OT + , Open Carry in SC

I don’t talk politics as a rule. This conversation is very disappointing and scary.
You are willing to let a convicted felon that quotes Hitler and tried to overthrow the US Govt into office again. With the Supreme Court ruling, the guard rails are gone.

Heaven help us.

It’s a shame when something as divisive as politics interrupts something as agreeable as a gun discussion.
I went paddling yesterday. 85°, gentle breeze, only saw 2 pontoons.

String YOU started this in a comment about “allowing” people to have a right (rights are not allowed by governemnt but pre-exist government)
So now you say it’s a shame?
On who?
The one that started the thread? Who was that? (think back and try to remember)

And Ppine, I am not what you’d call a Trump fan, but you could not be more wrong. In ALL criminal proceedings if a conviction is overturned the defendant is not a “Convicted felon”. He is someone who won because the law is on his side and the prosecution is 100% wrong.

Keep in mind Jesus Christ lost an unlawful trial.

And when proceeding are unlawful no conviction is binding or even noted. Not Guilty means exactly that. Not guilty.
You are old enough that I’d expect you would have been taught basic US history and Government in Jr High and High School.

I do understand the government run schools under the socialist NEA have removed nearly all true history from text books but it was not 50 years ago! How did you not know these super and extremely basic tenets of law? Did you drop out of school?

I did go to law school and in my time there I learned a lot about Constitutional history and law, as well as tax and international law, but this discussion is so basic that it has nothing t all to do with what I learned in law school. ALL the forgoing is so basic that in the 1960s it was Jr High School stuff. How can you not know it?

Let me guess…
ABC, CNN, CBS, Joy Behar and Whoopi G told you sometime different?

A lie loved.


Steve, you called this early on. I hear nothing except defense of the ideology, but no admission of being affiliated with it. I flatly despise Marxism in any form. It’s a crutch for the lazy and people who wear the moniker of victimhood like a badge of honor.

The matter of starting a thread and wanting to end it, that’s easy: youre right, I’m wrong. Maybe socialism is a good thing. Thanks for setting me straight.

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Your point is well taken. Socialism or better still, communism, is the best form of government for a collapsing country. When the public can no longer sift fact from fiction, it’s better that someone simple take control and redistrubute wealth equitably. The first requirement is indentured servitude via an open border because the population is too lazy to work. Living wage for everybody. Let the peasant class support the middle class. We don’t need any king trying to bring back jobs to make us work.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: You’ve repeatedly broken your rule in this thread by making unsupported political statements. Additionally, you seem to be unwilling and/or unable to address questions or any contrary information.


. . . And hasn’t refuted one of the documented claims by members of the current administration to be affiliated with the communist party. But Trump talks to Adolf Hitler.

Spent the morning paddling and poling on a quiet little lake. My wife enjoyed her paddle board and the dog and I were in and out of the canoe cooling off in the water. Dog will be napping well this afternoon maybe I will too.


In the current atmosphere where lying is normal and truth-telling is likely to draw social media death threats, it’s no mystery why competent, qualified, honest folks don’t run for office.
Instead we get to choose between a convicted felon/narcissist/pu**y grabber, an elderly man with a poor memory who almost fell asleep during the debate, and a third party alternative who says he has so many skeletons in his closet he could run for king of the world if they could vote (never mind the brain worm).
Heaven help us?

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The claim that Trump “quotes Hitler” was interesting. Can you please show us in context instead of couched in deceit as Socialist usually do? A quote is exactly that. So you must show us that #1 Hitler said it #2 Trump said it, and #3 trump new Hitler said it and WAS quoting him)

I for one will gladly concede to the point if you can prove it. But I expect it’s another socialist/communist lie and you are either A deceived, or B lying yourself.

lets all hope it’s only A

Speaking of quotes here are 2. See if you can guess who said them.

“How fortunate for those in power that the people never think”

“You will occasionally meet brilliant individuals, but people are
always stupid”

And a few more for your reading pleasure ;

“To predict the behavior of ordinary people in advance, you only have to assume that they will always try to escape a disagreeable situation with the smallest possible expenditure of intelligence”

We do not err because truth is difficult to see. It is visible at a glance. We err because this is more comfortable.

The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of “liberalism,” they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened."

The opposite of courage is cowardice, but the words “reasonably”, “conformity” or “cooperation” are what cowardice is called most of the time, because cowards hate the word “cowardice”

Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.

What part does light have with darkness?

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because You have rejected knowledge I will also reject You.

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This is why B and B disappeared ; endless discussions of different perspectives that are now becoming personal attacks.
I suspect that is driven by highly educated people with too much time on their hands and whose SO are tired of hearing it.

A classic non sequitur.

Just out of curiosity, did you mean “strong men” (and not “strong people”, for example) or are you just quoting G. Michael Hopf’s novel Those Who Remain (2016) without crediting him?

Over three thousand years of scientific inquiry says quite clearly that truth is not visible at a glance. Of course, that may not matter to those who also reject science.

A gullible public believes the biggest liar. You listen to the lies, but ignore the exoneration. News sources continue to hound Trump about the Russian Collusion Lie. The public still honors and listens to the sources that started the lie. The laptop lie was started by the Acting CIA Director at the prompting of Winken Blinken. Morell admitted it in a public hearing, for the purpose of dismissing the laptop prior to the election (election tampering), but thats OK because the end justifies the means. Bill Clinton has inappropriate sexual contact WITH AN INTERN ON THE JOB. Lies, no problem. Trump pays a woman to sign a NDA, she takes the money, and violates the agreement. No problem for the unwashed. Trumps lawyer records his client’s conversations, then uses it save his own skin. For those who are not conversant regarding legal procedures, that is violation of client/lawyer privilege. For anyone who was still awake, the vile prosecutor says, “Nuw Yawk is a wun pahty state.” Only one person has to agree to the recording. That doesn’t apply to the attorney. The privilege belongs to the CLIENT. Oh! But we got him says the deranged. A term known as fruit of the poisonous trees - educate yourself and look it up. Comey used the term intent when discussing Hilary’s very greivous theft and misuse of classified material. The communist Comey cited Title 18 USC, sec 794 and said she lacked intent to provide to a foreign intelligence service. If the hapless idiot had just stopped at 793, he would have seen the simple term gross negligence (without the required intent) amazing that the ignorant public was dupped into buying that. I bet few went as far as sec 1924. Do yourself a wakeup call and look for the word intent under 1924. Apparently Comey can’t count that far, for you Comey sycophants. Similarly, you ignore the presidential retention act regarding Trumps constitutionally recognized authority, because you don’t like his orange hue and tweets. You can’t lock people up because you don’t like the color of his skin. You have no problem with the Big guy’s theft of classified material that he stored in his garage, and in his office, within grasp of a know communist Chinese Intell officer who had a key to the office. Does that sound concerning or is it OK in the mind of Rachel Madcow. Nobody has refuted Anita Dunn’s commie leanings. I dont want to discredit your arguements just yet. I just think some people are so blinded by viscous hatred they ignore the letter of the law. Don’t don’t do it. It make you look unreasonable. Somebody critcized Flynn. Comey bragged about taking advantage of the the confusion of the new administration - when Flynn asked do I need a lawyer, Comey said, NAH. That my friends was grounds for immediate barring of the interview and any admissions from evidence. Fruit of the poisonous tree. They continued, and the incompetent judge even refused to drop the case when the prosecutor withdrew charges. And the liberals are absolutely fine with that. The constitution protects us from such bigots, so do you still want to share your views on the matter. I’d love to talk about that, because we can take the politics out of it and make it a matter of law. Let’s talk about violation of US Signal Directives and how they though they could entrap Flynn by recordingva conversation of a diplomat who is exempt from non-court ordered surveillance, but conversations with US persons are treated as non existent. That was entrapment and violationof civil rights under color of law. Yes, that’s also a statute and a juicy one. Entrapment is such a dirty word to honest people. Anybody want to justify waiving entrapment due to bad skin tone. Lets discuss that. A dirty word to me, but apparently not so much to an anti Trumper. Be proud of that why don’t you, about justify it based on your hatred of Trump. Let’s talk about the other things they did to people in the Trump administration. We first need to restore the constitutional protections afforded us, whether some think they can be selectively discarded to get even with people you hate. That sounds vicious, doesn’t it.


Ok I will clarify 2 of the 3. As for the 2 I will enlighten you about, they are 2 which I would have been suprised if you did know who said them.

Because You have rejected knowledge I will also reject You. ----God. through the Prophet Hosea. (In the Holy Bible)

We do not err because truth is difficult to see. It is visible at a glance. We err because this is more comfortable.
…Alexander Solzhenitsyn

I see you tried to edit this one to fit your answer, instead of addressing it as it was copied and pasted.


I don’t think that is actually a choice we have. I think it is a bit naive to look at President Biden’s cognitive state and think he is actually acting as President or that he will be if he is reelected. I don’t know who it is, maybe Jill is channeling Eleanor or it is someone else, but Joe is definitely not President even if duly elected. So where’s the democracy in that? Someone will be wielding the powers of the Presidency, an unelected someone.

Just to add to the point, and since we’re talking about convicted felons.


Yes, the effectiveness and I think the legalities are debatable. But, probably not another direction to take this thread. :laughing:

I brought up Al Awaki more to show the hypocrisy and hyperbole about the SCOTUS decision and assassination.

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Like men can get pregnant science. Outstanding selective belief. You quibble over use generic use of man. Do you quible about men competing in women’s sports and getting the trophey if they tie the score with an old plain ordinary generic girl because the trasported person is braver??? Hmmm!


3,000 of nothing is as it seems, everybody gets a trophy, everybody can be right. This is why we should stick to legal questions, which don’t seem too popular today. Easier to decide who hates orange.

@MohaveFlyer, many people don’t need a reason to hate the US. We were providing food to the war torn Somalians, the aid was being horded by war lords. They threw us out. Now they can fend for themselves.

US citizens are selectively and intentionally clueless. Millions pay dearly and risk their life to come here whole US citizens condemn the country as a whole for being racist and evil. Yet self proclaimed intellectuals don’t see anything wrong with China’s civil rights abuses, the treatment of people in Hong Kong, the treat to Taiwan, and appaingly unaware that Anita Dunn, a Maoist, was fired for her stance as a member of the Obama administration, and was rehired in the current regime. The disconnect is mind boggling to me. Just deny it. Maybe it’ll be forgotten, or a distraction . . . Trump loves Adolf Hitler . . . That’s a clever riposte. The more ridiculous the charge, the harder it is to counter. I knew the Russian Collusion story was a lie from the first utterance. Heres a clever one. The FBI was feeding Twittee false news. He got fired. So where did he get a new job. Twittee hired him to take fake new from the FBI. Is that how it worked? I’m not sure if that was how it went down. How do we change that narrative. Oh, Fox news, they have an A GEN DA. Or is there another dodge to change the subject, like a woman from China who claims China is wicked is a Fox news A GEN DA. Uh huh! Nothing to see there. Who would defend a communist regime, but I won’t say it.

For the uninformed. There is a recently declassified program called Venona. It pays to be informed before making bold statements.


Watch some different news and you can see Trump quoting Hitler. Recently the references have been mostly related to immigration. “We must not contaminate the blood of America.” Right out of Mein Kampf.