Help with info on a 1996 Blue Hole Canoe

I just bought this canoe on a bit of a gamble.
The owner had very little info on it and said it was a “Non branded 15’ canoe made from ABS and purchased about 20 years ago.”

I picked it up and was happy to see it had a Blue Hole Canoe Co. sticker on the inside. At least I had heard of Blue Hole and it was somewhere to start with my research.

From what Ive found it was made by John Williamson after the original Blue Hole company went under but its hard to find more info on this specific model.

The serial on it is BHQK0272H496.

I guess my questions are: Is it an OCA/OCV? Its ABS so does that mean Royalex?
Any info on it would be greatly appreciated!

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Check out this thread from 2020. Limited info, but it’s something.

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Looks like a nice canoe. Hope it fills your need.