OT + , Open Carry in SC

@ppine you do realize that is all public record?

“When you resort to attacking the messenger and not the message, you have lost the debate” - Addison Whithecomb

“Don’t use ad hominem arguments” - @szihn

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I hope it’s not a case where it’s hard to see the negative parts of an ideology because you agree with the base concept. The problem with totalitarianism is unfettered favoritism toward certain classes, and an overwhelming desire to stack the deck to remain in power. Like importing new voters.

It’s hard to overcome bias; first to recognize it and second to evaluate information without it.

Isn’t it interesting that the communist system at a national level that is supposedly established to eliminate class distinctions has always resulted in a totalitarian/authoritarian government with a rich and powerful ruling class?


Funny how that works, but you’re analytical. Younakso have a background where you saw the reality of it.

There is no evidence of Communism or Marxists in American Government.
Now we are likely to elect a convicted felon that tried to overthrow the US Govt. The Extreme Court just decided he has immunity from his crimes.
I don’t know about you but I am not ready for a king or a monarch.
Shooting demonstrators is an official act.
Assassinating an adversary is an official act.
Taking bribes from other countries is an official act.

Resist Fascism.
If you want to see good examples of Social Democracies look at Sweden or Denmark.

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Evidence has been presented. You can ignore it, but if you actually want to have a conversation then you need to address and refute the evidence provided. But, based on your past posts, you have no interest in conversation you just want to make unsupported statements and ignore any contrary information.

SCOTUS did not give complete immunity to the President nor did it grant immunity from impeachment from the criminal acts you describe, nor did it grant complete immunity to ex-Presidents who weren’t impeached. Speaking of assassination, do you feel President Obama and perhaps his primary advisor then Vice-President Biden should be prosecuted for the killing of US citizens; Anwar Al-Awaki and his son, without trial? They would say it was an official act of War, are they immune?

Define fascism, an provide examples of it in our government, so I can resist it too.


That blew my mind when that happened. A minor, in a separate strike targeting him.



The official government position was that they were targeting another person and Al Awaki’s son was “in the wrong place at the wrong time”. An administration official also said people should blame Al Awaki himself for being a terrorist leader who put his son in that position. Of course, the strike that killed the son was several days after the father was killed. Granted, Al Awaki probably deserved to be killed, but as a US citizen he deserved his day in court. I find it ironic and hypocritical that the many people who cried about the rights of detainees (non-US citizens) at Gitmo were silent in this situation.


Evidence has been presented. You can ignore it, but if you actually want to have a conversation then you need to address and refute the evidence provided.

But PPine, as much as I have liked the posts you have made about paddling and the obvious amount of knowledge you have in the field, it’s equally obvious you are simply parroting the party line from CNN or “the View” or some other leftist outlet.
98% are all truly the same story being directed by the same communist owners. Think Not?
Lookie here:

Nothing is going to convince you because it’s also obvious you refuse to look at any information or the planet sized amount of evidence not just presented here, but in front of your eyes every day.

I’d be less amazed at the total lack of since in your reply is you were a Gen-X 234 year old brain-washee from a leftist collage, but as someone who have lived over 70 years I find it astounding you can say (publicly) there is “no evidence”. A man of that age shoul;d not be so easy to deceive.

If that is true there is also no evidence for only 2 genders, for the effects of gravity, for the effects of sun light or the effects of non-backed bank notes on the economies of nations.

"There is no such thing, at this date of the world’s history in America, as an
independent press You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dare
to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it
would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out
of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for
similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest
opinions would be out on the street looking for another job. If I allowed my
honest opinions to appear in one issue of my’ paper, before twenty-four hours
my occupation would be gone. The business of the journalist is to destroy the
truth; to lie outright; to pervert; to vilify; to fawn at the feet of mammon,
and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I
know it and what folly is this toasting an independent press? We are the tools
and vassals of rich men behind the scenes We are the jumping jacks, they pull
the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities, and our lives are all
the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes."

–John Swinton, former chief of staff, The New York Times, in a 1953 speech
before the New York Press Club

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Davbart, I applaud your replies.

If Al Awaki’s son was killed because of the action of his dad that’s bad, but it’s war.

In Hiroshima and in Nagasaki there were US airmen in prison camps inside both. Same is Dresden and Frankfurt

I feel more sadness about “friendly fire” then most, because it’s not a story or something I heard about someplace but it’s something I know about 1st hand. I carried a frag in my neck for years from a US 155MM shell. And yeah, I am one of the very lucky ones. Others were no as lucky.

These is no nice way to fight a war and the more humane you try to be the less humane the enemy gets. It’s always been that way. It’s evil. It’s horrible. It’s gut wrenching and tragic. But it’s war— and that what war is.

But your point is valid and those that have no skin in the game can’t understand. I repeat CAN’T. So I pass no moral judgement on any one that has not been there. The reason so many have not been there is because many hundreds of thousands of fighting men went and kept the combat in other places. How wonderful it is to “not know what they are talking about”. So that they (the majority) don’t have to know is THE reason many did go. You cannot explain a symphony to someone born deaf and you cant explain a rainbow to someone born blind. They have no ability to fully conceptualize the words you use to describe it. On the other end of that scale, until you have see war up close the human brain can’t understand it. Once you do understand you can use words to tell others but the words don’t fully convey it. So most combat vets just say nothign, or at least very little.

Now today I feel a sinking feeling because I see the reality that all the efforts, the pains, the semi-healed wounds and all the dead may not have been worth the cost, because so many in those country want to bend over and accept the very thing we fought to try to destroy. And as evil as war is, I have personally seen something just as bad. In a war you have some chance of getting out, slim as that chance may be, but once your nation falls to evils such as we see being demanded by the leftists there is no way out for you or your kids or grand kids.

If the God of the Bible is for it, the leftist is against it. And if the God of the Bible is against something the left is for it. But we’ll hear voices saying such anti-God anti-truth and anti common-scene is not Satanism.

If not, what is it? If anyone can place a new name on it, that’s fine but that new name is going to be 100% as bad as open Satanism, because it’s the same agenda.

That’s sad. You’re covering up and haven’t followed even the esteemed constitutional scholars. Steve is correct. Sleep well.

I know the truth in this statement from personal experience. I have hash marks on my right sleeve too.

Dead end Dave. Both Comey and Brennan admitted to being communists. Anita Dunn’s infamous statement: Mao is my favorite philosopher, got her fired from the Obama administration as his Communication Director. Now she works for Joe. Van Jones is a virulent communist. Bernie Sanders was on the way to defeating Hilary Clinton . . . You made your point - you don’t see any evidence. You seem too in touch with reality to be oblivious to all of that evidence. So I’ll change my opinion about your awareness. Maybe you really aren’t that current on events. Especially if you believe the debate went well for the current occupant. If you’re unable to accept the info I posted, I have nothing more to say. Your part of the program or you ignore what’s happening around you.

I am a little confused. You replied to me, but this seems more for @ppine not me. Am I wrong?

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Dave, those detainees will be back, along with the 5,000 Taliban released from Afghanistan prisons when the US surrendered in Afghanistan and lost 13 military personnel (denied that any service members died under his watch, or the ones in Jordan, some Navy SEALS . . . but who’s counting). CBS and ABC reported that an ISIS organization sponsored 400 immigrants that they funneled into the US. Feds are rounding those people up, only 200 left unaccounted for. @ppine, you probably haven’t heard about that, yet I’m sure you follow CBS and ABC.

Correct Dave. My mistake. I agree with your comments. I see one of three possibilities. Unaware, not wanting to be aware, or even worse - gaslighting, to misinform. Hard for me to get this old and experience what I’ve experienced to believe the facts are that hard to see. Won’t matter one way or the other. “A nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse.”

Honestly, I have problems with extrajudicial drone strikes because although it might be tactically effective, it is not strategically effective if it creates more extremists willing to commit terrorist acts against the United States. But that round is already down range.


I think it comes from them not being anything like
classical liberals (which I consider myself) and using the Administrative State to govern which comprises of people not elected.
The end of the Chevron Deference will deconstruct that. This was the most important Supreme Court decision of my lifetime.

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The way they refused to let the sniper take out the bomber before he killed 13 service members and blew up the innocent guy with a trunk full of bottled water. More tragic than the incompetence of the Benghazi abandonment. Which wasn’t proportionally as bad as the Somalian fiasco of Blackhawk Down.