Pretty Pictures - Just Pretty Pictures

Gila river, Arizona.
Only hard shell kayak among a group of inflatables and one canoe on a class II river.


Great lookin swamp!!


Stunning photos

Thanks! I have admired many of yours.

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Ain’t it Great a standin’,
by to monopod?
Pterodactyl’s lil’ cousin,
perhaps as much quite odd,

riparian high-struttin’,
paddle-pushed flaps off no fight,
n’er’egrets this heron earth,
blue-n-grey plumed up for flight

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A well-dressed Heron hoping to score.


First overnight road trip since November. Seward Alaska last weekend


Got a bit too choppy for Paris. Ended up renting a fat bike and the slush up to Exit Glacier, Seward Alaska


She sure is your adoring companion!

A simple photo of a tulip poplar and the sky.


Rainbow River today :rainbow:


Do you ever paddle Suwannee? I’ll be there in a few weeks

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No, I have not. It’s a bit too far for a day trip and if I’m going to paddle on a river I prefer the spring fed ones.

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Yes i know nothing of the river, doing a race there in May

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The Suwannee is a beautiful river with plenty of access and many springs.
I’ve paddled mostly near the state park where the Withlacoochee joins it.

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I have done a small portion of it. much of the upper end is limestone with some shoals depending on water level. It is a blackwater river originating in the Okefenokee Swamp Here are a few photos of the river below the Withlacoochee. We did one night and canceled the trip because of forecasted flooding. You can see how high the banks are above the river. The flooding topped the banks and was about 5 feet above where we camped that night. The river can change radically with water level.

Florida’s only WW rapids are just above the town of White Springs. There is Little Shoals and Big Shoals. Some folks portage there.

Intrastate 10 in the background

We called the trip off when it was forecasted to flood the river. this camping shelter was on pilings 10 feet above the level of the bank. You can see the tree through the screen. The water was about halfway above the bottom step we were told after the flooding.


SC azaleas


In case you missed this one. Deadly beauty, esp if you are a rodent.


Nice to see color. Forecast just issued for this weekend: snow flurries. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: