kayak type ?
experience level ?

but no flipping the now word is



I notice you picked the one hater out of dozens of positive reviews for that boat.

Funny how snobbery and dishonesty seem to go hand in hand.

do you ever click on your links?
I ask because they’re almost never specific to the conversation.

I’m still not sure why you expect much from a $175 boat. Do you expect a $500 car to be safe?

something you seem to be missing
Anyone who gets into the water in any type of watercraft should be familiar with swimming and should be wearing a PFD.

you don’t know me well enough to make

– Last Updated: Jun-28-16 7:19 PM EST –

that comment. I'm an advocate of rec boats. But I'm not an advocate of cheap sh*t. You get what you pay for. Personally if I cared as little about actual kayaking as the manufacturers of that boat, I'd use a tube instead.

Pick any boat in the reviews and I guarantee you that most of the reviews will be 8/10 or above. Because for one, most people have little frames of reference, and secondly, no one wants to cop to buyer's remorse. Now go spend another $75 on a used boat that'll be worlds better than that crap.

almost never …

Reasonable was not my intent

Google news searches can go awry.

Idea here is accidents should rise with a flood of hard chines.

the SIX will be in here


No buyer’s remorse here. If I had spent $1,000 to do what I can do for $200, THEN I’d have some buyer’s remorse.

Reading of the
HS girl’s funeral, I questioned if these paddler’s realize the necessity for swimming.

‘Like’ kayaking is what people do, not kayaking is swimming.


Try sticking to the topic
Yes, you can paddle your sundolphin in calm water if you stay centered in it. But that’s not what the discussion is about.

If you didn’t have buyer’s remorse you wouldn’t have called me a snob for pointing out what I did, now, would you.

so that’s the boat’s fault?
People capsize all the time in boats with good primary or secondary stability. And people with abilities paddle boats with tender primary and/or secondary stability all the time.

Tell me in english why it makes sense to blame a $175 boat.

posting was not intended to ‘BLAME’

posting was intended to investigate and ask for qualified opinions.

if the kayak rescue and injury rate is up then we ask what is the source ?

Opinion is…no pdf…no swimming…no information.

Right, but what is the method for floating ? The vehicle… . the vehicle’s design.\ ?

not what I ate for lunch.

Farm pond fatality
the kayak nears loaded gunland.

without a shepherd.

at Wal when looking at a hull in the Yak Row

‘out of stock’


– Last Updated: Jul-10-16 6:59 AM EST –

one more

scroll to local news


A Subie ad end of photos .

Not amazing. Simple
The deceased wasn’t wearing a LIFE jacket.

are unaware ignore do not respond to necessary skills.

"I’m ‘just’ riding around the block’

My recall of fatal was incorrect in posting ‘flipping’ for 35 fatalities when 75-100 is ballpark.



list stats for 100 days at 75 fatalities

stats for the ‘amazing’ group would be more for 50 days.

A guesstimate then as I haven’t recorded the reports would be the rate is roughly the same as AW’s but with a different or additional category of low cost kayak users.

Possible then for a dramatic, and newsworthy increase in one category fatality rate with a lower rate in the traditional areas.

right. blame the user

Re: Caber Tossing
Now there is an event that I know something about. In another athletic life once lived, I spent 10-years traveling all throughout the United States, as well as making several visits to Scotland & even Iceland once for strength events which included caber tossing. In my travels I have shouldered some pretty meaty sticks for sure, all while weighing 25 stone myself.