I realize I’m no longer enjoying this forum

I feel like we used to talk about paddling.


I tried that. I was told it isn’t about paddling, my posts were like books . . . I’m with you. I think the side shows are better.

What do you wa t to talk about, bunnies, kitty cats, and puppies.

I like cats and puppies

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What I find sad is that any new kayaker looking to possibly join the community currently sees the Public Safety thread as the top hit. What a great impression that must make.

Some months ago I passed along to the moderators that several kayakers to whom I recomended this site, were quite put off by what they read and decided not to participate. The moderators saw no problem with the way things are and suggested flagging anything offensive or if a thread went too far off topic.

Not being very tech savvy, I asked my social media-using husband about all this. He confirmed that discussion boards are often taken over by a handful of people who consistently bring the conversations back to themselves and their interests no matter the OP and cause formerly active members to stop participating.

Seems to be happening here. There used to be a wonderful diverse membership sharing wide-ranging opinions about all things paddling. Rudder v. Skeg was the most heated things got. Now it’s an handful of the same names on most threads who get huffy if you dare disagree with their opinion or suggest they are too far afield from the OP.


I think that’s funny

Sounds a lot like censorship. Do it. Shut it down. Sit alone in the dark. The only reason I stay is for a handful of contributors who have an open mind. I’ve never seen them huff off and say you won’t change my mind, then be critical that the other person is trying to influence his or her opinion. I have personal emails to some of the ones I appreciate, but would miss the ones I wouldn’t have access to. Such is life.

What you’re saying is we need more members who can’t mix it up in the arena. Talk about bunnies and campfires, or the impact camfires have on global warming. Bunnies are nice but do the people introducing predatory animals to an area realize bunnies are predator food. Now that isn’t necessary to point out.

That might be a trigger. If you get your feelings hurt, quit, or better still, have the person lock out. I read everything and I haven’t seen anything offensive. I’ve seen heated exchanges. That’s nothing compare to engagements with family or coworkers, in fact, many bitter rivals on the job are now close confidantes and friend, and I’m lunching with a group tomorrow. Don’t wear your shorts too tight. Chill out. Disagreement isn’t always bad.

People I mentioned the forum to won’t join it because they think all forum are milk-toast populated by self-absorbed members who think any thing they say should be accepted without the need to support it with facts. Eh, what’s the point.

I worked for a guy who said, “Don’t confuse me with logic, I’ve made up my mind.” I guess that is what you’re suggesting here - I bet I’m one of the members that you think . . .

I agree it’s time to no longer participate here. Maybe a company with a real interest in paddlesports will acquire the domain name in a year or two.


You just proved my point. Who were the first two to respond to the OP - the bromance brothers making fun of a perfectly legitimate comment made in all seriousness, if not frustration.

Most rational people see no need to confront pontificating members who in fact are the ones who can’t take criticism. Your own complaint about comments on your long-winded posts is exhibit A.

“There’s an emergent community, from center left to center right, of people who feel politically homeless and are recognizing that the big division is no longer between left and right, but between people who are on the extremes, who are humorless and aggressive and deluded by their passion and tribalism, versus the middle 70 percent of the country.” ~ Jonathon Haidt, author ‘The Coddling of the American Mind’

@SeaDart and I (and others) are going to find better things to do than engage in a battle of wits with the unarmed. Y’all can have the sandbox. Hasta la vesta, baby.


Yeah. It’s getting to be a real downer. I came here for the paddling, but that seems to be dwindling. I end up feeling discouraged and browbeaten, even if I don’t post anything.


I’m good.

The forum admins just need to restore the “Bicker and Banter” category that used to contain such exchanges and then act to move contentious off-topic strings to that bucket to clarify their content so nobody accidentally strays into them without being aware that they might be provocative.

We used to be able to request such transfers. It was not “censorship”, just proper assignment by content category, as is true for the current sectionalizing.


Still do about paddling – the vast majority of discussion strings are still legit exchanges of useful advice and experiences. One need not follow those that are off topic.

The main reason I have begun to not enjoy these forums is the intrusive animated banner ads (virtually none of them huckstering paddling related products) that often block the “reply” box as well as give me a headache.

Also, the site enabling the avalanche of mostly animated ads has caused it to use far more memory, as my browsers keep reminding me. Both scrolling and especially trying to type text in response windows has ridiculous lagging and freezing now. Bottom screen ads often block the window entirely and closing them just triggers the next one. Anything good gets monetized any more, to the detriment of users. I just timed and it took over 3 minutes for that last sentence to display as I typed it. .


I’m good. I leaved my lesson. No reason to change the rules for everybody


I know.

Still don’t know who the hell you are! Not intending to be rude, but I still can’t recall a singlevposr from you except you denunciation. Such things don’t bother. But you seem to know me!

I’m not quite ready to leave the forum. I enjoy hearing about interesting trips, seeing pictures of places I’ll probably never go, sharing experiences with different boats and gear, and learning from the inventors about their DIY fixes.
I have, however disengaged from the disrespectful babblers.
We’ll see by spring how many are left. Remember, the site owners don’t really care what we’re talking about. They’re just counting eyeballs and ad clicks


Forgive me if I’m confused, but it looked to me like your post #81 on the “Personal Safety” thread was a response to the OP there (about the homeless stuff), but directed to Coronaboy - I figured that was by mistake. If that’s not the case, then I’m more confused than I thought! :face_with_diagonal_mouth: Anyway, my unsolicited 2¢ - just trying to help put the fire out.

Then it was an incompetent error on my part. I accept your point and accept respondibility for the.error. i must say I walked through minefields with less trepidation.

@JCH_ski, youre a saint. Thank you for pointing that out. Considering that it was a greviuos error on my part, it’s hard to diffuse responsibility. I do see the content of the message referenced homeless, but I can imagine being unknowingly thrust into such a happless discussion. Absolutely no intented link to anyone else. Thanks JCH. I know I’m the offender, but I can’t feeling a little pouty rich now. Other threads stand.