OK NDK (SKUK), I want a Romany Classic MINUS

Saw an add for Paddling Magazine announcing the ‘New Romany Classic Plus’ (Romany Classic with knee humps).

OK, all well and good, but I want a ‘Romany Classic MINUS’
Minus a few pounds.

Until a few years ago, I paddled only Romanys (or Explorers).
After my back went out, I made a self prescription of only padddling kayaks under 40lbs.
No more NDK.
I did order one several years ago (Romany LV) that was promised to be under 40 - it wasn’t.

Maybe they should ‘lend’ the mould to ‘Turning Point Boatworks’ to build a Joey Schott layup.

But, but… that undermines the NDK mantra that their lay up is “expedition” quality, i.e. heavy to take on the rigors of heavy duty use!!!

Is it because you want a 16’ play oriented SINK? I kind of think that he made the right choice with making a mold for the 14’ Petrel Play. A superlight 16’ plus play oriented SINK would put you right into the Sterling Kayaks’ wheelhouse.

BTW, I see a Romany for sale in a nearby New England state for $1,000. I felt a fleeting interest and then let it pass, knowing weight of that boat compared to my Sterling Progression.


yes, the Brits make them tough (but heavy).

Yeah, just another choice. I don’t think of the Romany so much a ‘surfing’ boat, but one that can handle any surf. (dancing Vs surviving). It’s a fun kayak.

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True that… I am a sucker “always” for another surf specific craft, or for another “play oriented” longboat (as long as it it is light enough for my aging body). I know, I know… a lot of the “grass might be greener…” syndrome.


Surf/play craft hoarder.

As long as you’re talking new, the past several years I’ve seen a lot of lighter SKUK composite layups. The last one I carried up the beach and loaded on the roof for someone felt truly light weight for a sea kayak. You may want to check for yourself if you’re ever around a newer SKUK carbon kevlar layup. You may find yourself back in your favorite.
I’ve never really been able to speak much to any added toughness of British builds. They seem to crack and break under stress and impact similar to any others. I own a SKUK Greenlander, SKUK Triton, Valley Aquanaut, Valley Selkie, P&H Capella, P&H Quest LV, P&H Bahiya, P&H Sirius, and North Shore Ocean 17.6. So it isn’t that I’m unfamiliar or not a fan. Current Designs, Seaward, Impex, Boreal Design all seem to have turned out some pretty solid layups over the years. I’m sure I’m missing some.

Turning Points is starting production on the 16ft Petrel soon, if not already doing so. The line maybe long though.

yes, I like the ‘looks’ of the Petrel.

The Petrel Play (I have one) is great for surf and for ‘short’ paddles (under 30).
I like a ‘playful’ kayak - even on long paddles, currently using a Sterling Illusion (mostly) for my over 30’s. I think the Petrel would fit this kind of trip - good for long paddles while retaining some of the ‘playfulness’ of the Petrel Play.

The Petrel dimensions are intended for the BIG paddlers. Still missing something longer and playful for the small to medium size paddlers. CD’s Danish designed models – Sisu and Prana – fit that notch. However, at 49-52 lbs for composite, these boats could use a weight reduction treatment that Turning Point seems to specialize in.

I like and was interested in getting the CD Karla (15’3"x21.5"). But couldn’t find one when I was looking so I am glad I ended up with the Progression (16’2"x21.75") and its 39 lbs vs the Karla’s 49 lbs. :slight_smile:


Interesting, though, I paddled a Romany (before named ‘Classic’) for years before getting a ‘more fitting’ to me - Romany LV.

I’d like to try one (but will wait for something like TPBWs ‘Carbon Lite’ layup - with the promise that I won’t use it in a heavy surf).

Too rich for me… 2022 Current Designs Karla LV Fiberglass Kayak - sporting goods - by… (craigslist.org)

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Good luck with that! When I was looking for the CD Karla in the New England states, all the CD listed dealers carried only the CD rec boats. Not a play oriented seakayak to be found (granted it was at the beginning of the pandemic). Thus, my resort to Sterling Kayaks.


That’s a beautiful boat. :+1:

Unfortunately, too far away and too heavy in weight for me. When I was looking to go lighter than my PH Delphin 150’s 55lbs, I had a shot at a well maintained, pre-owned Aries 150 (composite version of the Delphin) at $2K. But, the weight of the Diolene lay up was 51 lbs. Didn’t seem like much of advantage for the price, over my Delphin 150 (which I liked quite a bit for performance but not weight).


Hmmm… Again, a Turning Point Boatworks remake, sub 40 lbs and tough…?


Thanks, interesting.
A ‘tip’ for those paddling lightweight boats:
carry a sand stake with you when taking breaks on ‘breezy’ beaches.
I learned this after I had to chase after a runaway kayak once.


So, Joey mentioned “innegra” in his lay up. Not knowing this, I googled and found this interesting vid:



Wow, great video, so informative.
And much reflected in TPB’s layups.
(summarized from TPBs website):
Fiberglass Infusion, 40lb
combination of different weight E-Glass cloths and a layer of Innegra (balance the toughness with light weight) infuse with Epoxy Resin

Basalt/Innegra, 36lb
S-Glass combined with Innegra infused with Vinylester Resin

Hybrid Ultraglass Hull/Carbon Fiber Deck, 36lb
Fiberglass hull Carbon fiber layup deck

Carbon Lite, 30lb
Carbon Fiber combined with Innegra for an ultralight and durable layup

Ok. I’ll keep an eye out for a carbon lite Petrel Play in the pre-owned market! :wink:


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Yeah I gave up on Valley after too many years of lugging super heavy boats. Going from a nearly 60 lb boat (made for small people!) to my 45 lb Tiderace was a revelation.

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Not an “revelation”, rather an “enabler” as one gets more advanced… in age that is!


Hopefully, this finally puts to rest the ridiculous NDK/SKUK claim that a kayak has to be built with chopped-strand fiberglass mat and thick gelcoat laid up by hand - and weigh a ton - to be durable. Someone should send these video links to Nigel Dennis.