Proem is shorter & has a rather unique hull shape when compared to the Nighthawk. It could get interesting.
No sweat; I've dumped more than one canoe, and haven't melted yet. At least I don't try to crash through, and end up "going under" strainers in a little kayak, like Pam.
Bob, check Hemlock
Hi Bob.
In case you haven’t seen it, Dave Curtis has a Covenant in excellent condition in the used section at
his www.hemlockcanoe.com
For those who might not know, Dave’s operation was affiliated with Phil and Blackhawk as Canoe Specialists years ago. They sold both Curtis and Blackhawk canoes in each of their shops.
Phil had a very special way about him. He would make you feel good by just being around him. Just a great guy. Happy and positive.
Thanks for the heads up…
Have looked at the Covenant for sale on Hemlock website on numerous occasions. Even made an inquiry. It certainly appears to be in prime condition. I’d be willing to bet that boat has spent most of it’s life in storage, and was seldom paddled.
A little too pricey for my taste however; especially when shipping costs from east coast to midwest is taken into consideration.
Guess that’s one I’ll have to live without.
I admire your good sense and strong will.
... oh yes, and also your canoe collection.
... and then there's your paddle collection.
Can gget it to
Ohio in Sept.
An offer you can’t refuse, Bob
Sell me your Ariel, buy the Covenant you covet from Curtis and kayamedic delivers for free.