OT + , Open Carry in SC

I see the similarities. You convinced me. Let’s go Brandon.

Happy 4th of July everyone!

  • Display our flag proudly, it belongs to all of us.
  • Be grateful for having the good fortune to live where we do.
  • Our country may be going through a rough patch now, but we’ve been through worse only to come out stronger.
  • We can overcome our current challenges as long as we jealously guard the separation of powers as enshrined in the Constitution by Hamilton, Madison and others.
    Also, today is another good day to tell your family you love them. Tomorrow will be as well. Cheers.

What shocks me is how the media and the democrats have been gaslighting the public with clipped videos taken out of context. I saw the video of the original Charlotville speech and how they clipped it. The same thing happened about the bloodbath for the auto industry, and the phone call to the Ukrainian President. You were dupped. You were dupped and probably still being dupped by the Russian Collusion, if you listen to Rachel Madcow. Dupped by the FBI Director saying Hilary Clinton couldn’t be prosecuted. Anyone, everyone who believed that was dupped - did you look up the citations I furnished and search for the word intent. That was a flim flam fellow paddler, you were dupped. Her criminal action was so agregious, it needed no explanation. I gave you the answer, did you look up the facts. @davbart described your approach perfectly. It’s not a matter of opinion. I gave you the truth. I gave you the law. You either ignored the facts, or you ignored it and refused to accept the facts that she could have been charged under two statutes for “Mishandling” classified information. The fact of mishandling, not the intention, either wittingly or unwittingly, or whether it got into the hands of any foreign adversary (which it did, and Comey admitted that, but nobody cared. She compromised Special Access Program or of limited distribution because release could compromise valuable sources, methods or the lives of human assets - think about that. People could have died - Comey knew that, which us why he was fired and not even allowed back into the building). Comey quoted the act statute for, "intentionally providing classified information to an adversary “to hurt the US.” THAT is espionage. She didn’t commit espionage. She mishandled classified information. Either you didn’t have enough interest to learn the facts, or you learned the facts and didn’t admit your lack of awareness. I know because I watched how the justice system exonerated her, the way Biden was treated and the way Trump was railroaded. I doubt you even read the Presidential Retetention Act. I had to know the standards. I iinvestigated violations of security regulation. I certified facilities and established procedures for transporting and handling classified information. I adjudicated information to grant or deny security clearances. I knew at a glance what was going on with these hounds. Did you buy into their manipulation. Do you feel like accepting their lies served to be complicit in the criminality. If you didn’t know then, you have a chance to figure it out now, but will you take that step to learn the truth. It might helo you from being dupped in the future and prevent being used as a tool.

The world known undeniably that the current executive is incompetent. They’re propping up a puppet to represent you - who is making the decisions for the country. While we have a homeless problem due to his inflationary policies (he blamed Trump and you probably believe the puppet), we borrow money from China, then give it to their citizens who enter illegally and they get free health care, food stamps, a cell phone $500 rooms, food, and our homeless get NOTHING, except free needles. Do you feel superior because of your compassion, and quote Trump reading from Mein Kampf. Today, the Democrat party line is that the chief executive is the smartest guy in the room (clearly referring to a room full of gaslighted democrat voters). You’re propping up a deteriorated dementia victim as leader of the country. I’m sick of sugar coating the con game and the people who are beig flim-flammed. Don’t quote clap trap to me. Raise points of law. Then we can quote statutes. Look at the ones I quoted and respond to my question. I’m curious whether you feel sorrow for being manipulated, or if you resist looking at it for fear that I’m right. Biden had no legal exception for that material in his home as a Senator, or as VP. NONE, yet there is no outrage. You actually prefer to see him remain because you think Trump quoted Adolf Hitler. Your ability to selectively resolve intrucate issues astound me.

Oh, look: this is the kind of bile Fox reports. Wonder if it’s true. (Who is taking care of the US citizens on the streets of our cities. Not enough compassion to go around? What about the veterans who were displaced? What about the community centers and schools that were closed to house migrants. Fox reported it, did MSLSD or Communist News Network).

Doesn’t matter? Who will they blame when the terrorist filing through the open border come out of the cracks. As Dave pointed out, you have not addressed those topics. The democrats blame the republicans for not passing comprehensive immigration reform (they want more people to process the migrants faster). Evil Trump wants to preserve the cultural integrity of the United States (right out of Mein Kampf, eh?) So apparently you prefer to make it more like Russia, Cuba, China, Mexico, Afghanistan, Haiti, El Salvadore, Venezuela . . . You see, I am listening to what you want this country to look like. You deny democrats are heading to Marxism, but why are they’re importing millions of people from socialist or communist countries. Thats because they understand that form of government. I simply prefer that we follow the immigration laws on the books.

You haven’t weighed in on whether the 55% Asian and Hispanic population in California should pay reparations for slavery. Should the VP collect reparations for the harm done to her (she is VP and her mother is from India, her father is Jamaican). We know the democrats blame Trump for the border but it’s not a crisis - ignore the 100,000 drugs deaths and human trafficing.

In the meantime, we stand in line and empty our pockets at the airport. A migrant gets a notice to appear in immigration court on 3 February 2035. Then two years later, after being processed into the country, a government agency informs ICE that the eight guys you process in are linked to the guys who shot up the music venue in Moscow. They’re ISIS. But does that bother you. Youre concerned that Trump read Mein Kampf and hates jews. You do know that Trump’s daughter converted. I’m curious if that changes your view of him or infuriates you.


As I recall He was talking about phony vaccines,and illegal drugs.
So no, he was not quoting anyone.

Ppine I thought you’d hit the bottom trying to prop up your position,---- but I guess I was wrong.


You should take your own advice


I stop watching news sources that consistently promote talking points that are false. Many democrats are still unaware that the FBI offered testimony in court that confirmed they knew the Hunter Laptop was real and it belonged to him, yet news sources to this day have not offered apologies for spreading outright lies. You haven’t changed your tune and probably still follow news sources that outright lied to you for over four years. Point blank, do you still believe the admitted lie by Morell who convinced 51 former members of the intel community to suggest he Hunter Laptop was Russian disinformation, for the purpose of “swaying the election.” That was corrected in open hearings under oath, and confirmed by the FBI in court admitted evidence thst resulted in a conviction against Hunter for lying on a gun purchase application. You don’t like admitting to folliwing fake news, do you? You have a lotbof nerve to suggest thamt we should listen to a different new source. Point of fact, Fox was pretty much on point about most of the news that other sources got wrong and still won’t admit they were wrong. I still don’t know if you’re ashamed of believing certain lies spread by the false media. Rather than feeling dupped, you simply consider it old news. Instead of admitting to being dupped, you tell us to listen to the same news sources that you followed. How would YOU know the truth, because they never retract a lie. They’re still telling the public that Biden is fit as a fiddle and the smartest guy in the room. Have you never been around a friend or family member suffering from dementia. Can’t you understand the danger and stress related to relying on them for critical decisions. Can’t these liars feel any shame for the obvious cover-up of his condition. Don’t you feel violated by the people you elected telling you that he’s smarter than you - well, that might be true, considering. What news source should I listen to? I’ll take notes and give you some fact checks. Still waiting if you found “intent” mentioned in the statutes Comey could have used. Presently, I feel smarter than Comey, or at least more honest. By the way, did you trust Comey? DID YOU BELIEVE AND TRUST COMEY? DO YOU THINK TRUMP TREATED HIM UNFAIRLY? DO YOU THINK THE FBI SUBMITTED FALSE AFIDAVIDTS TO THE FISA COURT ABOUT TRUMP? This isn’t politics. It about factual law. There is only none answer that’s factually correct when the law is applied. Give me your trusted news source that is a must for me to follow. Joe Scatterborough. Jake Tapper. Rachel the Madcow? The joke about her is that she thinks Trump is going to put her in a “concentration camp” (that’s why they push imagery linking Trump to Adolf Hitler). The irony is: did Trump go after anybody? Lynch, Hilary, the disgraced FBI officials, like Scrote and Page? The way the DOJ tracked down the peaceful 6 Jan victims. Did you see any video of the clown with buffalo horns where he damaged property. Poor judgement, stupid to go into the capitol during a riot, but did he break anything or assault anyone? The video I saw was of people in black outfits (ANTIFA) smashing thing. They aren’t Trump supporters. Do you know who is in charge of security at the Capitol. It’s headed by the "Speaker of the House, who chairs an oversight panel. She calls the shots. Yet she got no critcism for dereliction of duty. The VP had a donation hotline to bail out arsonist in Oregon and Washington state who burned down ICE buildings, police stations, federal courts. Bill Ayres and Bernadette Dorn, anarchist bombers from the 1960s-70s, launched Obama’s political career from his home. Do you think his anachist leanings reflect Barack’s views? What news source should I trust . . .


so long.