OT + , Open Carry in SC

How? So it would be better not to invest in the education? I don’t want to get into
the aspect of school curriculum at all and have no knowledge of what or not to teach. That’s because if you don’t agree with what one’s specific location disagrees with curriculum, there’s options… I have to say, I don’t agree with funding private schools with state money even though the taxpayers who send their kids to non public schools have paid local taxes through property taxes for the most part. I realize that most urban school systems have big problems, I mentioned in another post that(I hate to say it) it does take a village

and by the way{here’s a crock of garbage) you’re great grandkids will have to worry about that the way our FEDS make money out of nothing

Perhaps my sentence was awkward, so let me clarify. I agree that spending money on Ukraine is not a good idea. However, I think instead of spending that money elsewhere we should simply not spend it. Families are getting beat up by inflation as a result of government spending, or properly stated, government borrowing and monetary policy.

I have no problem with spending responsibly on education, however I’d rather see my taxes stay locally for education rather than be sent to the federal government to be returned with federal strings and mandates.

Finally, I think the proverb is more accurately stated as, “it takes a village to raise a child”. For a village to participate in raising a child that village aka community needs to have a shared set of values and norms, or it becomes chaos which is not conducive to raising a child. That’s the problem with Hilary’s use of it, she used it as a support to advocate for numerous federal policies not as encouragement for communities and families to come together and raise their children.


I don’t see much evidence for the success of “mental health treatment” in the scientific literature. It sounds great but where is the evidence it is effective at a meaningful scale?

CBT has the best evidence and we are not talking about a very significant effect size. Please share if I am ignorant.


I get the sentiment BUT.
The Germans do not have the birth rate to keep their social welfare and pensions going without immigration. If you come here you will quickly see that all the labor is done by others.
I feel Merkel managed the Russians and was responsible for the economic engine that Germany was for decades. Now that she is gone and things are unraveling everyone is throwing her under the bus. If you see who is in charge now, you will love Angela Merkel :wink:
They voted her in for 17 years and now it’s all her fault. I’m a Merkel fan. Did she make them too dependent on Russian gas? Yes but what were the options? Germany doesn’t have a very diverse economy, they manufacture. They have been the economic engine for Europe.
It’s the oldest country second only to Japan, I think?
Who is going to take over without globalism? The old people would starve if they couldn’t lockdown and have all the young immigrants bringing them their deliveries and food.

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That’s the trap politicians put the polulation into. Stop having babies. Abort them to save the planet. Oh, we forgot that nobody is left to feed the pension machine. So why don’t we open the door to refugees. They can sweep the floors. Like Nancy the Felosi said, "Who gonna sweep the floors, watch my kids, clean house, cut the grass . . . But of course theres a huge disparity in wages and cost of living. The street sweeper wants a mercedes and feels slighted. Make it up to them by giving away free college, free phones. How about a house. Now a stipend for food. Who pays for it. Then how about a living wage like California. $20 to flip a burger. No matter how much you pay someone to flioma burger, it gets boring, but the money is good, so the worker is upset. Its a viscious deteriorating cycle. It leads to resentment, so pacify them with drugs. Make sure they’re cheap and available. Cultures clash. Different standards. Why cant I steal or rape someone who thinks they’re superior to me. Why do we have to learn German. Keep the police out of our neighborhood, they don’t understand us. Why do we have to follow German rules, we have ourbown laws. We’re not German. Lets start our own country or now we have enough people frim the old country. We can overthrow this government. That’s my problem. I don’t know when to quit. That could never happen. Germans should just come to America. We let everybody else in, but i know for a fact that Germans have different standards to meet if they want to cone here, or maybe by now they can just walk in. You do know the Chinese have police stations in 50 state in the US. how about Minnesota or one of those hamlets going Somalian and resurrecting the old country that they fled, complete with Sharia law and dad can kill his daughter for wearing lipstick like an American whore. Sorry, thst wouldn’t happen. What’s wring with Venezuela. That was a garden spot at one time. Their gangs see a lucastive environment here. Why do the Cubans paddle bathtubs to Florida. Cuba is a tropical garden spot. Americans vacation in Mexico, so why do Mexicans want to leave and come here. Melting pot. Melting pots are good. Never mind!

I guess if it is now appropriate to insert politics and go off the topic of open carry it would be alright to insert some religion.

I think Easter was the wrong time to be trashing others. Jesus died on the cross for us sinners. He ministered for all but spent more time with the poor and downtrodden. I have a question. How would he treat refugees? Would he separate families, put up barded wire, vilify those that seek freedom and a better life?

Yesterday was a good time to spend with family and reflect on the values Christ placed before us if you are Christian. If not, then I guess there isn’t any reason for you to do so.

Agree. How many have you taken in?

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I dont like this topic or the CO2 topic. I figure if it exposes the ugliness of what’s happening to the country, people might get off the subjects and go on to paddling. It’s unfortunately like a moth to the flame.

Well, I have helped a few in my rural town over the years. We happen to have the highest percapita Hispanic population in the state of SC. We have peach orchards and two chicken processing plants that provide jobs. They have helped to breath some life back into the local economies to be frank. Working in construction I have also worked alongside many immigrants some from Europe even.

It nice that SC is so fortunate and welcoming. Not working out so much for the people in TX, but neither of us live there. The fine people of Martha’s Vineyard helped the ones that ended up there to find a cozy spot on a nearby military base. Not enough room on the Island.


Yes, Jesus died for the forgiveness of sinners, all of them rich and poor alike, and he wanted all of them to place their faith in him. He also said that those who truly believe in him would help the poor, the hungry, the thirsty and the prisoner, but he never advocated for government policy to do so. Certainly, he said we should pay our taxes, but he didn’t speak against the evils of Rome nor advocate for them to do for the poor what he told his followers to do. In other words, my duty as a Christian to feed the poor isn’t fulfilled by advocating for government policy such as food stamps. It is fulfilled when I feed the poor, and frankly I can do that better personally and through local charities than the government can or does.

All that said, how would He treat the refugee? The same as He treated everyone saying , “believe in me and follow me”; that’s not a political statement. As far as the other questions, as I said before he was silent on government actions. I think he would have been silent on our border policies, it just wasn’t his concern.

I’m not sure how you would define, vilify. However, while He did say he didn’t come into the world to “condemn the world because the world was condemned already”, he had no problem judging and denouncing sin. I’m not sure if you would consider that vilification. He willingly went to all, but he expected them to accept him and turn from sin, not remain as they were nor for Him to change to find them acceptable. I should make it clear that I don’t think to “seek freedom and a better life” is sin. However, sadly that isn’t all that is crossing our border, but that’s another discussion.

Glad you agree with how to treat others. It didn’t sound like it in what you posted.

So, it is OK to allow the many to suffer because of the few? Government actions does not absolve the individual from not helping others.

I’m assuming this is a reply to me. If not, I apologize. If so, I’m not sure why you’re asking that question. I didn’t say nor did I mean to imply anything like that. Although, I would say because of the few bad actors we have to be smart and responsible about the many who are crossing our border because of the many who already live here.

As far as your second statement, I’m glad we’re in agreement. Our responsibilities are our own and not the government’s.

I’m not good at expressing myself! But then I put events into perspective. My intention is not to pursuade, merely to clarify my point of view. It’s country perplexing that this concept is so hard to understand. Every country has laws that control immigration, the US is no different. At one point, the US stopped accepting people coming from other countries to enable the newcomers to assimilate. So all of the world wants to come to the US. They ignore our laws, come in caravans, deposit themselves on the southern border then look for a way to earn a living, educate their kids, providing phones, transportation, housing, food that they don’t like, a decision is made to give them $26,200 worth of health care services. In the meantime. People on the border have their fences cut, crips trampled, homes broken into, family and friends get raped murdered, killed in high speed chases, the worse gang garbage imaginable comes to sell drugs and that concept gets twisted out of shape that I have no feeling for people with addictions. Meanwhile punks beat up cops and prosecutors let them go. My career was 39 years as a counter terrorist/counter intelligence officer. I have no idea what you know about the REALITY of the world situation, but your PERCEPTION apparently is that the inflow crowd are all people with daisies and roses coming to pick South Carolina peaches. I gave you more credit than to be that clueless. You better pay attention to the words of the current FBI Director, because he knows things are abrewin’. You better hope you aren’t sitting at a public venue and a crew of malcontents worse than me storms the gun free zone with full auto AKs, hand grenades, and gasoline bombs. Imagine how betrayed you’ll feel when one of them laughs in your face. It happened in France, it happened in Russia several times . . . The Germans stopped one. The Israelis had it dropped on them and the world is essentially backing the terror groups. I’ve actually had the displeasure of interviewing and watching interrogations of terrorist. You may not know it or might agree with them, but they hate Americans (the Big Satan) more than cold boiled mutton, and at least as much as they hate the Israelis (Little Satan), but just under the contempt they feel for Russia (the Great Satan). It will happen here. But you can’t figure that out. Gall durn castoff. I’m shocked and appauled that few people on this forum seem to give a hoot about the US taxpayers. I’ll be your fiend. I dont mind. I spent way too much time on this fruitless topic.

Feel free to view me as a borish prig. I don’t mind.


We did that and went to church too. I have worked with refugees on the Syrian border of Jordan and I can still have my opinions about the rate being too fast or being counterproductive to society.
It does not mean I am not religious.
The optimal immigration rate is a well-documented concept in the International Relations literature. It is not an extremist notion, nor does not mean one does not like immigrants.


It doesn’t bother me what people think of me. I have no problem with someone being resourceful and finding a better life here. I actually interviewed people who dodged bullets, dogs, land mines, barbed wire and agressive security forces to get to the US and freedom. I stopped one incident of espionage, talked to defectors, talked to terrorists and watched interrogations, attended briefings on virtually ever bombing incident involving US assets overseas and in CONUS. I have friends who died from conditions linked to the Havana Syndrome. We know what caused it and are being lied to about the origins or existence. I ain’t some Polly Anna Rube who fell off the turnip truck and won’t learn the words to Kumbiah. I do detest willful ignorance, but recognize that people have the right to an opinion, therefore, I accept the view that I’m just a self-absorbed fat old white man.


Indeed, we need to control the rate of immigration. What we don’t need to do is vilify immigrants as less than us, and separate families. I was disappointed that the latest bipartisan bill worked out in the senate doing much of what is needed to be done was shot down.

As for government not being us, I disagree. Our democracy is of the people by the people and for the people. In Christ’s time this was not the case people didn’t have a say or have a choice in the government so would not be accountable for what the King decided.

Anyway, I have gone as far off topic as I care to go. To get back on topic I don’t intend to open carry in public. I don’t care to return to the wild west days and vigilantly style justice.

Perhaps it is just semantics, but “we the people” created a government defined by the Constitution, and that gives us a say in the workings of that government, but that doesn’t mean that we collectively and/or individually are synonymous with the government.

I’ll reiterate and possibly clarify; my personal Christian responsibilities are not the government’s. For example, I’m not fulfilling my personal Christian responsibility to feed the poor by voting for government policy or paying my taxes for the government to feed the poor.

I know you’ve stepped away, so I’m probably wasting my time, but just one addition. I don’t know if you feel this way or even if you would present this argument. However, I’ve heard the argument before advocating for a certain government policy because it is “Christian” from the same people who decry Christian influence and morality in other areas of law and policy.