Do you use Twitter?

Anyone in here on Twitter? I started an account @TXRiverRunner
If so, who do you follow?

Nope but i’m on TS.

Nope. Especially not now.


LOL. Probably best we don’t talk politics!

Good advice as yes, this site is about paddling. Go elsewhere for political stuff.


Yea, my purpose for the question was to see if anybody knew of a good follow on the subject of paddling. I follow manufactures like Wenonah, Novacraft, Bending Branches, or parks to see stuff that you wouldn’t see in a user forum like this. No desire to be political in here at all.


No comment :joy:


I used to, but closed my account it after evil Elon took over

And because he hates this pic, here is me poking him in the eye. Please repost everywhere.


I at some point had an account, may still. But the environment never appealed to me or even made much sense.
And of course now… so I don’t have anything I care about leaving.

Wow! That kind of surprises me how yall feel. I was pretty excited about Musk taking over. I was personally censored for making factual comments about Venezuela from the experience my company had getting kicked out, and the many Venezuelans I work with today. So, leveling the playing field seems like a good idea to me. But that was with a different account and the TX river runner account is just for canoeing & Texas, and to get other people interested in what I think is a great family activity. Go Astros!


I don’t. I never have.
I have no use for any of the “social media” outfits. But I am watching to see if Musk actually helps because all of them I know of are devoutly communist leaning, and Musk may rein in Twitter. But time will tell.

Speaking of Social(ist) networks :
Here is some information about facebook and their law-breaking. One of many reasons I don’t use them.

I have been told some of the networks have other kayakers on them, but considering how powerful and corrupt many of them are I can’t see a reason I’d surrender my privacy (or my morals) to support such evil organizations.
So I use this forum and 2 others and I get enough good information and contacts from those 3 that I feel no desire to use the social(ist) media networks


Actions of the new owner in removing any moderation - literally firing those folks and likely doing so in violation of CA law - just bear out concerns I already had about him.
I might feel dofferently if this announcement came along with a proposal for how to replace that function in a way that rebalanced things for those who found the Twitter platform to be useful in the first place. Didn’t happen though.


I don’t know twitter (actually any of the social media), but, as I understand it, it’s good for very short, one liners - seems the ‘media’ people like it.
I think facebook is good for small business.
They can keep themselves ‘active’ without having to update their website.
eg: Marshall (theriverconnection) will update his with interesting things going on around his shop or new equipment that just came in.
Joey (turningpointboatworks) puts out info on building and repairs.


People let go are getting their due compensation. Like any high tech firm on Wall Street they come to your desk and escort you out of the building so so can’t da my age the company on the way out the door.

Musk is not removing moderation.

Company is not making a dime presently.

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If I see anything indicating how he plans to continue moderation I will retract. But at the moment I am seeing no actual plans, just talk from a very wealthy guy who really does not have to do anything he doesn’t want.
I am not dropping my issues with acting outside of the law in dismissals.

I worked at a small biotech company as a department research director, I got wind of a coming layoff and warned my team about what action they should take. When lay off came they got rid of 95% of the emplyees before they sold the intellectual property. The other 5% were considered “essential”. My name was at the top of the lay off list. About four days later they called me back and asked to come back for a week to help them with computer systems, instrument passwords, and patent filings. I got 25% of my yearly salary for working 3 more days for the idiots. I’m suspecting Musks bank account took another hit from all those “non-essentials” he just had to call back.

He may not be as dumb.

Musk will turn it in to a profitable business.

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You could probably just type in the name of someone you want to follow on there. Usually the bigher name people with YouTube channels are also on all of the social media platforms.

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No free lunch a twitter!

The writers also explained that lunch at the company would no longer be free: “Mr. Musk plans to begin making employees pay for lunch — which had been free — at the company cafeteria, two people said.”