Idiots at boat launch: specimen #2

After I finished paddling yesterday, I heard a woman greeting two people with, “Don’t get too close to me. I have COVID.”

When the two visibly recoiled, she hurriedly assured (?) them, “I feel fine. That was, like, a week ago.”

I was flabbergasted. Oh, so you still have COVID and feel fine and don’t care if you infect others? How could I forget? It’s all about doing whatever you want, no matter what! Another fine example of entitlementality.

As I expected, she used the bathroom. I was glad I still keep alcohol gel in my truck, but I used the other bathroom. I also warned a maintenance worker who soon came around that she should disinfect door handles and toilet lids.

Yeah, I walked over to to the truck and powerboat trailer she had come in. The truck plates were CO but the trailer was TX. Probably a second-homer, the same kind that flooded SW CO buying up houses during COVID “shutdown.” We had MORE from-away tourists roaming around during the time when Coloradans had been urged to stay close to home than we did prior to COVID.

I hope high gas prices really hit that crowd hard.


a bit harsh… Yes not a cool move if you know you are infected, but lots of us had no idea until we had to be tested for work or school.

I suppose only out of staters are idiots. How not true. We have plenty of homegrown ones too.

I was hoping the US vs THEM mentality had cooled. I guess not.


Obviously, she knew and went boating anyway in a public facility.

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I agree that she should have been clear via a couple of negative tests before those interactions and thus lacking anything to warn people about. Kayamedic is also correct about not always knowing. One of our Board members for my orchestra suspected she might have it but ran our Silent Auction masked after three days of negative tests.

Turns out she was carrying such a low viral load that it took until the next morning to go positive. Of course that also meant that staying masked worked, zero CoVid cases from that performance.

As to the flight from urban areas, l happen to be in an area where there was a massive migration twice now. We got piles of refugees seeking an upstate life after 911. CoVid just gave us a second round.

The impact on the lives of local people from both of these migrations was huge. Then as now housing prices moved so fast that many people who had been saving for a house found themselves kicked out of options for another year or more. I know people who were ready to pull the trigger but have given up even looking because of the bidding wars.

This is fine for me sitting in a structure with my next phase of life to be an apartment with lotso services in an oold fart community. It is nasty for people trying to locate or relocate into a house. It is nasty for communities when a lot of people from outside with no kids can impact decisions about public schools. Bound to create resenrment unless we come up with a new model of human being.

Yeah, those who you want to call pejorative names abound everywhere, locals as well as outsiders. But there are factors that make it more aggravating.

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you said a lot, My take on out of state folks migrating to the area is that I migrated here too, just a lot earlier. Rural areas have unexpected challenges for folks from an urban or suburban environment. For example the nearest hospital might be 40 miles away. If they are building new houses, I think I am ok with that. A lot of bad practices have been “grandfathered in” on older homes, think drainage field vs mound for septic systems. New structures will have to meet higher standards. IN my area the population is aging yet we need to support a school district for fewer and fewer kids every year. New folks frequently bring kids with them. Any way back to the boat landing. Give her credit for informing you that she had covid, she could have stayed quiet. Covid drove a lot of folks to out door activities including paddle sports. Hey if you are the only person at the park, it will probably not get much love from the state, county or federal government. From my kayak I see the sail boats as members of my support team should I get into trouble.

As a kid growing up on Lake Erie in Pa we would get a summer influx every year of what my parents and everyone else their age called “Those Damn Mup Ears” I asked my dad what was a Mup Ear and he told me when you ask them where they are from they say We are mup ear from Pittsburgh. They didn’t see them as tourists bring money to the area but rather pests invading the peace and quiet of lake life.

Some things never change that was 60 years ago and now the Mup Ears jump on a plane and fly to the coast or drive to the Carolinians or Fla. Near homeless folks live in the old motels that they used to stay at.

Covid will be with us forever I’m afraid. People that are getting tested are a step up from those that ether don’t know they have it or say it’s a cold and like a cold when you start feeling better you go about your life. I don’t really see the geography of someone’s origin as a contributing factor to stupidity. Stupid people are everyplace these days.

Bless her heart!

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I just took the photo. I’m sitting just a few miles from the highest crime area in SC, Myrtle Beach.
The highway was packed with out of staters when we came in on Saturday. They are now packed into the hotels, golf courses, and whatever attraction floats their boats.
Yesterday we paddled the marsh.

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Yes, the SARS-CoV-2 virus is here to stay. But it has been subject to the normal evolutionary pressures that all prior viruses causing pandemics have been, namely toward variants that are more infectious but less pathogenic. Viruses that kill their hosts or make them very severely ill do not propagate as well as those that are highly infectious, but make their hosts only mildly ill.

What’s more, most of us have clear serological evidence that we have had viral infection, although many may not know it. The vaccines result in production of antibodies, and hopefully some degree of cellular immunity, directed against proteins of the receptor binding domain of the virus only, the so-called “spike proteins”. The vaccines do not include any of the other proteins of the coronavirus, namely envelope proteins, membrane proteins, and nucleocapsid proteins. Therefore only individuals who have harbored the actual virus will have circulating antibodies directed against the nucleocapsid proteins, “anti-N” antibodies.

The CDCs own data has shown that the majority of Americans have detectable anti-N antibodies. In the pediatric and adolescent age groups it is the vast majority. As of February of this year, seroprevalence of anti-N antibodies was 75.2% in the 0-11 year age group, 74.2% in the 12-17 year age group, 63.7% in the 18-49 year age group, and 57.7% overall for all age groups.

But that was back in February and since then we have had emergence of even more highly infectious omicron variants BA 2.12.1, BA 4, and BA 5 which all have been documented to have a higher degree of immune escape than the original omicron variant, so those percentages are all undoubtedly considerably higher by now.

Bottom line: most of us have already had it, and those who have not likely will at some point, unless you are willing to live your life in a cave somewhere.


Another Bottom Line is people are still dying after getting infected from Covid. For what purpose I’m not sure but there is now less reporting as to infections and deaths but they are still occurring. How many people would rush up and give this women a hug? I’d keep myself and my kayak clear of her.


Agree. The original idea was to shut down for a short time 2-3 weeks to alter the transmission curve making it perhaps longer but not higher in the number of cases. Slow the spread and allow the medical industry time to both ramp up and not be overwhelmed. That I believe worked. Somewhere along the line it became the idea that if two weeks was good two years would be better and at that point the harm of closing a country was perhaps worse than Covid19. They knew early on that seniors were the most likely to deal with it in the worst ways and seniors and others with other underlying conditions were at highest risk. IMO those groups were the ones that needed the prolong lockdowns and all the testing and preventive / therapy drugs. As it is some amount of natural immunity and eventual herd immunity will be the end game.

It is hard to say what the adverse effects of all this lock down and all the worldwide politics will cause in the end.

I’m 67 and had Covid19 before they had the immunization I then had the two jabs and then a second bout of the newer variant. I assessed myself and passed on jab 3-4 that many are getting.

IMO it was very hard to get an honest appraisal of the options and we each have to do what we feel is right. From the beginning I didn’t think these DIY masks did anything and if you were lucky enough to find a N95 the average Joe didn’t use it properly and transferred more germs off it reusing it than they stopped.

If someone tells me they had Covid last week or even the common cold I tell them to back off.

The situation has changed dramatically since the early days of the pandemic. The vaccines were unquestionably of great value in diminishing the number of hospitalizations and deaths, particularly among the elderly and immuno-compromised. And at first, the vaccines were also highly effective in preventing community spread.

But the virus has changed and the vaccines have not. Despite all we heard about how the mRNA vaccines could be fairly quickly “tweaked” to protect against new variants, this has not been done. The mRNA vaccines that we have now are the same as what we had during the alpha variant wave. They worked quite well because they were based on RBD proteins of the alpha variant. But as the RBD has mutated, new variants have demonstrated progressively greater degrees of immune escape, all of which was inevitable.

The vaccines still confer a fair degree of protection against severe disease, but the newer variants also demonstrate much less ability to descend into the lower respiratory tract than the alpha and delta variants did and that was what caused most of the severe pathology and mortality. Unfortunately, the vaccines offer very little protection against community spread. In one analysis, cited below, from New York State, the Pfizer vaccine was only 12% effective in preventing infection in the 5-11 year age group.

As for your take on CDCs mask recommendations I agree completely and you have in fact touched a nerve. Well into this pandemic the current director of the CDC, Rochelle Wallensky, was maintaining that person to person spread of SARS-CoV-2 was primarily via droplets, trying to make a case that cloth masks were effective. This was despite the fact that top epidemiologists and virologists, such as Michael Osterholm who had studied the SARS and MERS coronavirus pandemics extensively, said from the start that it was beyond a doubt that the virus was transmitted by tiny aerosolized particles that easily penetrated even multi-layer cloth masks and many surgical masks. In fact, it was only in March of 2022 that the White House diverged from the CDC and focused on aerosol airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2.

One of the most profoundly shocking demonstrations of the dishonesty of the CDC was their claim in February of this year that wearing a cloth mask diminished risk of testing positive for covid-19 by 54%. This was based on a study cited below that looked at positive test rates for users of different types of masks between groups of individuals that always wore a mask in public and those who never wore a mask in public. The fact is that there was no statistically significant difference between the two groups for those who wore cloth masks. Yet the CDC advertised this study as showing 54% protection for cloth masks. This is one of the most profoundly scientifically dishonest pieces of misinformation I have seen on the part of a US health agency in a long time.

While the study did show a significant difference for the surgical mask users the study certainly did not establish cause and effect for wearing a mask. Obviously people who always wore a mask were much more likely to embrace other mitigating strategies such as avoiding public places or close human contact in groups, etc. than those who never wore a mask. So their exposure would have been much less mask or no mask.

Mandates have required passengers on public transportation to “wear a mask” yet cloth masks, shown to have filtration efficiencies for tiny aerosolized particles capable of carrying a 100 micron coronavirus of 12% or less, would qualify. So travelers were mandated to do something that in many cases was completely ineffective and pointless.

The CDC has also completely discounted, if not actively suppressed, scientific data demonstrating the protective value of so-called natural immunity conferred by prior infection with SARS-CoV-2 when issuing their one-size-fits-all recommendations and mandates for who should be vaccinated.


Thanks Doc… ( he really IS so he is likely more educated than most of us on this problem)

Washing hands and hand sanitizer don’t do much good. Virus is spread by inhalation of concentrated virion particles . Wear an good fitting N-95 mask if you have to go into a enclosed space or crowded outdoor space. And yes the only good Texan is a dead Texan, you can quote me on that.


The maintenance worker propped open both doors to let wind and sun in. She thanked me for warning her.

Regardless whether or not the infected woman “felt fine,” MY point is that going to a busy place while knowingly still infected is just.plain.selfish. Going out in the boat could have waited a few more days, or whatever it would take to get a negative test result.

Jerks exist everywhere, no argument there. Funny how so many of the seasonal traveling jerks to certain areas come from certain other states, though.


As before, I agree with pikabike re the woman’s basic lack of responsibility.

As to CoVid, I agree with pblanc that the promise of the vaccine being easily tweaked is so far a sham. I seem to be someone who does not get it while all my as or more careful friends - HN or N95 masks etc - do. But I suspect I have unusually good resistance, because while I have gotten the booster and all it is still the same shot that went into my arm 18 months ago.

I am not interested in arguments about the CDC etc, pretty much everyone involved in this has managed to perform badly at some point. What I am increasingly frustrated by is that they cannot catch a supposedly easily malleable vaccine up to counter 18 months worth of variants. So until they manage that, I have to act like pretty much everyone walking around can give me a case.

In-state vs. out-of-state; tourists vs. second-home owners vs. year-round residents; paddlers vs motor boaters … I’m not sure these are meaningful categories.
The arguments we’ve seen throughout the pandemic seem to be between the “me first” crowd (“I have the right to do whatever I want whenever I want”), and those who are inclined to consider others’ needs and feelings before their own.
My bias (of course!) is heavily in favor if paddlers. As a group they’re among the kindest and most considerate people I know.


You know if you don’t want a lot of hugging, shaking of hands and people in your space…a little “covid”, TB or plague might be a good thing to mention to insure space. :wink:

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Funny you mentioned this strategy. I have told people on occasion when they are not social distancing with me that I have an infectious disease and it would be in their best interest to stay clear. It is an effective tool to use.

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coughcoughcoughcoughcouch “Argh, this dry hack is driving me nuts, and I can’t smell much anymore…”

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