describe paddling a SOF?

Unfortunately I left my three books on SOF design and build in North Carolina last time i was there.


I have a friend who’s wife makes
GIANT plastic bags, like 30’ long and 20’ wide. Don’t ask me how or why tho. She gives me her drop pieces. I don’t know what weight the plastic is but it’s quite thick. Mostly it was the heat that did mine in so quick. It was like sitting in a greenhouse and the water was warm too (maybe I had it in the sun too long too). I’d say I paddled it for about 15 minutes so it was enough. I’ve heard guys paddle them for hours in cooler conditions. I just thought I’d mention that the wrap test doesn’t tell much about the performance it will just let you know if you really screwed something up.

Father and newborn doing fine!
Arrived into the world at 40+ lbs 3 oz. Father and newborn doing fine.

I am sure that Greyak will post later on this evening with some pictures that were taken. His boat is striking. Albeit wrapped in plastic wrap for now, he was able to paddle it for at least a half an hour and I even got to paddle it for a few minutes. Charlie also came with his beautiful white SOF that was 17 feet long. Kris’s boat looks huge. Much higher deck, and much longer, it just looked much bigger next to Charlie’s, but compared to the ski, it appeared quite small.

After I paddled it a couple of minutes, Kris got back in and rolled the boat a few times and did a balance brace…boat got water in it as he had no coaming on it yet but performed beautifully. He is really happy and it looks as if there doesn’t need to be any modification.

Tell you what though, getting in and out of that style boat will take some practice!


Boat unloaded in Orlando

– Last Updated: Jan-01-06 6:55 AM EST –

My SOF is in Orlando according to the tracking info...but won't be down here until Monday or Tuesday...driving me nuts!

It was really really good to see the frame that Kris built and also to see Charlie's boat. Charlies SOF is about 17 feet long, pretty low volume, and very traditional (at least to my eye) looking.
Kris's boat reminded me of Greyhawk's Caribou or maybe the Arctic Hawk I got a chance to sit in while in North Carolina. Fit wise, I felt the front deck pretty high and while in it I felt very familiar. In other words, I didn't have the reaction of a very low deck in front of me.
I suspect mine will be lower volume but the tradeoff will be in the size waves each boat can handle I guess. Or at least drier rides.

All speculation now until mine arrives.

One thing for certain though, I am really really glad that I am getting an SOF.



just curious
I am having a hard time trying to decide the amount of material I will need for the float bags. the heat sealable nylon comes with a 58 inch width.

I am thinking 4 yards will cover it

18.5 foot boat 19 inch beam.

whaddya think?


Sounds about right
Sounds like plenty. I bought nylon taffeta by weight on closeout sale, so for $20 I have enough for several boats and didn’t pay attention to length. Stern bag will probably be less than 7 ft and bow bag less than 5 ft. If desired, allow 18 inches to make flaps for installing the bags and we have a total of 13.5 ft maximum, but I’ve been quite generous in estimating and you probably will actually use less.

Use Cunningham’s book to determine the actual lengths you want to use.


air/float bags
what about deformations? do the float bags provide enough pressure on the skin to make it bulge out?

sorry if this question is amateurish but I remember a post not long ago about putting in a bulkhead and to be careful as it could deform the hull on a fiberglass or plastic boat if too large… wondering if the same could apply to an SOF?


Bulging out
Not a problem if you have enough ribs to support/contain the bags! L

No, unless you have very strong lungs

had to get your shot in didn’t ya?

strong lungs.
Well I don’t have Greyaks penchant for producing copious amounts of hot air…




Started a qajaq for my daughter
yesterday. I’ve just about finished the frame. It’s really cute at 9’ something and 14" wide. It’s like a half scale model but will fit her (for at least a season), she’s 5. I’ll post some pics when I get it done.

let me know

That should be great!
will you put outriggers on it ?


Yes. Maybe after a season I’ll get her
rolling. We spent a lot of time at the beach last summer practicing holding her breath and swimming but she stated in no uncertain terms that she does not want to flip. Although we’ve done drills capsizing our canoe which she found fun.

I’m going to try to make it an efficient kayak that fits her but I can’t see not having outriggers, they’ll be bolted on.

“Training Keels”? NM

So where’s your qajaq now?
Still in Orlando? Arriving Tuesday? Wednesday?

My skin is on. Still need to attach coaming, then shrink (won’t need much as skin went on well), apply finish coats and make deck stuff, then install, and good to go. Maybe by this weekend - or at least finishing up this weekend.


Cinderellas sisters
Boat arrived well, no damage. She is beautiful. You can really see the craftmanship and there was a “surprise” in construction with the back deck that allows more “give” to facilitate leaning all the way back even more.

Unfortunately the distance from the rear coaming to the foot brace was too short. there were so many e-mails flying back and forth with dimensions that Peter may have misread it but suffice to say that I don’t fit in the boat. I spoke to Peter immediately and he is shipping another one in the next few days.

I tried more than Cinderellas sisters to get in this boat and it just wasn’t possible.

I have to say that I am extremely impressed with Peter’s customer service. Within an hour of realizing the dillemma, he was working on another boat and I will have it shortly. For now, the boat is hanging up upside down in my garage and I stare at it wistfully. I will probably take it to Sweetwater in Tampa or I will ship it back to Peter.

I guess this is just one of those things that can happen whenever you have a boat built for you. Peter stands behind his work so well and his exact words were that “we have to get you in a boat right away”. So all in all a pretty pleasant experience.

Will post as soon as I have a new shipping date.
