I am currently discussing the purchase of an Anas Acuta from a local dealer. This boat will need to be ordered (due to color choice, lay-up, options, etc…) & I have a question regarding the seat which I hope you can answer.
Valley’s website shows the the poly seat is available for this boat but it also states that a keyhole cockpit is available (?).
If you could please tell me what seat options are available for the Anas Acuta (ocean cockpit), it would really help me out as I would like to order this boat as soon as I can, & this information is all that I need to finalize things.
Thanks in advance for your help.
re: Valley Spray Skirts?
Does anyone know about the neo spray deck Valley is apparently going to market this year? Is the coaming edge area reinforced? This spray deck is supposed to offer a better seal on Valley’s cockpits, then one can get using a Snap Dragon’s neo models.
Valley Spray Skirts
My Valley neo skirt does the best of any skirt keeping water out of the cockpit ogf my Aquanaut. My only complaint is that the deck is not reinforced. I’ve repaired four holes/tears thusfar - mostly from doing t-rescues.
Reinforced deck would be a very good thing for this skirt.
never had a problem getting a seal with a Snapdragon skirt on Valley boats.
Other people posted that they did, but some were not so sure that it was at the combing area and not just “Tunnel Water” comming down their spine because of body build.
Best Wishes
And I have had sealing problems
on the Aquanaut LV (composite). I had far less water in the cockpit of a Tempest 165 Pro after extensive rolling, when using a Snap Dragon all neo Ocean Expediton, than when I used the skirt on the Valley. Ironically I only rolled the Valley twice. Tunnel fit was a non-issue. I can’t swear the issue is coaming fit, but after making a direct comparison with these two boats I can only conclude that it is.
you using a M size skirt?
Best Wishes
Yes (nm)
Anas details
Sorry for the confusion caused by incorrect details on the website. The standard specification for the Anas Acuta is the small Ocean cockpit as pictured on the whole boat picture, this has a traditional one piece coaming/seat-pan moulded in glass-fibre, the newer plastic type seat can not fit any of the ocean cockpit models.
To complicate things a little we are introducing a Keyhole cockpit version of the Anas and this will feature the new style plastic seat. This will be available in approx 4-6 weeks plus shipping time so could be an option for a custom order
We are doing a raft of upgrades to the website soon, as well as a new catalogue, these will both feature clearer information on models and options
Kind regards
p.s. yes just got back from a second show!
Volunme Info would be appreciated
Adding volume info on your boats would be appreciated. A keyhole AA will be interesting to see even if I would never exchange my OC for one. Also hoping the Avocet LV makes it out in the estimated time frame. Keep up the good work. The loading or weight range chart is great and hope it is expanded for all the boats.
Not only volume…
If you were to add actual weight/size specifications instead of silly "smaller/medium" classifications you would be breaking water ;)
SeaKayaker Magazine provides stability curves ( or actually rigthing action depending on load ). Having something similar would be desirable.
Valley does provide with "Suggested Weight" curves for their boats.
Weight and sizing information would be difficult to do for any manufacturer - wouldn’t it? I am 6ft 2in and 190lbs and fit into that boat, yet I have seen shorter folks who weigh less that can’t get into it. I am also ‘too heavy’ for it, but isn’t that just in regards to the amount of freeboard that someone thinks is right or is it in regards to other design requirements?
From a non-engineering perspective, all that stability curve stuff is greek to me and doesn’t do me any good anyway. I will learn alot more with some seat time anyday as long as I know I can fit into it!
AA in keyhole
Anas acuta in keyhole if this is for real
when can I order. If available in 4-6 weeks,
where probably looking at this fall by the
time its delivered
for stability are pretty close to worthless…diferant body types (weight high or weight low) (tall or short) etc etc…all boats are plenty stable without anyone in them
never seen a boat just tip over on it’s own
there is absolutly no way to determine stability of the person in any given boat …demo demo demo
I have and paddle and roll an Anas Acuta …to me it’s very stable, I’m 205 pounds, with plenty of my weight above the boat I demoed a Rumour, It seemed stable…I was in Freya’s “Sexy Hexy” after Canoeacopia and it felt stable
For traveling and camping I paddle a Nordkapp (extreamly stable boat)
no one can possiably determine what feels stable to you…especially with their computer…
Best Wishes
thank you
Peter O. for your response.
One more question if you please though.
Since the glassed-in seat is the seat available in the ocean cockpit, is it possible to order the boat with the glass seat set lower? (ie-as close to the hull as possible).
Peter, I really appreciate your responses. The local dealer is very helpful but still must contact GRO regarding these questions (who probaly must then contact you). By taking the time to answer these questions directly - here, you allow me to be able to make my choices that much quicker, & place my order for this fine Valley boat sooner rather then later.
Simple gestures such as these are one of the reasons I enjoy purchasing from Valley.
Thank you again…
Keyhole good.
seat heights
Seat height is fixed because the seat coming is a one-piece unit and therefore the height of the deck dictates how low the pan sits to the hull. The only way to vary the height would be to provide different “depth” seats.
We do have an Anas going through the workshop currently, I’ve just been in and checked the clearance between seat and hull, the gap being just over half an inch, I’d argue that even a foam seat wouldn’t get you closer than this. If getting as low as possible is important, please specifiy with your order and we’ll try to ensure all tolerances run in your favour this might get the gap down to between 3/8th and ¼ of an inch
Just a fianl note for someone asking about lead time on the keyhole cockpit version, first ones will be shipping in approx 6 weeks but the first production spaces for custom orders will be on the July container, these would hit stores the first week in August
and don’t forget the rudder for Kudzu!
No Rudder
Skeg good
Keyhole good
Low volume good
hip bones
I simply can’t get my hip bones to conform to the molded in seat in the ANAS. If I was to order one I would do so without a seat altogether. happy bottom seat or just a pad would be just fine in that boat.
Still think a poly ocean cockpit version would be awfully sweet. with a skeg.
break some new ground anyway…
New Backband
Is the new Valley backband available yet? I would like to get one for my Aquanaut. Should I be contacting GRO?
Your posting and responding here continues to be a boon to paddlers.
Thanks again.