Delta Kayaks is looking for Dealerships in the Southeastern United States, any ideas?
Make better looking boats.
Ace whitewater is opening a new store in gauley bridge WV and will be featuring non whitewater boats, check out the kayak gauley bridge Facebook group for more info
Delta has a dealer in Southport North Carolina, YAKWORKS, but nothing below that. So anyone on the Gulf Coast or Eastern Florida is looking at a 1,000 miles. Looking for something centrally located in the Southeast or on the Gulf Coast.
Those boys make a heck of a boat for the money. Far better than Hurricane and I believe far better than a Mexican Eddyline, both of which that are in Delta’s price range. The Delta 12.10 is the best selling boat at multi brand kayak dealer Northwest Outdoor Center in Seattle and of all the dealers contacted, Frontenac in Canada, North West Outdoor Center in Seattle, Offshore Marine Paddle Warehouse in Illinois and YAKWORKS in North Carolina, every one of them has sold out their 2024 shipment of the boats I were looking for and have deposits on a good portion of the incoming 2025 order.
Interesting, I hadn’t heard that Eddyline moved their manufacturing to Mexico. I had assumed they were still made in Washington. But google search shows Mexico.
Years ago, when I was more in the industry, I visited Delta’s manufacturing site outside of Vancouver. Enjoyed seeing it.
Rule of thumb: Never buy a boat from a company that can’t spell “coaming” correctly.
What is this opinion based on?
Don’t know, I am not personally familiar with the quality Eddyline has been able to achieve in Mexico, that is why I said “I believe.” But Delta has stronger material then Eddylines of the past, is more stable, has better storage and better design performance in their 12S and 12.10 kayaks then comparable Eddylines. The 12.10 is the only short Kayak “Frontenac” allows in its sea kayak courses. I guess I should have qualified my remarks by saying I was referring primarily to the 12S and 12.10 of which I am most familiar, though some remarks carry over generally like the stronger material. Then you throw in the factor of disrupting the entire workforce and moving all production to Mexico leads to the remark, “ I believe far better than a Mexican Eddyline.” That aside, I do believe Delta is the best made Thermoformed Rec Kayak on the market and you can debate “ far better.”
Offshore/Paddlng Warehouse will have our 2025 Deltas coming in on Tuesday this coming week, so 12.10s will be available again shortly.
We’re also an Eddyline dealer, and have seen no difference in materials or build quality between the US built boats from a couple years ago and the new boats, so that shouldn’t be a concern for anyone looking at Eddyline.
The problem @chicago_paddler, is that Offshore Paddling Warehouse is a 1,000 miles away from New Orleans and no one else is much closer. Can Paddle Warehouse have a Delta drop shipped from Delta?
We deliver in a fairly wide swath of the eastern US. Nothing headed to LA right now, but we’ve definitely delivered boats down there before. Shipping is do-able, but we know that shipping a thermoformed kayak is often a recipe for disaster (spelled “forklifts”).
The dealer I talked to said they do not ship boats themselves, due to the inherent risks you mention I assume, but would set up a buyer with the only moving company he felt assured would deliver the kayak undamaged. It was a moving company, a furniture handler who photographed the shipment at all stages. But would cost around $600 for a 1,000 mile delivery. He said shipping a kayak with standard shipping is a guarantee it will be destroyed. So I either make a 1,000 mile drive, find someone passing through the area headed my way or be patient and try and find a used 12S or 12.10.
There is a red “Delta 14 kayak” on FB marketplace for $1,100 in Willis, TX (north of Houston).
My absolute limit size wise for what I want to do is the 12.10, preferably the 12S, though some people say it might be a little small. But I appreciate you trying to locate something, this is not going to be easy to find. Deltas don’t seem to come up that often and on the Delta Owners Facebook Page they talk about getting 85% - 100% retail price before taxes for used boats. Just have to wait and maybe get an interim Eddyline Rio or another Santee 116 if my current Santee 116 completely falls apart, which it is approaching.
White “Delta 12.10 kayak” on FB marketplace for $1,000 in Hiliard, OH (current new is $1,495)