OT + , Open Carry in SC

I acknowledge the effort by all contemporary political groups to distance themselves from Hitler’s Nazis, Mussolini’s fascists, and all variants of communism. I also acknowledge that the meaning of terms like socialism, libertarianism, authoritarianism and others have probably evolved over the last 100 + years when, in 1920, the German Worker’s Party became the National Socialist German Worker’s Party. For that reason, I believe observing the collective behavior of a group is more illuminating than their social media posts.
As far as Nazism is concerned, you may interested in this short analysis by the most rigorously independent 501c 3 I know.

Excellent proof of what I said earlier.

“A lie loved is defended to the death even if that death is a result of the same lie.”

Sounds like a mantra for extremism in general to me. All flavors.

That’s why the DPRK should be our closest allies since, you know, “democratic” and “republic” are right there in the name.

Nothing new that I saw. They all involve dictators who hate some faction. Industrialists, capitalist, financiers, jews, old white men . . .

It’s interesting that marxist always have a class war going on. Somebody to hate. California (admitted into the union as a free state with pro slavery representatives wants reparation for slavery, BUT . . . 55% of the state is of Asian of Hispanic descent. Who is going to pay the bill? Old white men? Take from one group and give to another

Here is an interview with a woman who escaped Communist China and she is one of those that knows what it true and what it false.

So the only ones that “cannot see it” are the ones who go to extremes to not see it.
They can’t see obvious truth for the same reason car thieves have troubles finding cops.

Some are true believers in communism. OK, all people have the right to believe as their conscience dictates.

But being outright liars is where I draw a line I will not be silent about. Any communist that says he or she is not a communist is either divisional or simply dishonest to their very core.

If you want communism for the USA say so out loud and stop lying aboiut it. In so doing all of us can have open, HONEST debates on points and counter points. But when censorship, lies and deceit are the MO of the leftist it begs the question “WHY”?

There is only 1 answer. They are wrong and they know they are wrong, but if they can convince people of the lies and get them to invest time, money or simply bury themselves in enough pride to never allow any other information to be considered, (A lie loved. or what the Bible calls Satanic Pride) those communist will gain all the power, and keep it.

If socialism can be shown to have a track record of success, show us.

If communism truly is a system of happiness and equality, show us.

Convince us on “the right” with facts and truth but stop calling black white, up down, truth lies and lies truth. And above all, stop trying to censor people. (which is what I expect to happen next) Leftists are notorious for ASKING A QUESTION or MAKING A STATEMENT but as soon as an honest the answer is given they will call for the thread or the forum or the platform to be taken down.


Because their arguments are based only on what they wish was true and not on anything that IS true.

OK,I’ve said it here in print, and out loud when anyone asked me fact to face.

If I am wrong show me. Don’t call Cronyism capitalism. Don’t use ad hominem arguments. Don’t lie and say evil is good and good is evil.

Show us the truth of your position and allow others to make up their minds based on real, unedited, unaltered and honest facts figures and history. But if you are a socialist, a God hater, A communist or any other title that fits**, say so out loud and openly.** Only then can you convince anyone that you are correct.

And lastly i point out again that the 1st statement was made openly and publicly ‘why some equate the Liberals are satanic and/or communist’? And an open public answer is given. It was not a subject myself or any other “libertal” asked. We only answered.

So now I expect the reaction to be another attempt at censorship. If not I’ll be surprised, but before it’s censored I’d ask WHY THE 1ST STATEMENT WAS NOT CENSORED?

So everyone who does not believe Fox News preaches the unbiased truth is a lying communist?

Nope. I distrust most of what the talking heads on Fox tell us.

But it was not a talking head. It was a woman who came from Communist China. It is directef to her coments and her understanding, not anyone paid by Fox ----or any other “news” angency.

So I’ll copy and paste here to show you I already answered your reply before you even asked it.

Don’t use ad hominem arguments.

You don’t trust the spokespeople at fox. Neither do I for the most part, but none of that is about Fox.

Stay on point.

The point to make it clear is to answer PPines statement about why people would think Liberals are communist or satanic,

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Not speaking for @szihn, but the point for me is that there are valid reasons, if you’re looking, to believe that some who call themselves “liberal” and/or “progressives” are socialists, Marxists and yes, even communists. Thus, while it may not be clear to @ppine, it is clear and a reasonable conclusion for others.

Agreed. And there are valid reasons to believe that some who call themselves conservatives are authoritarians, fascists, and Birchers.
Both are indicative of the increased polarization of political thought that is least partly fueled by communication technologies that allow people to avoid all information and opinions with which they do not already agree. And that makes the remaining centrists more important to our democracy than ever, IMO.

@Buffalo_Alice, I actually debriefed defectors and interviewed refugees from non democratic countries, including Muslim countries. I worked for a German photographer in the Army who had family in the East. I debriefed US military personnel who toured East Berlin. I talked to former KGB officers; what can you tell me that I haven’t heard first hand. Why would someone dodge landmines, machine guns, barbed wire, armed patrols, and dogs if life was so sweet. The reason I think democratization of Afghanistan and Iraq didn’t work isn’t because they didn’t want a democratic government. Too many just objected to women getting the same status as men! Go figure. When you’re around men who are not your husband, cover up. March for Palestine ladies? The compliant LBGTs are finding out when they’re told to go away. The Unitrd States is so evil, so cruel.

Martin Luther King, Jr., finally made the point that the US Constitution applies equally to ALL men and women. Now the Progressives insist that the US Constitution has to be changed. Go figure, huh? Wasn’t he assassinated by a Democrat, but he was a right wing democrat!?

Fox has an A G E N D A! What makes Fox news different is that they actually posted that interview. Apparently, you doubt her description of life in communist countries. One common thread in the description of life under communism is: no joy, no initiative, no hope - a lot like it is here now. People stand in lines, without knowing what’s being sold, because something is available.

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I have a small nitpick, and that is the use of authoritarian particularly when only associated with conservatives. I hesitate to use right and left sometimes because it can often be difficult to define, and usually relative to the assessor’s own political position aka bias. That said, if the last century should have taught us anything authoritarianism can come from both sides of the political spectrum whether it is Mussolini’s fascism or Stalin’s communism.


A lie loved. Pride in the biblical scene is when nothing can convince you to look at anything other then what you want to be true. Your post is an affirmation of that fact and the fact you are welcoming and allowing others to do your thinking for you. Proof? I’d submit your choice of wording.

All political fanatics are authoritarians. That’s why they are directing their efforts in politics. NO ONE EVER is fanatically dedicated to ANY political stand who simply wants to leave people alone!
All fanatics try to force others to obey their wishes. “hate speach” prefered pronouns,global warming, covid “emergency” Ukrane, Gaza, carbon “footprints” and the list goes on for dozens if not hundered of toppics.
FREEDOM of belief is just that. Free! That means unregulated. If something is regulated it’s not free.
If by “birchers” you mean members or believers in the teaching of the John Birch Society you again show you were lied to and that you are in an effort to continue to believe the lie because you OBVIOUSLY have never spent any time on their web site or in their written information. If you had you’d know that the “Birchers” are REAL liberals (not communists calling themselves liberals. Liberal in the since they believe in the way Thomas Jefferson believed in liberalism, stemming form the root Liberty. Meaning to be at liberty to form opinions without coercion from without, and without threats of government backed reprisals.

And from years of the “party line” being thrown at you, you have come to believe the USA is a democracy. No, it’s supposed to be a republic. (Remember the pledge of aligance? There is a clue there) A system of government where the law is sovereign, and ALL people from the judged and politicians all the way down to the dog catchers and the street people are subject to the law. Not a body or policy called 'law" which is only the club used to beat decenters, and collect taxes as well as to secure the narrative. ( the lie loved)
In a true republic (not one called by that name to cover up the lie ) all people have the same rights and all people are to be punished the same way for committing the same crimes. Democracy on the other hand is minority oppression. 50% + 1 vote can strip rights from the smaller group no matter how stupid, evil of blind the policy is. Democracy is mob rule with no boundaries.

Once again, I agree. Both sides want to tell everyone else what to think and how to live.

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And probably Fox lovers too! I hate those people! They have an A G E N D A!

I don’t recall telling you what you should think. There sure is a lot of flack about the 2nd amendment. You can say what you want. Disagreeing with you doesn’t mean you can’t say it. I haven’t heard whether you accept what the woman from China described. Do you think she’s a Bircher?

Here is one sourse of information worth reading to see why it’s very clear to some.


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Steve, don’t have to read it. From Jimmy Carter to Nancy Pelosi and Schumer, they called Castro and Chavez visionaries. Ted Kennedy felt the same, his father, Joe, resign as ambassador to England at the lead up to WW2 because he felt the US should be backing Germany. Joe’s son, John, was sleeping with German spy who was under FBI surveillance. His command was told to order him to break off contact. He agreed, but continued meeting with her. That’s when they shipped him out for the Pacific to float PT boats (109). He became famous when they stopped in a shipping channel and got runnover by a Japanese merchant ship.

Bernie, an avowed communist, was leading the primaries until they changed the rules for Hilary. Her bathroom computer server was loaded with classified material that she refused to turn over. Comey, a self described communist (admitted on national TV), said nobody in their right mind would go against the Clinton’s (Sandy Berger at the National Archives was stuffing his socks with classified documents). Then Hilary conspired with Russian intel agents to fabricate lies about Trump. Brennan, a registered communist, helped to further that story. The FBI quashed the laptop story and solicited former intel officials to mislead the country (documented in court).

Does the book contradict any of that. If no, I don’t need to read it. College students in liberal school love to wear Che T-Shirts, like he was a benevolent freedom fighter. How can college students be so blindly ignorant. I learned about communism in the 3rd grade. They’re in college and can’t figure it out.

Change your meds.

Not taking any. Reality is hard for many people to accept. All true though.