friends bailing, what gives?

"late comers"
Set a dead line time and then leave without them if they are not there by the dead line.



sign up for coastal classes
if the instructor doesn’t show, you’re in real trouble!

Speaking of which, my biggest “no show” problem here is a flakey instructor that returns e-mails three months after you sent them.

I deal with late comer by tell THEM a different time-in-water.

Some people are simply “optimist”. They didn’t purposely want to be late, they just under-estimate how long it takes to get themselves there. So they end up being late. A guy I knew missed his plane several times!!! It cost him plenty and you would have thought he learn the lesson soon enough? No, he just didn’t leave early enough…

So, it’s better they THINK they need to be there at x-30/60 min. Then they’ll actually get there by x time!