Acquired by VerticalScope

I miss P-net. Not because this site is inferior, but because i deeply resent the mining & sale of personal info. It’s done everywhere which doesn’t make it ethical or right. As a spectator I may well be the last lemming over the cliff.


Are you the same Jeff that was the Admin. after VS bought Yellow Bullet ? That site has changed and not for the better. Don’t do the same to this site.

Yes, I am and I am also the one who attended the YB nationals to help out at the events and hand out swag to members.

That community has been cleaned up and become a much less toxic environment for its users with the help of the mod team and the YB founder.

What concerns do you have with the changes there?


I tried to send a private reply but it got kicked back. I am not going to bring up YB issues here. Don’t mess up. The people there are self policing. Granted some are self appointed blowhards but they don’t get out of hand. Everyone here has a passion for paddling. Some may be a little crass but that came with age.

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It’s a good thing you arrived after Bicker and Banter was deleted, whose most prolific posters seemed to be less into paddling than, well, bickering.

First, I have no clue about Yellow Bullet, but the initial approach to Pnet was heavy-handed in its censorship and “culling” of comments that included criticism. One of the great things about the old Pnet—besides the enthusiasm for paddling, of course—was that people usually could disagree with each other without turning the place into a warzone. With your threat of the Big Stick method of moderation, you might be driving away irascible, undiplomatic, yet often helpful and knowledgeable posters. RIP, Pnet, if that turns out to be the case. The site can’t serve its purpose if nobody other than friendly but clueless people post.

The second feature I am concerned about is the harvesting of paddling site info (described in your other thread). If that info is deliberately provided by a paddler, that is one thing. If it is obtained through sneaky tech, that’s misappropriation of info not intended to be disseminated on the WWW or used for commercial gain.

I’ve also noticed a fair increase in the number of new posters saying things that just don’t add up. Some of these have come across as “plants” stuck in the forum to test the waters. That’s not marketing; that’s trolling,

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Just curious why you never responded to my above post. In case you missed it, I said this:

Jeff, I respectfully suggest, that in a show of good faith in people’s ability to think for themselves, you un-delete the posts you deleted. That way we’ll all be able to trust that you genuinely support a free exchange of ideas, and will not censor posts that are not mere trolling. If Vertical Scope has indeed changed, then you should have no reason to try to stop people from reading things written about you, even if they are not positive.


Understood and agree, deleting those posts was not an ideal call. They have now been restored. That said, we as a company are constantly trying to grow and improve, even from the past year.

The situation presented in the subreddit thread, however, was related to a specific community split and is marginally disingenuous to what happened. The site in question was on a deprecated software and it was migrated onto a new platform; those that split off were angry at the new format and created their own community.



Thank you, Jeff. I have to admit, I’m surprised you agreed to do this, and it makes me feel better. I am now ready to hold hands and sing Kumbaya. :wink:



Would it be possible to add a category to the advanced search for (Thread started by) where a user name could be entered and it wouldn’t show all their postings just threads they have started. Right now there is a (Posted by).

Thanks Bud

Bud, that option already exists. When I check “topics” under your activity, I can see threads you started.


I’m working from a PC are you seeing that in a phone app or on a PC. i don’t see topics that I can check. I just get a long list of every thread and the ones I started are mixed in.

Maybe I’m missing something.

I found it. Wow that’s kind of hidden. Thanks and cancel the request.

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Kinda off topic, but also not. I placed an order through the online store on August 13 - and while it says items ship in 2-3 business days, I’ve received no notification of it being shipped (and obviously, I haven’t received the gear). Are you guys aware there’s a store component to this site? Or should I have my bank reverse the charge?

Yes. Most, if all, are aware of the store but I personally have not ordered from it for a couple of years and it took more time to receive it than one would have expected.

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Thanks for the feedback. Appreciate it.

Replied in your other thread on this.


Yep. Got it. Thanks so much!

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