OT + , Open Carry in SC

People who don’t want to help Ukraine say we’re paying the pensions of corrupt Ukrakian bureaucrats.
People who do want to help Ukraine say were saving Ukrainian children from Putin’s brutality.
In reality, most aid dollars are not earmarked for either. They are fungible.

I see you’re playing the “American Carnage” hits again, jyak. Oldie but a goodie at this point.

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Oh, no! Everything is under control. Nothing to see here. Sorry to sound off like that. Betty Boop, oh what a Dish! Steam Boat Willie. TOOT TOOT! Oh say can I see . . .

Sounds like everything is going well for you. That’s great. I’m going back to sleep. You made me realize I should buy a power generator tomorrow. Thanks, you convinced me.

Do you want a generator to run your house?
I’m thinking of putting in a propane tank and get one that runs on natty gas or propane.
I also want to use the propane for a gas sauna heater which use confers insane cardiovascular benefits.

I don’t want to make such an investment.in cost and upkeep. Once you put ethanol gasoline in gas powered tools, the ethanol corides the components of today’s equipment. Propane is expensive and the tanks have a limited life (my daughter uses propane for her stove and heat pump backup). Her house and furnace are energy efficient. They also have a full house generator that hasn’t been connected as yet. Solar powered generators dont work at night. So what’s the ecological impact of every household having a bank of batteries capable of storing energy from sunrise to sunset. Besides, its only a stop gap to the long term problem.

There’s no room here and it’s the wrong venue to discuss such information. General Mike Flynn, former DIA Director (DIA assesses the threats to the US from foreign adversaries and recommends priorities to correct deficiencies - you recall that he self-addmited having commnunist leanings, as did Brennan, when he laughed on a televised event about tricking Flynn into believing he didnt need a lawyer when they set him up). Flynn suggested that the Baltimore Key Bridge incident could be a “black swan event.”

China doesn’t let citizens leave without approval.

There are 50 Chinese police stations in the US (they have absolutely no constitutional enforcement of functional authority). They’re managing the wave of incoming, how would we say, migrants? If a handful of sabatoures were to damage the power grid, it’ll be be years before it can be restored (limited replacements on hand and the equipment is foreign sourced, like all the battery raw material, manufacturing, and the windmills (the TARP? program sent 450 billion? that we borrowed from China to China so they could make and sell us those windmills. When this administration started, remember the transportation snaffus. That was Chinas way of telling us they could ween us off Chinese products. Imagine if they invade Taiwan, do you think we could get new windmills to replace the ones thst are intentionally disabled. What good will a generator be when 90% of our prescruption drugs come from China. If you need antibiotics, insulin, blood pressure meds, you’ll simply die. And the tunnel visioned public is clueless. Buy a generator, to use for what. Freshnfood? Where will you get it. We’ve been made energy dependant, for what. To SAVE THE PLANET. This planet will always recover from human intervention.

The complacency of the public, allowing this administration to waffle on foreign affairs, release money to Iran when its know they’re funding terrorism, direct funding to Hamas. Our energy reserve has been sold to China, with public knowledge and consent. Putin acccused the venue attack on Ukraine. It’s laughable. Our humane open border policy has supercharged this country with a foreign presence with specific orders and awaiting word. No, I’m just making that up. Go back to sleep my children. Shhh. Be calm. Nothing to see here.

I’m still thinking about a generator, but think it would be better applied if I buy some luxury devices whille I still can.


That’s called YOLO spending

You only live once!

We are living the dream until it ends, I just hope I don’t need my gas bunker from 1930s.

See the door edges? This was built for WW1 sarin attacks.


Gnarly. I’m 72. I don’t plan to endure a post apocalyptic culture. Rather go out in a blaze.

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Most folks are thinking in terms of weeks and months. It’s better to think in terms of decades. Note how nations have risen and fallen throughout history. Things don’t go “back to normal” in a few years.
In the case of a failure of the existing infrastructure having enough food for a year is about 2% of what you need at best. It will buy some time to get up and running in what I call 1890s technology.
If the electric grid goes down so does the clean water delivery. So does fuel delivery which means so does food delivery. Yes a year will give you some time to set up a garden and come up with a way to purify water. But it’s smarter to do these things before an emergency, not during one.
The pattern for survival is as follows;

First Aid


Weapons and 1st aid are always in 1st place. the others will shuffle in importance depending on where you are and what the emergency is. But from a military standpoint 1st aid and weapons are ALWAYS in the #1 spot because without those 2 things in place you are not going to survive. If you are sick or injured in a situation where you have no support you MUST attend to the health problems because small and less threatening things we deal with become life threatening when you are totally on you own. Weapons (and the skills to use them) are vital because all you are doing with no weapons is that your preparations are simply making a treasure trove for anyone who has a weapon, and you’ll keep nothing for yourself or your family.


I’ve been watching and finally got tired of reading every post in detail. At least one post way above this one claimed that “guns kill”. To the best of my knowledge, no gun has ever sprouted legs and a finger and killed anyone, not ever. Unless it was one that belonged to Alec Baldwin. Can we agree that is and only is a human being that has ever used guns as a tool to kill? I learned to handle guns ar a very young age, since my father was a hunter, helping to feed his large family of legal immigrant parents and 9 siblings, and he worked at a gun factory during WWII, with the important job of accurately sighting in rifles before they were boxed and shipped off to war. He taught me well, and I passed on the lessons I learned to my own son, who won national collegiate shooting competitions and now teaches his own children in the proper handling of firearms. None of us has ever been charged with any crime or shown any reason why we should not ever be trusted owning or carrying a firearm for any purpose.

My high school had a rifle team, and so did most of the schools in my region of northern NYS. It was common for one or more team members to transport and display their rifle in the rear window of their pickup truck in the school parking lot. Of course mass shootings in that era were in all practicality completely unheard of. When I joined the Air Force as a flight navigator, I quickly earned my expert shooting award, and as the navigator was the one on the aircraft to be trusted with caring for the handgun, to be kept in my flight bag whenever we often had miliitary passengers transported in the back of the aircraft.


We’re in a pickle boys and girls. If you haven’t figured it out by now, you won’t. Hearings have exposed the bunko game and the public still doesn’t get it. The open border isn’t about giving the people fleeing global warming a chance of the good life. Ukrainevisnt about democracy. Ukraine democracy is critical, but tje people of Taiwan don’t rate. Why? Why? We don’t even recognize them as a nation. The world IS getting warmer, but nobody is doing anything to stop it. They’re making money as they skim the profits.

You see criminal being set free, smash and grabs, people punched on the street, pushed in front of trains, carjackings. Canada recommends keeping your car keys near the front door so a theif doesn’t wake you and hurt you in the night. Then the real joke is that law abiding citizens are criminals. I can’t count the number of times I’ve heard someone who was confronted by a crook say, “property isn’t worth taking a human life!” Bullocks I say. This diversion is sad and pathetic. Open your eyes to what is happening around you. That doesn’t mean the earth temperature isn’t rising. This argument continues, even after someone agrees that the temperatures are rising. It’s a scheme divide and divert attention of the population, while the grifters are cleaning up on the spoils.


well, you don’t have to kill them, just cut off their hand(s) so they will be branded as thieves…Just like Iran…

The Director of National Intelligence just put out a directive with a decree that certain words associated with Jihad, Muskim, Islam, etc are not to be used in reports.

Do you understand the significance?

Under the Obama’s reign, he coopted Members of the Muslim Brotherhood (the group that murdered Anwar Sadat because he was moving toward improved relationship with Israel), to rewrite the FBI manuals on how to handle interviews of Muslims (you recall the rash of events where the FBI interviewed Muslims prior to them committing terror attacks). Certain lines of questions were forbidden. But such topics are not related to paddling, so get updates elsewhere.

You know nobody will get their hands cut off in this country. You’re able to smash and grab up to $997 dollars, or is it $999.97 dollars. California passed a law, something about it being criminal to forcibly prevent a robbery, maybe I’m overstating it, but it’s something like that.

That thing about the ban on poison that kills rats is just to show why I’m skeptical about discussing topics with progressives. I’m sure somebody will post justification, but it doesn’t affect me so as far as I’m concerned they can keep the rats. Baltimore has the proud honor of being the rat haven of the world.

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Just today, I shopped at a local BJ’s. Right after I had my receipt checked against my purchases, the man behind me walked out with prominently displayed Target receipt. I just had to go back in and question the checker about it…"we weren’t sure so we ok’d it…company policy…

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I remember when :joy::joy::joy:

The compliant pay for it. The woke crowd is intentionally provoking a response. The men on women sport teams will one day come to a head. I think they got the idea from the Andy Kauffman Circus Night Live show. One day a father who has a daughter provoked by some pinbhead is going to reconcile the problem. Then maybe the women in this country will finally realize the joke is on them. Whatever happened to the women’s movement? Looks like men are leading it now! Fortunately, I taught my three daughters to rely on their competence rather than gender.

Here’s one for Andy and for everyone else too. It’s worth a few minutes to listen to.

Before you start please note that (Until it was censored by Dems ) the CDC’s own web site said the average number of gun used in the USA per year to prevent a crime is between 60,000 and 2,500,000 cases.


“Follow the science, but not that science!”

I’m not assigning any motive to @Andy, but I don’t really like the question. Why is it important as a gun owner if I’ve used it in a self-defense situation? The question seems to be asking me to prove my need to own a gun. It is ridiculous, if I have to first be a victim in order to arm myself it’ll be too late. As your video shows there are thousands if not millions of armed self-defense incidents in the US annually that proves the need.

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I get the point but find the numbers suspect. Sadistically speaking, in what universe can the difference between the low and high number of incidents be remotely accurate?

I see from that comment you did not watch or listen to the video. The answer to your question was answered precisely in it.

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I did both. Apparently I was distracted thinking about a kayak I want to try. That and numbers get highlighted by my training .