Pnet website renovation coming soon

Wishfull thinking.
I don’t have the extra cash right now, too many car and tooth repairs this year.

But, if the right deal came along, I’d find a way.

I’m really lusting for a Placid Shadow, but that’s not likely to happen this year.

Also lusting for an Epic GPX.

I still need to sell a few boats, as well, but not too crunched for space at this time.

Let me know when your other
Monarch needs a good home

Gee I could pick up a Shadow enroute!

Seems like all the messages in a thread are jumbled up in no order I can discern.

I compared the two sites using the Fall Ozarks Rendezvous Pictures thread from the Getting Together & Going Paddling board.

All the posts to that thread on the site are dated and listed in order with the oldest posts appearing first. The most recent post on that thread was on Nov. 6.

All the post to that thread on the site are dated Nov. 11. The posts do not appear in any logical order that I can discern.

I hope this gets straightened out. On the site you can determine if a post is a response to the original post or a response to someone’s response to the original post (Well, that is true if posters exhibit any care as to where they post their responses.)

I can see where if this isn’t straightened out it can become very difficult to use these boards and follow the discussions within posts.

We’ll see but exploring the message boards and trying to follow discussions with posts on the new site at this time requires more effort than I am willing to expend. If this does not improve I will probably visit considerably less often than I visit

After all, I’m getting older and don’t have as much time left as I used to.

@harry0244 said:
funny stories

will likely vanish. There hasn’t been a new one in five years.
You’ve been lurking here for 5 years?

@Vic said:
Seems like all the messages in a thread are jumbled up in no order I can discern.

Sorry about that! There was a problem with the data migration, but we should be able to get things straightened out—at least with the dates and sort order. Unfortunately, the new forum software doesn’t support “threading” of comments. Comments are just listed in linear order, so we will lose some of the context you got with the nesting, but it will still be a lot better than it is now.