OT + , Open Carry in SC

I hope your comment is because you only read the title of the bill and have no idea about what’s in the bill. What would you call a crowd who climbed your fence to use your pool because they didn’t have one and then they decided to stay and pitched a tent because they liked your yard, and went into your refrigerator because they were hungry. Your point of view is naive. When would you reach your limit and throw them out, when they started charging admission and bankrolling the money, then demand you filter the pool because the water is fetid. You’re Christ-like outlook is to be commended. You see through cold hearted heart and had the resolve to label me as a hater because I’m not as tolerant.

Indeed we need to control the rate of immigration but the hateful Texans need to deal with it and stop sending them to Mathas Vineyard. You’re so right. Keep your blinders on.

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It should be obvious to anyone that pays attention to geo-politics, that the invasion of Ukraine by Russia should be considered an affront to Democracy. Poland is likely to be next if Putin is successful. NATO has protected western Europe since WWII. Funding the war in Ukraine is our duty if we want to support Democracy.

We are standing on the precipice of disaster. Trump is an obvious Putin sympathizer that threatens to take the US out of NATO. Resist Fascism in all its forms.


Now I know. Wow. I’m flabergasted. Out of words thst you could understsnd.

It isn’t obvious, particularly in light of Ukrainian corruption and Zelensky’s very undemocratic actions such as placing limits on religious freedom, press and political dissent. You can argue it is an “affront” to Ukrainian sovereignty, but let’s not fool ourselves and make this about “supporting democracy”.

Additionally, there are no indications that Putin would continue into Poland, while he is ambitious he isn’t stupid. He understands with the struggles that he had in Ukraine with limited support from NATO, he doesn’t have the ability to attack a member of NATO which would draw a full response from NATO countries. He knows it would be disastrous and would cost him the territorial gains he has made and Kaliningrad, and likely and probably more importantly to him his position and power.

The Steele Dossier was a hoax.


For one reason… countries aren’t paying their way as they were supposed to… I think it’s 3% minimum GNP for your military preparedness… How much more could our country have benefitted within if we weren’t making up their differences…


You are wise in the ways of the world! It would have been nice working with you.

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one of my biggest problems in the Russia-Ukraine conflict is that a totally corrupt government the size of Texas is fighting a country twice the size of the U.S. How is that even possible? Imagine their military expenses compared to their domestic spending even with all the foreign help…Hard to believe, but most Russians like living in Russia. It’s no different than us living here. We’ve helped in the killings of 10 times our country’s losses in Viet Nam and yet we aren’t protesting in our streets…

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It’s funny to me that people who hated Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfield now sound just like them.


Claudious, you do know your Homer . . .

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Here’s the irony where two sides can find commonality, which is why discussions should be allowed to mature. At one time, I respected Cheney, but no longer have a favorable impression (reasons aren’t relevant).

This point really belongs under the CO2 thingy heading, because again I find agreement with the global warming alarmists. Putting Putin loving aside, and focusing on a promise the US and NATO made to the Ukrsine after winning a short lived independence from Russia, they were promised protection against invasion if they surrendered their nuclear arsenal. They did, and right or wrong, we failed to honor that commitment. When Russia made overtures to “repatriate” them during the re-emergence of the Soviet Empire, the Obama administration gave them blankets and MREs. When they asked the next administration for 300 million dollars in defensive missiles, the Ukrainian president was asked to pledge that he would investigatecand eliminate the corruption, the funds were released, but that prompted impeachment proceedings (right or wrong).

Here’s the irony that resulted in a horrible tragedy. If they had been supported from the beginning, the Russians wouldn’t have felt encouraged to invade. Even I knew that 50 to 100,000 troops were an inadequate force. When they failed in capturing the airfield, four day and the war woukd be prolonged, because the Russian woukd outrun their supply line. The tragedy is that an estimated 100,000 russisn soldiers are dead, tens of thousands of civilians were targeted, displaced, and murdered. The ecological disaster is mind boggling, while we haggle over electric cars and LED light to save the bloody planet. They sink ships with tons of oils leaching into the waterway. Blow up refineries, lead bullets, rickets, plane sorties burning tons of jet fuel, tanks at 4 miles to the gallon or 4 gallons to the mile. The csrnage and destruction because the riches man in the world needs his dynasty back. And we bicker about a girl crying because the planet is dying, and people flee to the US because of, according to Joe, they’re fleeing global warming. Why didn’t we give the Ukrainians the deterrence we promised to prevent this, and the same thing is going to happen in South Korea and Taiwan. We owe them 18 billion in defense material we can’t deliver, because we simply exhausted our stockpile. Wher is the outrage. It has less to do about democracy than a broken promise. Like the promis to veterans who were told to vacate hotels in New York to make room for migrants. Like the medical care that isn’t available for war heros, because it was diverted for migrants. Do the math: $26k set aside per migrant for 8 million. I do like migrants. They didn’t even ask for it. It was just given to them by good hearted people, God bless em! Just like the schools they closed, or rec center for inner city kids, or parks that become shooting galleries for drug addicts, havens for gangs to butcher people with machetes. Sorry guys. I think about this when we get inti sime superficial jabber about the crystalline reefs that we all love to dive on. I can’t help but wonder if the outcry is for ourselves, because my beech front home that I bought might be under water. Dontvpatter me because I’m a hater. I saw plenty. I don’t hate, but I wonder when Somebody. Anybody will care about what we owe people we factually abandoned. I’m not trying to change your mind, belittle you, or argue. I just have a different PERSPECTIVE! I just don’t have time to explain how I really feel.

this has been one of the most thought provoking threads onP net in quite awhile… I’ve been here for25 years and very few subjects attract my thoughts like this one… I’m more of an advanced paddler with higher end equipment and don’t like to offer advice to beginners for kayaks or canoes because I’m not willing to look for all the stuff others find responding to beginners posts. It hasn’t gotten to anywhere the B&B ever got…


What’s really amazing that we have learned nothing.

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You cannot rationalize away the importance of protecting Democracy in Ukraine. No Democracy is perfect including our own. If Trump wind the election say good bye to Ukraine and NATO and future elections.

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So naive. Sorry!


You’re right I did rationalize, e.g. used logic, facts and plausible reasons to discount your statement. A statement you made without providing support.

You did the same thing in this post by not providing a logically supported counter-argument. You just made a statement without support. Show how Ukraine is a democracy. I’ll even concede that they have some freedoms, and perhaps that some democratic functions such as elections had to be suspended because of the war. However, this isn’t a matter of some minor imperfections, but more an oligarchy with some individual freedoms, a hybrid democracy at best.

In actuality, there are other arguments for supporting Ukraine beyond “supporting democracy”, but you’ve chosen not to make them. Tell Donald Rumsfield, Dick Cheney, and the other NEOCONS I said, “hi”.

Again, another statement without support or explanation. Why would we say goodbye to Ukraine and NATO if Trump was elected? If true why would this push us over the “precipice to disaster”? What future elections will we say goodbye to if Trump wins?


Dave, you said it all!

The lie that Putin and Trump are butt buddies isn’t reality. It’s Trump-dillusional- syndrome. Sorry but follow reality vs perception. Hillary has evaded accountsblity for her bought and paid for hoax. Everyone has the same set of facts. Depends on perception vs reality.


Since Dave has said it all , …?

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. . . He said it all. Nothing to add. Astute!

Please explain to me why we are paying Ukrainian pensions when our SS will be broke soon.
I really want to understand this.
Where are the statesmen? The Cold War was cold because both sides understood mutual destruction.