OT + , Open Carry in SC

The Epoch Times? Worth listening to? Perhaps for entertainment, but not for anything that approaches objective reporting. Operated by devotees to the ultra-conservative Falun Gong religious movement, the Epoch Times makes Breitbart look like MSNBC.

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This is the kind of video that demonstrates that the gun lobby has to keep priming outrage (because it wants bigger sales). After watching the video, it’s clear that there’s no “secret gun plan,” especially considering the “hidden” CDC study was, shockingly, found right there in the CDC archives. How “hidden”! That kind of investigative reporting must of taken, what, two cups of coffee and a couple of episodes of “Walker Texas Ranger” to find.

The only thing worrisome at all here is that the CDC pulled the stats from their overview of subjects regarding gun use and violence due to, what appears to be, the nagging of a couple of gun control advocates. The stats are still there, of course, in their various documents still found on their website. I mean, if the emails were a really big deal, that lede wouldn’t be buried deep in the video after all of the buildup.

However, I can see legitimate concern over such a wide estimate as well as the fact that the 2.5 million figure comes from a single study by a researcher who was quoted as saying that the CDC’s goal is to disarm people. That doesn’t really speak well to an unbiased approach.

And speaking of sources, The Epoch Times is not exactly a bastion of unbiased news reporting, and the title of the program “Facts Matter” becomes quite ironic when the presenter keeps mistaking 2.5 million people for 2.5 million instances (in a study that he’s promoting!). He does this over and over. Facts, apparently, don’t matter that much.

So, where was the outrage when politicians affiliated with the gun lobby prevented the CDC from studying gun violence for 10 years with the Dickey Amendment. I mean, if facts matter, don’t we want all of the facts including how many gun owners commit suicide with their guns? That figure is steadily on the rise, btw.

Just to close, I own several guns (and even more knives!) and carry when on long-distance wilderness canoe trips (to make this even somewhat relevant to the board’s purpose). I also believe that with rights come responsibility, and this video is in no way responsible.

I doubt you could be more wrong about anything on earth.

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Ok, we can all have our opinions so I’ll ask you to give me 2-3 news sources you trust. Please name them.

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Those don’t exist.

I’ll take your request in good faith, but. . . .

Top middle. This graph isn’t perfect, of course, but the goal is to find publications that offer retractions and corrections as well as employ editorial staff that include fact checking. I also don’t really watch television news, except perhaps the local news occasionally.

ETA: “Trust” here is a loaded term that implies that I take everything published as face value, which you should only at your own peril. Comparing sources across a spectrum of publications that have a reliable track recored is a better process.

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OK, let’s dig a bit deeper and see what I’m so wrong about.

  1. Do you deny that Epoch Media is operated and funded by followers of the ultra-conservative Falun Gong religion?
  2. Or, do you accept #1, but deny that the source of Epoch Times funding has nothing to do with its content ?
  3. Or do you reject the idea that the Epoch Times is a very conservative, far-right publication?

#1 I have never heard of anything called Falun Gong religion.
#2 I know nothing about it’s funding unlike I do for NPR and PBS as well a Fox. In fact other then finding Epoc Time on line and seeing things that most mainstream media censors, I know nothing about them . However I have yet to find a thing they have said in the last 4 years that was an outright lie which puts them in a VERY small minority.
To say “conservative” is just a catch word. The opposite of “right”’ in politics is not left but wrong. Factually, morally, economically and spiritually.
“Conservatives” has little meaning. What do you think a conservatives is trying to conserve?
And the word “Liberal” is deliberately misleading. The root of the word is liberty and the communist, Satanic “leftist’s” of today are the enemies of true liberty in every way.

If that is a wall between us so be it, but I am not the one building it. If a "conservatives wants to be gay he or she is gay, and keeps to themselves about it,. If they want a gun they get one, and let those that don’t like guns alone, respecting their wish to not have one. If they want to eat meat they eat it, but never demand others do. If they want a traditional wife and family they try to have them and leave others to make their own decisions and live their own lives.
But the so called “liberals” (meaning communist leaning and satanically influenced) want to pass laws and use force up to and including death to force all others to comply with their feelings and wishes and history shows that is NOT an exaggeration and NOT an exception. In open Satanism, Covert Satanism and communism the rule is quite simple

If the God written about in the Bible is for something they are against it.
See if you can find any large exceptions to this overarching policy.

Even my saying what I just wrote and what I believe will enrage those that are Dem/Comms and they will want to punish me for it. It’s just one more example of the very principal I just wrote about.
If I am wrong in my beliefs and I leave you alone it will not be enough for those that demand power over others, and can’t stand any other view point. It will always rise anger in them because they are unknowing (and in some cases knowingly) influenced by Satan and the demonic world.

Am I conservative?
Communists will say so, but for me I doubt I am.

I see the evils of the current system and how it has connections going all the way back to before our civil war. I am the 1st to speak out and condemn what I see as evil. MOST OFTEN it involved our own government and those that support the evils that have happened in the past.

So what am I?

1st a Christian who knows the Bible quite well and believes what it says ----even those parts I dislike.
2nd I am a patriot, being one that swore to uphold and defend the CONSTITUTION (not the government, not the country, and not even my loved ones) and I hold to that oath. This is not to say I have not and would not defend my loved ones or even the government it is deserved my allegiance (which it certainly doesn’t anymore) but the oath I took and I hold to was before God and to uphold and defend the constitution. To that I hold.
And unlike many “mouth pieces” I made a living for many years doing just that ---- until I decided to stop because of the corruption I saw and because I had to make a decision of wither to ignore what I knew to be true and keep earning the money, or to trust God and do as I knew to be right.

I made my choice.
I never demand you make the same one.

I am happy to tell other what I believe and WHY.
I never demand they do the same.

God Himself allows people to make their own choices and they answer to Him and to Him alone at the end of life. If God doesn’t force you to behave the way He tells you to, what right (or power) would I have to do so?

The Dem/Common the other hand wants to harm all those that point out the evils and hypocrisy of their system and any divergence from what they want to be true angers them. I have seen that very thing in a few posts in a few threads here on this site. Many will just keep quite. I say what I feel is needed, and then let all others make their own decisions and to me the only mortal sin is to try to shut up anyone else so that no other view points can be heard. THAT sin is stand against.
You can be right and should have the right to do so and if you are wrong you have the right be be wrong.
I note on the chart (one that is also very wrong judging from in my experience working here ands in other nations for many years) the InfoWars is held as the farthest right and I find Alex Jones grates on me, but I also will give credit when it’s due. As much as I hate listening to him I can say he had been factually wrong about 3 times in the 30 years I have known about him, and his coverage of subjects here and overseas. That is 3 times I know of.

CNN FOX ABC CBS PBS NPR MSNBC and several others get major things wrong (and overtly lie about them) probably 3 times a day — each.
So far I have yet to find one failure with Epoc Times. Not even one. (Not to say it wont happen. All men fail at times because that part of being human)

So if you don’t want to watch them-- don’t. It’s fine with me and it’s fine with all real Constitutional patriots.

It’s not fine for any Dem/Comm or demonic-evil person to dictate to me or to them what I must believe must say and must kowtow to.
Especially those with the biggest mouths and having never put any skin in the game at all.


I didn’t say or intend to imply that you were right, left, liberal, conservative, libertarian, patriot, communist, married, single, straight, gay, Christian, agnostic, Giants fan, Dodgers fan, or anything else. I asked because I have received unsolicited issues of The Epoch Times in the mail two or three times over the past couple of years. Maybe I’m just too cynical, but those mailings cost plenty and I’m a “follow the money” person. So I did a bit of research on The Epoch Times and that’s how I became aware of the connection to Falun Gong - a religious movement founded by a dissident Chinese ex-pat called Li Hongzhi with headquarters in Deerpark, NY. To be clear, I have nothing against followers donating to their chosen religion. And The Epoch Times does indeed provide a window on what was (to me, at least) a rather mysterious religion. But to me, a publication whose primary purpose is to grow a religion (whether Falun Gong or any other religion) is not and cannot be a newspaper, at least by my definition.

OK fair enough.

Wow! Post needs more characters to send, so I repeat “WOW”!!! Thats definitive. You is ignorant if’n you hear about it on Fox news (Fox got sued and Ticker got fired - big deal) or Epoch or Newsmax. Yeah, take that you ignint doubter. No wonder you’re clueless. I thought this thread died, then I see 14 hits. Got to get one more did in? And String, you started it, bareky replied, rhen had to look at a kayak - youre3invested in the topic, Eh!?

Progressives are smarter and more open minded than rigid dogmatic, hard-core conservatives. Fox lies, they were in front of the Hillary theft of classified material that she put on the internet. What the ignorant (I use that to mean uninformed) either don’t know or ignore, is that executives at her level all have a certified Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) in his/her or its home. That room is constructed to secure facility standards, with alarms, combination lock to secure the door, an operational SOP with 24-hour monitoring and response by designated security personnel. She had national level encryption for a telephone and data line in that room, yet she stole classified classified information and laughed about it. What the public and the FBI ignored, is that she slso gave a Filipino national housekeeper unrestructed and unescorted access to that secure room. The phone in the room was certified for a specific clearance (anyone usingbit were assimed to be fully cleared). All news programs were grossly uninformed, including Fox, but some were downright deceptive and intentionally withheld factual reporting and refused to retract their lies. I knew, because I’m privy to first hand knowledge of the facts. Yet Fox was accused of carring lies (all proven true), while MadCow seems to still believe her lies, as does all the other. All of them missed Comey’s lie about US Code 18, Sec 793. He puposefully applied the wrong statute. That citation applies to providing classified material to a foreign service with intent to harm the US. if that duplicitous public servant who swore to uphold the constitution just went to the very next section and read section 794 or skip a bit and look at section 1924, he would have done his sworn duty and LOCKED HER UP. What utter ignorance and duplicity to be critical of a news source that got everything about that incompetent twit and her perjury in public hearings over the Benghazi hearings (first off, she lied about no classified on site because all consulates and embassies have the top encrytion in a certified SCIF message center, so it was automatically TS high, and a reporter picke up a clearly marked classified domcument off the street, three days after the attack.
Incidently, it took how many days for the FBI to arrive. Fake news sources also missed the laptop story, the difference bettween Trump’s classified stockpile and Biden’s systematic theft of classified documents over the course of his political carrer. The repeat lies about his background and family history, coupled with his systematic plagerism. replies here ignore the countless lies, believe the fabrications, then repeat that bile and criticize several members of the forum for following certain news sources. I don’t want to change anyones mind. I’d rather expose ignorance. I’ve found that the people revealing the most reliable details on these topics are the ones with the most impeccable across the spectrum reputations. I bsse that on the what I consider to be the most unbiased introspetion. That’s how I base my opinion, by looking at how the person analyzes facts, and how they debate. When you start slanting your opinion to reflect your emotions, then spew it as truth, you do everybody a disservice. I see the same tendency in topics about kayaks. Sorry. Its just an ignorant rube’s opinion.

All y’all can keep spilling drivel. Progressives follow the science. Chromosomes are a lie. There is no definition for gender. You can be what your emotions tell you. Now explain the other truism. Many of you can’t assess truth when you see it in a constitution, and you ignore the violations when it suits your needs, then squel like stuck pigs when it happens to you. Protestors stand up and incite violence againt America, chanting death to America, yet 6 January was painted a a violent revolution to bring down the government. Duh! DUH! While the violence was mainly by those ANTIFA activist. Didnt see them arrested. Still waiting for a response to why the VP was funding bail for arsonists in Oregon. What is going on in Oregan? Israel was attacked in the middle of the night with rape and torture, and chants to destroy the entire country and people find it justified. In the meantime they expect Israel to feed the people that Hamas prevented from leaving a war zone.

Rather than spend aid money on building a society, Hamas used it for elaborate tunnels and used the hospitals to store munitions. Duh! Now Hamas has been disrespected. Just like in this country, where the people voted for a guy that Obama said, "never underestimate the number of ways Joe can screw things up . . . and he has overwhelming support to do it again. The people voted in the Hamas regime. Now
they pay a heavy price, as we will soon find out the folly of our stupidity. I already know, the blame will fall on the republicans, based on the publicly funded and viewer supported NPR. State sponsored propagandists.

It’s fruitless and imposdible to discuss anything with someone who repeats things proven to bo be lies. That type of person will always double down and grab straws to avoid admitting a mistake. They’re right and you will always be wrong.


Yee uhh! You apparently don’t see the content of Tik Toc. You are fortunate to exist in a charmed world. Must depend on the news source. Or maybe I’m simply clueless. That’s probably it.

Check out this cool horse somebody delivered to our local playground. The wind makes it sound like voices are talking inside. Sure beats the statue of liberty. Another park only has pirate ship.

Let’s resist! :+1:t3::laughing:

I plan to. Me no scared. I just hope they get it done. The longer the delay, the stronger they get.

the heaviest immigration in the US was in the 20’s

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The best way to get news is to listen to everything. I like the Japanese news and the German news. I used to listen to a Russian station. Public tv news. It takes some critical thinking now to figure where the Truth lies. The majority of Americans seem to have lost that ability.

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I had a roomate who listened to Russian radio and drank vodka. And a good friend who majored in Russian whose goal was to work in the Moscow embassy. He did that before he retired from the Army.

Amen to that. This convo should be on a gun forum, not paddling.

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