Does You Yak Have a Name?

… which is what the factory named her. I just call her Old Faithful.

I was thinking about

– Last Updated: Jun-25-05 5:58 PM EST –

something like "StarGate".
1. I like the show / movie.
2. It will take me to other (and more peaceful) worlds.

Agelaius (Blackbird)
I’ve been thinking for a year, and finally settled on Agelaius (Blackbird.)

I once witnessed a vision that I shal never forget - somewhere between 200-300 Red Winged and Yellow Headed blackbirds sitting in a reed-choked patch alonside the road in the late-afternoon slanting rays of the setting sun. It was breezy, and the birds were waving to and fro, up and down, holding a very tenuous connection to this earth - wind-tossed and buffeted.

Sometimes I feel just like that - wind-tossed and buffeted - but when I get into my yak and leave solid ground, I feel like the Blackbird - bound only loosely to this earth . . .


My 3rd homebuilt boat
is an all glass boat I designed loosely based on Baidarkas and named “Charluck 173”. Charlotte is my mom’s name, Chuck is my dad’s,so there is the Charluck and the boat came out 17 ft 3 inches long coupled with the fact my mailbox number is 173.

Are we naming canoes too?
…or is this just a kayak-naming thread?

I just bought my first canoe this past Thursday. I’m thinking of naming her “Snake Killer”. Maybe when the snakes see me floating by, they’ll think twice about trying to climb in the canoe with me…

I spent 15 hours on the road today. I saw LOTS of canoes and kayaks tied to the tops of vehicles. It made me smile. And made me wish I was on the water :slight_smile:

If I’m not mistaken…
… it is our very own Andy Szymczak who gave his kayak what I consider to be the very best all-time name.

Sorry if I have the wrong person here, Andy, but wasn’t it you who built your own wooden kayak and named her “Maid Maicelph”?

That’s just brilliant!


It’s the right thing to do…
My Necky Tahsis is named “Mistral Vapor”. Formal boat christening ceremony found on Commander Bob’s web page.

We returned recently from the Apostle Islands. If anyone was out there last Saturday, we were the ones doing the tequila shots in Little sand bay when we got off of Lake Superior.

2-4 ft waves + reflection waves off of Sand Point= a very challenging paddle! The lake is the boss!

Ocean Kayak Scrambler

"Still Afloat"
Actually I didn’t name it myself. I am building a Cirrus Lt and I was having trouble thinking of a name, so when it was in my school’s art show a few months ago I made a game out of it. Next to the kayak I put a little shoe box with “Name the Kayak” written on it. At the end of the day I read through the names and “Still Afloat” just sorta of stuck. It also helped that the most common question people asked me, only second to “Are you really going to use it?” was “Is it really going to float?”.

Salma Kayek

Actually, I don’t name my boats but I thought that would make a good name if I did. :slight_smile:


What do you think?
I just came up for a name for the kayak I’m about to get (Pungo 140)

Rastafari (Rasta Ferry)

My Mom was Jamaican and this is my Ferry Boat. What ya think?