Concept II Rowing Ergometer Rower

How is it, OldBill from NH?

Two rows so far
Got it set up last night and got a 3000 meter row in. Did a 5000 meter row this AM. Will start to record times this weekend. Hope to lose a few pounds and be ready to push my J-200 a little faster next season.

I just ordered one.
Seems to have all the advantages of the concept 2 and none of the disadvantages such as price, weight, and size. time will tell. Don’t really much care about pluggin into my computer. Seems kinda weird to me. I want the exercise to get out on the water and do better. so it is a means to an end. Last thing I want to do is go on a virtual trip paddling on my computer. I can keep track of my speed, distance, and calories burned quite nicely on a pad next to the machine.


Just a couple more days until
the holiday challenge ends…

I should be done with the 100K by Friday (did the 200K last year, but recovering shoulder wasn’t ready for that:)

For asnyone who’s interested, there was some interesting info in the surfski group at yahoo, and they discussed rowing a bit in their discussion of VO2 max and some other fitness/training isues/tips.

closing in
i would love a day off from the torture chamber, but i am closing fast on 200K after a late start. 186, 272 as of today. i’m going to finish tomorrow morning, and then paddle for the next 4 mornings (holiday!!).


"exile" on the ipod, 14K later, i’m done with the HC. just over 200km. it’ll be nice to paddle outdoors instead of erg indoors, for a few days.


holiday challenge
Congrats Andrew. Have fun on the water:)

I have 8555 meters to go and will finish soon. I am hoping I manage to get the ski out on the water the day after Christmas-way better to paddle than shop!

Concept II & weight loss?
I had a Concept II and used it for three seasons, then sold it late last winter. That was a mistake, since the Cleveland winters and short daylight hours makes it difficult to get outdoors. I’m probably going to get another. It’s the only exercise device I EVER used frequently and also enjoyed.

How many of you have lost weight using the erg? How much did you lose?

Andrew! And a preemptory congrats to you also, SantaCruzmidwife, and any others who have/will meet their goals. Should have registered for the challenge; well over the 100 mark now. Cooldoctor1 and others, enjoy your Concept ergs, and keep at it-the times come down steadily while the fitness levels go up. I was on it again last night… Andrew, I’m jealous-it was 12 degrees here this AM…12. :frowning:

I’ a former crewbie and haven’t rowed in a while, but when I see people on CIIs the big mistakes are:

*Slamming down the slide on the recovery. That’ll check the glide and kill your speed on the water. Hands should go out fast, but the slide should be controlled. That’s when you relax.

*Starting the drive with the back or arms instead of the legs.

*Lifting their hands over their knees. If you have to do that, your sequence is way off.

*Finishing with hands too high or too low. If you’re at your bellybutton, you can’t get your blade out of the water. If you’re under your chin, you’re not using your muscles effectively.

Wrists should be flat. Your hand is essentially a hook, and there’s no need to grip tightly.

For weight loss info
try this link to the C2 forums…

You don’t have to register.
If you log your meters on the concept2 website, the site is keeping a record of your meters during the challenge:)

I like using the online log. I download it to my computer at the end of the season, so that I have a record of how many metters rowed, times,etc. so that I can remember what type of season I had. This is my third season, second full season rowing on the erg.


congrats pam!
well done. happy holidays!

i took yesterday off altogether, and paddled this morning. about 25F- my hands were a bit cold at first, but it was beautiful out at 7am. mist rising off the river, lots of cold looking birds, not a soul in sight. did about 8 miles or so. hope to get out again tomorrow later in the day, and then again in the morning on monday. then back to the erg on tuesday i guess.


crosstraining on the concept2

– Last Updated: Dec-04-09 2:05 AM EST –

Having a full work week makes it difficult to get out on the water to kayak mon-fri. I had heard about the concept 2 through my brother in law who sculled for Stanford and erged during the off season on a model C. I picked up the model D on last year Dec 3rd and have kept up 3-4 workouts/week averaging 10K per session. I can't think of a better investment. After 1.4 million meters, I've lost 14 pounds and put additional power into my kayak stroke. Albeit it could never replace the experience of paddling on the water, erging on a concept 2 has elevated my kayaking to another level. Leg strength actually helps to stabilize your kayak stroke and rowing is a perfect cross training tool for kayaking.
Thanks Concept 2!