OT + , Open Carry in SC

I’m so glad you ask. Immigration peaked from 1890-1920. We are not even close. Where I live in the south if you want a house or house painted or almost any work it will be Hispanics doing the work. I’m glad you mentioned the signers of the Declaration of Independence. The average age of the delegates was 42 and four of the most influential delegates—Alexander Hamilton, Edmund Randolph, Gouvernor Morris, and James Madison—were in their thirties. Now I hate when facts get in the way of a good story but I couldn’t help by self. Happy trails and I am paddling tomorrow

Nice to hear from you. Thanks for the info. What concerns me is that at one time, people came to the US to experience the freedoms. Now it seems that the trend isn’t to assimilate but to change it.

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It’s not whether immigration is good or bad, it’s about the *rate * so that assimilation can happen without major disruption to a society.
In the beginning, Jordanians welcomed the Syrian refugees but once they couldn’t get medical appointments and the schools were overfilled, they grew resentful.

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America has always been a country of immigrants. That includes everyone here except Native Americans and some Mexicans.

\We have an abysmal record of controlling immigration. We still educate the world’s smart people in our graduate programs in universities, and then watch them go elsewhere because they can’t get permission to stay. The brain drain goes to places like Canada. Congress came up with a contemporary immigration bill and Trump told everyone to vote against it.

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True, always had an immigration problem. Then it was mostly Mexican who assimilated, but not 8 million in 3 years. One million legal immigrants is not enough. The usual inflow of 6,000 illegal Chinese entries annually became 26,000, and even that has become over 20,000 since October. But don’t worry, people don’t leave China unless the Chinese government lets them, or so I’ve been told. After all China is our friend, we sell them farmland that our farmers are paid not to till. Why not come here. Free phone, transportation to a city of choice at US taxpayer expense to finish the cartel’s tour package, free health care, $500 @ night in NY hotels, with food, gift card, welfare, free ticket to ride the subways (the joke is how NY complains about turnstyle jumpers). In state tuition for college, or like Maryland, santuary victims got tuition, while I paid my own way to college. My four kids paid their own way to local colleges. Because they couldn’t afford out of state tuition. Then Big Joe violates the constitution by paying off student loans. I told my daughter, stop paying your student loan. Let the public assume the debt. Free collegebis coming. That way, the people who don’t go to college are culled out of the masses to be indentured to the college class who come in to lord over the ignorant blue collar class. Go to Wal-Mart, you can smell them. Maybe the indentured immigrsnts can pay for it, after all, they go at our expense. Our school system is failing and broken. The Mexican president is critical of the US for letting seven of the eight immigrant workers die on the Key Bridge tragedy (his population is fleeing enmass- look at what he saves on education, emptying the jail of gang members, and his percentage on fentanyl sales). We’re so compasion, offering indentured servitude to some who will do work US citizens dont want to do? Like construction, food service . . . Others can serve in child labor force or sex trade. Then a few can murder and assault and everyone says, “, Oh, my, what’s to be done, that isn’t the fault of the immigrant, right!” People install despotic governments and get tired of the control, then they flee, while US citizens crave the same thing that illegals risk their lives to flee. What will we do, where will we go as the same thing happens here. Cities cater to rioters, release criminals and target conservatives. Good. They deserve it. Lock up them dirty old white men for the mess they made of this country - somebody should warn them illegals they’re jumping from the pan and into the fire. Throw the veterans who fought for our freedom out into the street to make room for put nee friends. What to do? Nothing can stop it. Build bridges, not walls. Stupid Americans! Stop raising families, have fun at Disney World. Get a good job and let the immigrants do the indentured servitude. A lot like the early 1600s and what the Southern Democrats fought for until 1865. Now they’re making America great again with legalized indentured servitude. While California raise the minimum wage to $20, unless you’re a donor in to the political class and own a business that makes its own bread. My only question is whether people aren’t smart enough. To see the duplicity, are so complacent, are they complicit in the scam, or do they just wash their hands of the sordid details. By the way, I’m not trying to chamge anyones mind. I’m just venting my dissatisfaction. If you aren’t disturbed by it, nothing I say will sway youre resolute opinion. It isn’t about canones or kayaks, but sime will see my post and won’t pay attention anyway. Spring has sprung.


There are drugs for your condition. My neighbor and I were talking about the same problems. Then he said we won’t live long enough to see the worst of it. He’s 6 years younger than me.

When the rate is faster than assimilation, countries become ungovernable.

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Nothing to see here. It’s all good. It isn’t what’s happening that bothers me, as much as the wittless complacency, and the thought that there is no desire or effortto stop it, how long it will continue, or if it will ever end. The cultural impact and the financial burden on a country that has a 32 trillion dollar debt and giving away freebies like its a campaign promise (whoops, did I say that) is beyond belief. It’s like givingbnloodvis compasionate, so why stop at one pint. Why not donate sixteen pints.

You suggest that my concern can be quelled through drugs. I hardly consider that clever. You speak like a politician - they’re legalizing drugs state by state as fast as they can convince the public to slip into a mindless stupor. I witnessed friends who were intelligent and function reach a disfunctional state where they’re lucky to be able to tie a shoe. Cheech and Chong wete funny when I was a senseless kis, but its sad and horrifying when I grew up and understood that people I know are that disfunctional from drugs. It’s not something I joke about. Any wonder why politicians becsme drug pushers (or why they want an open border). A drug addled mind is easier to manipulate. I prefer to keep my mind free of adultrants. I follow some content on the forum that is probably influenced by drug induced psychosis. At least I feel free and not ashamed of how I feel.


A lot of governments throughout history love their population to be stoned and apathetic. You know natural law will correct all this in its own way but it is difficult to watch. I feel the same way about drugs and that is at the root of most of our problems.

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Drugs are not the root of anything. They are a symptom of other issues in a society. Americans have a nearly insatiable desire for drugs and alcohol.

Plenty of drugs are made right here.

He may be right Ppine, but only if he dies inside the next 18 months.

Oh, I absolutely agree. I found out a long time ago that most people who suffer from a sibstance abuse issue won’t stop. Why stop it. 30,000 doe from gunshots. Half are suicidal. Take the guns away and they’ll just use drugs. So we’d have 15,000 gunshot deaths and 115,000 drug deaths. But that won’t stop the gun control advocate. Facts don’t matter, which is why discussions about it don’t change anything. You can take all the drugs you want. I won’t stop it, and I won’t carry narcan. I know too many dopers, and in my opinion, I don’t see much value in their contribution to society. I have one guy I befriended and found out he has an addiction issue. I tried five time to treat him to a free breakfast, and he hasn’t the functional ability to stand up and do it. He’s too strung out. Such a damned shame. He had so much potential as an artist. Take all the drugs you want, and drink yourself to death as well. We have different points of view, and don’t care if I influence anybody. It’s my point of view and I’m standing by it.


Everybody started babying them and telling them they are a victim of a disease and they are helpless.
Maybe they are helpless but there is nothing somebody else can do about it.


Globalism is the curse. The political elite are culling the masses to create a serf class to work for their benefit. We are being groomed to be satisfied to get basic essentials to stay alive. More and more people are learning to prefer that. I’m not one of them. Drugs make that process of conversion easier. East Germany is an example of what happens when socialism fails. They were abandoned. East Germany united with the prosperous West, then they elected an East German to rule them, and she tied their energy needs to a socialist country. I’m not good at understanding that.

Addiction is a disease that can be treated. Mental health is the last frontier in America. We pay little attention to it.

Capitalism, especially with Fascist leadership tips the playing field to the wealthy. The Labor Movement is busy right now protecting the rights of the working class. I have never been in a union but I support them and other ways to have a more balanced society, like progressive tax structure.


it’s crazy where this thread has started and is now gone. I wonder how long before more people come and say this thread is vile and should be taken down.

We do not have a pure capitalist economy. We are a mixed economy, and what evidence is there that any other economic system doesn’t have its elites and wealthy? Whether it has been socialism or communism there have been the haves and the have nots. I imagine Xi Jingping’s lifestyle has no relation whatsoever to the average Chinese citizen.

So who is the “fascist leadership”, because we certainly haven’t got to this time and place in our country because of just one President or one Congress or whoever you see as leadership? I also wonder what rights do you think the working class is losing? I was never in a union and I think they have their place, but they’re hardly without their issues, and there are imbalances of power and wealth within their own structure and membership.

So I guess you’re pretty happy with our current situation, as capitalism wanes with more and more regulation, corporatism, strong unions and a progressive tax system.

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So you’d prefer that disenfranchised people just wouldn’t get the help that they probably need? Not everybody comes from healthy family history. Just imagine how our country’s schools could have been helped with all the billions given to Ukraine…and by the way, use spell check. Why would you not have seen that so-called addiction as you were starting to befriend that person? And God bless you, but what if a family member or close family kid happened to find their way into drug trouble, and narcan was available…As much as I dislike the Clinton’s, I believe Hillary said it best…it takes a village…

I do use spell check. I go over the texts, but somehow apparently miss it. If you feel disrespected, I’ll do better and not text.

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I don’t feel disrespected at all… you just seem to think that because you’ve lived your life right that failure isn’t possible

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American families would receive more benefit from the government not spending (borrowing) money to give to Ukraine rather than spending it on something else such as schools.

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