OT + , Open Carry in SC

It sounds like you’ve made the assessment I was talking about based on realistic scenarios and personal experience.

Btw, my comment wasn’t directed at you nor anyone in particular. I’ve just seen too much bluster from people who have never shot at anything but paper nor faced dangerous situations. They simply have never thoughtfully considered how, when, why and if they can use a firearm.


I was just explaining how carrying applies to my own life and I would be reluctant. I realize my gun could be used on me and I also know they could hold a gun to my head and stuff me in the safe.
I worry enough about getting stuffed in the safe that I might get a smaller one :laughing:
Having a dog is important for me because he will buy me some time if somebody gets in.
I always sleep with the bedroom door locked also.
Security is achieved in layers.

I am very sympathetic towards people that want nothing to do with firearms and have been traumatized living in a country where children are shot in schools.


I’m glad you came to paddling.com cause your every post be it pictures of your travels, your thoughts on topics, is always relevant and non-political

Good thinking, similar idea to the military idea of defense in depth and those old European castles I know you’ve visited.

I do understand peoples’ aversion to guns and their anger and frustration with school shootings. I don’t question their motives, unless they’re among the ruling elites, but I do think they’re terribly mistaken on how to solve the problem.


My paddling partner accused me of posting an inflammatory subject. She is somewhat correct because after years here I knew what many reactions would be.
The disturbing event that got to me was our legislature allowing 18 yo to own and carry a deadly weapon with no training and no permit.
I was an 18 yo gun nut under the supervision of a LEO and was not allowed to carry it without a specific purpose like hunting or practice.
Now I read that many 18 yo are more immature than ever and many of them have no adult guidance.
My most inflammatory post was titled " If you don’t wear a PFD you are a fool" or something like that. P.Nut Armageddon!
That day I had hit a stump and got tossed into a 41 degree flooded river. I went under and my PFD popped me up.


I’ve talked to MohaveFlyer at length on the topic. I don’t see her being in the sheep category. She has a plan for everything.

There is no point to teaching marksmamship to someone who balks at hurting another person for any reason. Any hesitation will end the engagement in the other person’s favor. Once you commit, the outcome is set in motion - you will either win or lose.

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Well lets just bring in religion, Presidential politics, chicken recipies and Ford vs GM discussions.

There are plenty of places to argue the pros and cons of gun control, some dedicated to exactly that, but this is a place for PADDLING issues. You know, as in the title, in the magazine, and in the ACA.

These type of posts infest groups and the only thing it does is make people angry. They do not change anyones mind. They do not inform. They only divide.

If that’s the standard for topics then PFD wear, climate change, and some other common topics should be banned too.

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I’m not seeing where the post suggests banning anything. It simply suggests the not-so-radical idea that this forum is intended to be about paddling issues. It reminds us that there are countless forums on any issue anyone might care about, but this one happens to be about paddling.
Yes, discussions sometimes drift from the original topic. However, they usually don’t go on and on, with each side repeating the same thing over and over again, and without much evidence of listening or learning, and little (if any) acknowledgment that different opinions can both be valid. Tiresome, to say the least.
Yes, I know, we aren’t forced to read threads we don’t appreciate. That is true, and it also misses the point. It’s about using the right tool for the job, and the job here is to share information, expertise, experiences, and such that may help our community of paddlers in some way.

Ok, sorry, maybe I made an inference that wasn’t implied and used too strong of a word, “banned”.

Although, the point still stands about whether a topic is appropriate. For instance, there is no complaint that this is the wrong forum when the climate change discussion goes off the rails. The discussion undeniably becomes political and heated with posters insulting others, in addition to the repeated arguments with charts and videos that don’t convince anyone. Sounds like that would fit your description of “tiresome”.

Btw, it should be noted that at first, I agreed that this topic should be somewhere else. However, some of the opposing comments, not yours, have made me reconsider and change my mind.

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To the extent any topic, including climate change, goes on ad nauseam as each side reads from their respective talking points with ear plugs firmly in place, you are correct. Tiresome!
The PFD believers and deniers can get there too, but it’s clearly connected to paddling so I give that one a pass unless/until incivility rears its ugly head. That quickly tests my threshold of intolerance regardless of the topic. It serves no constructive purpose and only makes the offender look small.


A lot of paddlers carry firearms. I usually do. No problem talking about guns. If you don’t like it, don’t read it.

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Like this post?

well…I (and apparently many others) like it.

It’s more than dismaying, our family has been here since the late 1600’s, mostly Scotch / Irish. The political situation is horrendous. As these old white men who have ruled our country forever die off maybe change will come. 2nd amendment is a sticky situation and I too have a CWP mostly for traveling to areas where protection is only available if you have i with you. I no longer camp or travel without and hope to never ever need it. I am in my 70s and things have changed so much, I use to hike and camp everywhere without thought of being armed, those days are gone. Happy trails

This old white man of 73 agrees with you that old white men shouldn’t be running our country.

I’m happy to live in a gated community and try hard to not go any place where I might feel the need to be armed. I do like to shoot though!

I get the topic is sensitive but my response was to my habits when canoeing or camping away from civilization. I don’t agree or disagree with anyone else ideas. I want everyone to enjoy what they love. For me being on BLM lands or canoeing a local river and camping is no longer the safe harbor they once were. Safe travels and happy trails

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You make a good point. This topic has a tie to paddling, and not just for protection from four-legged threats, e.g. bears. The fact of the matter is there are places and times that two-legged threats are a much greater threat than the four-legged variety.

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Don’t do that. Its specific people who are degrading our country. I’m an old white man and Im absolutely livid at what every politician is doing to sell.our country. It Has NOTHING TO DO with color or age. If you knew the age of the representatives who signed the constitution, you might chamge that admonishment. Im not aware of many other countries that are coming here by the millions.

WHY DOESNT ANYBODY LEAVE. THEY JUST COME HERE TO CHAMGE AND DESTROY. DANG! Go somewhere with a communist way of life. Orcstay here until the influx changes it all to make it more like the home they left. What jackals. Like Omar and that ignorant clown show OAC. What an ignorant pack of fools and clueless dupes. Like everyone says. Some malcontent has to get into the mix and make a stir. That would be me! Peace out. I’m burned out trying to make sense of this thread.

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It’s time for this thread
to fade into p.com history.
And go paddling.