Bought the OI!

I took the OI out this morning into the sea finally. No rolling, no extreme edging or Derek Hutchinson moves etc, just find some confused seas and some swells, beam seas and tides. I had been missing the days when I just took the Tempest out and just paddled into whatever was out there.

What a great boat!

Met up with Jeff at 0800 near his work which is close to my house. I gave him the Tempest and took the OI and then met with Charlie at Oleta.

We went around the islands and then through Hollover cut out into the ocean and down the beach a ways. Great fun. Waves at about a foot to a foot and a half and the boat performed so well that I did not have a moment of indecision. When I take the tempest out I am very comfortable. With this boat it was almost unbelievable how much more in control I was.

Wonderful boat in seas. Didn’t go into surf and probably would not want to but for swells it was really fun! Never needed the skeg the entire time with beam seas coming and going and even did a little bit of swell/ocean wave surfing that was fun…one for about 75 yards or so without me having to do anything but enjoy the ride!

Am already developing a bow rudder stroke that continues to a power stroke that makes it much easier to turn the boat without losing too much momentum. Adapt and overcome. Otherwise an absolutely incredible boat and so far I am ecstatic. Charlie told me that I had a grin from ear to ear the whole time.

I hit 7.2 miles on the gps with just a couple of strokes so it does come up to speed very quickly even with the GP! Couldn’t hold it long but it was there! Can’t wait to try it on flat lakes tomorrow morning before work.

When we got back i called Russel at Sweetwater and gave him the debit card number on the spot. the only thing I hadn’t done with the boat was take it out in waves and this definitely convinced me. Extremely well mannered and what a good looking boat. Ivory over ivory with a green deck strip.

I’m happy.


It’s a beautiful boat and you got a nice little G-style friendly fleet now!

I’m envious but mine should be done soon. Hubby and I are building a strip OI scaled down to 17’x19+" for my size. Gosh, it’s purdy!

Glad you like it- hope you have
many great days with it.

OI ?

Impex Outer Island


Easiest boat I’ve rolled. Quick too!

too pretty
It’s too pretty and I am having the jitters, carrying it delicately from the J racks to the soft pool noodle bed I made for it. My wife just shakes her head and walks away.

Speaking of which, how do I put a keel strip and what material is best. I am assuming there is some tape that I can just lay down to protect the bow?

gonna go do a search now.


A feature that I noticed today was the placement of the skeg slider. On the tempest I was constantly banging my knuckles against it due to it’s position. Just realized this morning that I haven’t hit it once. Went out this morning again on the lake. got it up to 6.7 (something is wrong with the motor-needs a tune up) Didn’t go far but it was fun to introduce the boat to the “circuit”

Which hatches?
Which hatches are being used this year - Valley, Kajak Sport, Other?

303’d them yesterday. Was told that the Valley Hatches, whild being the most waterproof, will dry rot quickly if not cared for properly. so 303 it is.


BTW, did a little research and not so worried about scratching up the gelcoat anymore…it’s gonna happen and the boat is a lot tougher than one would think according to everything I have just read.

new Valley hatch covers are now made from a differant composition. Less prone to UV degradation, but they no longer float…new for 2006

Best Wishes…and congrats on the new ride

The OI is a nice boat


good to know about the hatches


“Interesting” deck rigging…
I just had a look at the deck rigging on the Impex OI, and I’m wondering how owners of this boat feel about it.

Can the rigging just aft of the cockpit accommodate a paddle float re-entry from either side of the boat? I’m also wondering about the rigging further forward and aft. If those bits of bungie are meant to accommodate a spare paddle, wouldn’t a straight bungie across the deck in those places be less awkward? (especially when stowing a long, one piece paddle?).

Otherwise, it looks like a very nice and fun boat; though when it comes to the OI, my personal preference would be the cedar strip version, and without a day hatch (I’m not a great fan of day hatches, but that’s a story for a different thread; more in the realm, I suppose, of a rudder/no rudder discussion ;-)).

Anyway, I hope Paul enjoys many years of paddling in his beautiful new boat! :slight_smile:


Thanks Melissa

– Last Updated: Mar-26-06 7:06 PM EST –

It is confidence inspiring and obviously a well thought out boat. I have been looking at the deck rigging also as I use Greenland Paddles exclusively (for now)
I am also getting some non skid protective clear tape to minimize dings to the gelcoat from the paddles and any other gear I stow.

Interesting how one gets into a mind set. I have always thought of a paddle float re-entry from the left side. Never occured to me that I might have to do this from the right. One more thing to start practicing! (and look at the rigging from a different perspective)


Don’t worry too much about the dings…
…and just paddle the boat! :slight_smile: I recommend getting your first few dings, scratches, and gouges out of the way as soon as possible, so that you’ll quickly become comfortable with seal launches and landings off of and onto rocks, messing about in sea caves and exploring rock gardens, or even letting a clumsy friend paddle your boat! :wink:

Besides, someday, when you just can’t get out on the water for some reason, or when you’re washing your boat at home, you’ll run your hands along this or that ding, scratch, or gouge, and remember with fondness the moment they became a part of your boat. :slight_smile:



– Last Updated: Mar-26-06 8:41 PM EST –

If you ain't scratchin' your boat, you ain't paddlin' right.

I almost got an OI but the only demo they had was last year's (which was WAY too tight--10" foredeck.) I wanted to paddle a VCP Aquanaut but the folks who had them no longer had a demo. I did get to demo a CD Extreme and couldn't get her off my was true love.

Happily married for 6 mos... 'til something hotter comes along... Valley Rapier keeps trying to flirt with me.

Congrats on the new-boat smell!

Congrats on your new Impex OI. It is a real rock and roll boat from what I understand. Purpose built to go the distance, but I would stay away from rock gardens with it as I do not believe it is a “playboat” as some other Impex boats. I have an Assateague, and it is a pleasure to paddle. I have a good paddling buddy that just got one and has not even paddled it yet. He is moving to Florida this year to paddle in warm water with the dolphins and mer-manatees. He will also have a GP stick for a motor. Happy paddling, and please let us know when you have posted a review.

Bernie, 8 miles East of Seattle

Same questions I had
back when the boat first became discussed here. Might be able to find the discussion in the archives. I believe the designers didn’t consider a paddle-float reentry to be a design requirement. I also didn’t see how you could slip a euro-paddle under anything, fore or aft. Maybe a minor point to some, but something I’m able to do with my current boat.

But, it is a beautiful craft, no doubt about that.


Beautiful Boat
Looks like a nice, low rear deck for bracing and rolling.