OT + , Open Carry in SC

perfectly written

I thought it died one month ago . . .

So did I.

Zombie thread.

Not even Christina Science Monitor I guess :laughing:

I had my Concealed Handgun License (CHL) before Texas changed it to License to Carry (LTC - Open carry) or passed “Constitutional Carry.” My son just turned 21 and I am encouraging him to get his license even though he does not need it in Texas, but it does give him reciprocating privileges in other states. Bringing this back to paddling - the only time I open carry is on canoe trips when it is just me and my kids. That is just so I have it immediately handy in case of hogs or something. If you watched my Navasota River video, you will see it on my side in a couple of clips. If I am taking a bigger group, I conceal it.


Not clear at all where people get the idea that Liberals are Communists, Marxists or Satanic worshippers. This crap needs to stop.

We have a Capitalist society. The closest things to Socialism are things like public roads, schools and the military.

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More like a Marxist agenda. Backing for fascist Antifa! Globslists like Soros installing DIstrict Attorneys who will not lock up criminals. Agree. Hard to put a name on it, but its definiety anarchy.

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There are definitely some liberals who espouse Marxist ideas especially the idea of every human relationship can be defined as a power relationship between the oppressed and the oppressor. Matter of fact, Critical Race Theory’s roots are in the Frankfort school of Critical Theory which is a school of Marxist thought.

Public spending for the common good (“public roads, schools and the military”) isn’t Socialism. In simplest terms, socialism is state control of the means of production. In our mixed, predominately capitalist society the closest things to socialism are schemes to redistribute wealth through taxation and distribution of unearned benefits.

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But, by golly, we are armed to the teeth.
Regardless of political bent.
I thought this discussion was dead .

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@string, you are correct, sir.
Miriam Webster’s definition of “Dead”:
4a (2) no longer having interest, relevance, or significance

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This topic will never be dead, as long as someone feels oppressed by do gooder infringing on personal liberties. Don’t open the box.


Not clear? It’s only hard to see if you refuse to look. And you would have to refuse to look with a fanitical dedicationg to that refusial.

How about just started with READING the communist’s stated goals !

Here are just a few of them, copied and pasted (not my words, but theirs) from a page distributed to their members at an international forum in 1966 concering the overthrow of the USA and all non communist nations (at the time)

  1. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.
  2. Get control of the schools and teachers’ associations. Soften the curriculum.
  3. Gain control of all student newspapers.
  4. Infiltrate the press.
  5. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV and pictures.
  6. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them “censorship” and a violation of free speech and press.
  7. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in the media.
  8. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, and healthy.” 9. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion.
  9. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the grounds that it violates the principal of “separation of church and state.”
  10. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate and old-fashioned.
  11. Discredit the American founding fathers as selfish aristocrats [and racists].
  12. Belittle American culture and discourage the teaching of American history.
  13. Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI.
  14. Infiltrate and gain control of big business and unions.
  15. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as mental health or social problems.
  16. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
  17. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents.
  18. Repeal the Connally Reservation, allowing the World Court jurisdiction over nations and individuals alike.

@szihn, your background makes it easy for you to see. World populations, especially the US, became horrified by the brutality of the Russian Communist Revolution. The advocates then dubbed the party “Progressive.” After all, who doesn’t want to identify with “progressive”.

Socialism is fairly dividing the profits with everyone. That’s great, but after a while everybody figures out that the profits are distributed equally regarless of input. It’s almost comical how long it take a population to turn on a socialist government when they run out of toilet paper, much like this current clown show has demonstrated. The sad part is how certain groups protest things they are ignorant and clueless about. For example, LGBTs for Palestine are unaware of the fate that lifestyle suffers in the region. If you watch scripted news broadcast, you never see the animosity the pro-Palestinian groups show toward the LGBT community.

As M. Thacher pointed out: Socialusm is ok until you run out of other people’s money (free college is free to the college graduate, but its mostly paid for by those who don’t attend college, then the free nature of college means no reason to keep prices down. That’s irrelevant if you don’t pay for the service, let those burdened by the debt complain).

Nobody seems to consider why communist countries have fences to keep people in, and the people are constantly trying to escape. We had fences to keep people out, but tore them down. While California raised the minimum wage, businesses laid-off people and left the state, so Nukem opened the flood gates for more indentured servants (lured by 24k worth of health care, free transportation, an anuity, cell phones, a place to stay, food . . . and a job that Americans don’t want to do. Thank the Department of Commerce for the job well done. In the meantime, who gets disenfranchised. Veterans are moved out, while school and rec centers in poor neighborhood are converted to migrant centers. Schools in depressed area are overloaded with undereducated for the admin staff to focus on, while the local kids can’t read, write, add, or subtract. Liar in chief says he doubled police force when two years ago video documentstion


Documentation showed them defunding the police. . . for social workers to calm the domestic abusers, murderers, smash and grab theives (a California law actually protected the thieves). You and I are not progressive. I actually had the opportunity to interview and debrief political refugees that escaped captivity in communist countries. I know what communism looks like, and so do they - which they describe as liberalism of the demmocrat party. Don’t take my word for it. Watch a presentation from a wall jumper from North Korea, or from the former communist controlled East block countries. Few seem concerned about the fact that China “repatriates” North Koreans after they escape to Chinese territory, while they allow an eponential increase of Chinese citizens to sneak into the US (27,000 this FY, compared to 26,000 all last year, but far fewer the previous years - something is brewing). In the meantime, the Hollywood elite threaten to escape the clutches of the US, but few follow through. Comrade
Bernie, Jimmy the Carter, Felosi, Dick Durban, the late Teddy Kennedy described Casto and Chavez as visionaries. The Cuban migration did not. Yet the current administration said if Cubans land here, they’ll get sent back. Remember as far back as Willy Clinton, that little boy Gonzalez was joined with relatives in the US after his mother died during her escape attempt. He was pried at gunpoint from those relatives and repatriated. Bless the Clintons.

But that’s just this person’s point of view, maybe at least one other person’s perspective. I admit to not being very “progressive.”


All very true, but not a strictly American phenomenon. History teaching 1 thing above all other lessons, That people do not learn from history
and a lie loved is defended to the death even if that death is a result of the same lie.

Yes, I also have seen the results of communism up close and VERY personal.

Those that can both read and understand what they read should take the time to read Gulag Archipelago

That author said something very pointed.

We do not err because truth is difficult to see. It is visibleat a glance. We err because this is more comfortable.
…Alexander Solzhenitsyn

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We are not very progressive.

Just as applicable to far right Nazism as it is to far left Communism.

Well even the term “far Right Nazism” is a bit of brain washing to cover the truth. “Nazi” translates to National Socialist Workers Party"

Both Communism (international socialism) and Nazis (National socialism ) are FAR FAR LEFT. Both are radical socialist systems and as left as you can get.

Both are as far from “right wing” as you can get.
But yes any “party” is based in Hive-mind" and the use of such tactics go back to some of the earliest records of human history,


I’m glad you were able to address that twisted fantasy about fascism being a right wing concept.

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