Hi, my name is Dave and

NOOOOO!!! I definitely don’t want laws like that, but I think we need less laws not more. I could go on, but then we would probably be violating the “never talk politics” maxim.


Paddling alone vs. no PFD is not even close.

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I agree. As I mentioned before I’m fine with people making up their own minds about what they want.

I have a friend that rides a Harley and he asked me if I ever had a bee fly under my helmet at 60MPH and start stinging my face and have to stop without crashing. Then he related that helmets make better looking corps for the funeral as the extra weight of the helmet normally breaks your neck on an impact.

I told him what I told you do what makes you happy bro. He never said he wanted to tell other people not to wear a helmet just why he doesn’t. Sounds like a free country to me.

I personally have been on WW but in rafts when I was young. Was a lot of fun and something I would never do today. I’m not going to tell anyone they are too old to do WW.

Thanks. I have been hating on it because it’s one of those heavy duty bulky ones, but it turns me face up so I think it’s a good trade-off, all things considered. I’m glad I didn’t replace it with something smaller like I almost did in the Spring.

I wouldn’t be in favor of that either. I make my own decisions, and I am OK with others making their own decisions.

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It depends. I’ve provided examples, do you think they aren’t valid?

They work for you that’s all the matters to you.

“That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence” - Christopher Hitchens

I must say, except for JACKASSSOT this is the livelyest discussion in a while…I’m quite perplexed why any of of us even respond anymore…


Is that a good or bad thing? You may have a point though, we seem to have reached the circling around over the same thing point.

I just read an interesting article which makes a very strong argument for wearing your PFD, but the focus of the article went beyond that and focused on the 20% who drown wearing a PFD. The comments about paddlers were interesting particularly because according to the article paddlers make up a significant number of those 20% of drownings.

I can’t seem to link it, but the title is, “The Other 20% – When Wearing a Lifejacket is not Enough” by CDR Kim Pickens, USCG Reserve.

A little data from the USCG about boating fatalities from 2020;

Canoe: 42 fatalities, 36 by drowning, of the 36 drowning victims 33 were not wearing a lifejacket.

Kayak: 112 fatalities, 95 by drowning, of 95 drowning victims 70 were not wearing a lifejacket, 3 were unknown concerning wear.

SUP: 10 fatalities, all by drowning, 6 were not wearing a lifejacket.

Dave believe it ot not, that was meant as acknowledgement of my respect. FIREBRAND: A person who is passionate about a particular cause, typically inciting change and taking radical action. Of all the posts that I read from you, I thought you “explained” how you felt comfortable and justified in your precautions. You convinced me and I even acknowledged to doing things that exceeded anything you have been accused of. The difference between you and me is that if someone challenge me about it. I would have said “I did it, I own it!” You and I both know you don’t owe me anything so let it ride. You misunderstand me. Like I said about anyone who doesn’t believe me. It for me to prove, not for them to believe. Its 10:35 pm and I’ve put a good part of my day in trying to connect with you. I haven’t eaten all day, so I’m falling back and regrouping. I’ll get I eventually. No hard feelings. I’m not blaming anybody because I haven’t stopped to eat. The fast won’t hurt me. Dave, you’re working me overtime. Don’t make me give up. Because I wanted to know where your primary paddle area is.

We could keep this going by discussing other safety devices like seat belts, car seats, condoms, masks, etc
Pros and cons of each.

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Read an article a while back about repairing a kayak with a condom…does that count?

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Is this longer than the FOB thread yet?

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I have no hard feelings. It would be a waste of time and only hurt me to carry anger against people I only know through the internet.

I don’t think we’re really that far apart. Although, I’m not sure what you mean by owning it. I said what I did and do, to make a point not to apologize.

I live and paddle in eastern North Carolina, but do travel and paddle in other areas. This year, I spent 3 days on the Rio Grande in Texas, 3 days in BWCA, and going again in September, and 4 days in St Regis Canoe area in New York.

Should I let everyone know I only wear a bicycle helmet when riding MTB trails? :wink:

Not yet – ten to go.

The longest thread that I remember is the Functional Freestyle thread started by Marc Onstein back in 2014 at 411 posts. If you paddle a canoe you really should read through this thread. Marc is awesome, and some really talented paddlers contributed ideas.


I’ll bet there are longer threads than that. I went back to look for String’s post in the archive but I couldn’t find it.

I will admit that is nice to see a thread on a paddling topic that got some emotion going. Glad davbart has a thick skin. He picked a topic that he knew would get some push back, but it is still an interesting discussion.