Bought the OI!


– Last Updated: Apr-02-06 1:24 PM EST –

still trying to get the outfitting right in the OI. I had forgotten about that maneuver..thanks..something else to work on.

Just not an issue in a greenland sof. Balance brace, breathe and figure out how to get back up on the back deck.

What I am finding is that any and all shortcuts that I may have taken with the SOF are glaringly obvious in the OI. In other words, unless my technique is spot on, the clumsiness factor and the extra effort to accomplish a roll (or fail) is very apparent.


sand and epoxy.
Thanks! that sounds like it would be very durable.


got my first scratch. sh*t.

oh no…
…that means the boat will never float again…

I know what you mean though as I won’t know what to do when my new baidarka gets one except get out the sandpaper and varnish! Oh yeah, its no big deal with a wood boat unless you hole it…

Serious about Delmarva though…don’t bail on me as I need to meet up after all this time.


when is it? Delaware? I am in Florida for Chrissakes!

Course I should be in North Carolina by then so maybe it won’t be so bad.


On Reheboth Bay…

Happens in about October 6th or so…that weekend. Not far from North Carolina - at least not much further than northern Connecticut. Saw a note that at least one of the Kiwi’s from New Zealand were going to attend…


registration in June
I can’t remember appointments next week! somebody remind me.


Something Scott said got me thinking and I fashioned a sleeve out of Walmart camp pad material and slipped an oversized norsaq into it and it works very well as either a masik for rolling or a support for the underside of my legs when touring. gonna go work on some hand and other norsaq rolls with this makeshift masik and if they work, won’t bother to work any harder than this.
