Signs that spring is here

It’s warm and sunny after months of rain and chill.
Yesterday I saw the first house fly and a blow fly.
Yesterday, I saw one carpenter bee; today half a dozen.
Two young women jogged by in their yoga outfits with their dogs.
Yesterday the tulip poplar had only buds; today they are unfolding.

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If only. Just saw the local weather forecast. Three inches of snow. :woozy_face:

Similar here. Wet, heavy snow this morning and it isn’t over yet.

A bit early here also. I wanted to paddle last weekend, but at 16° and a little fresh snow I decided to stay home.

I saw those geese everyone blames on this country at least three or four weeks ago. That’s one of the earliest times I’ve noticed them.

Hoping they’ll realize the border is closed and stay in Canada! :grin:

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Looking for that new green grass to turn into:poop:

I usually don’t feel like its really spring until the marsh marigolds appear. But its been a weird year. I heard cranes in mid Feb. and saw a garter snake last week. But it snowed a little night before last and there was a bit of a thunderstorm today. Mixed signals.

VERY Spring-like here in central NC lately. Many flowers blooming and green stuff getting greener. Birds are vocalizing loud and long… and the AC has been on for 24 hours. Here’s something you can do to fight the corona cabin fever: Teach yourself how to identify birds just by the sound they make. My grandson is getting good at it.

It has looked like spring for six weeks. But NOW the pollen count is off the high end of the scale.

It was 89 here yesterday. It tied a record of 89 set back in 89. That, the pollen count, and that the bird feeders are emptied in 3 hours say spring.

The gators agree, they are starting to mark their territories and floating high in the water to strut their stuff.

SE North Carolina has had a very mild winter. A handful of mornings where it barely dipped below freezing for a few hours, and highs in the 50’s were our cold spells. Daffodils bloomed in mid February.


Happy first day of Spring from the homestead:

I was going to say groups of collage kids frolicing on our beaches…
Now it looks like Florida beaches are closed as are the bars and eat-in restaurants.
The hotels are closed in the Keys and they might close the road to non residents…
Looks like we might have a nice quiet spring break…

Not so bad down here - temps dropping through the day & wind but no snow.

Looks like the roads are being closed to visitors.

@rival51 County snowplow went by earlier. Have no plans to go out today, so the snowblower will stay silent.

Yesterday our whole front yard turned green

LOL, on this second day of spring I fired up the snowblower to clear my drive. Can’t do much about the now boulders of ice the county plow tossed at the drive entrance, other than smoosh them down with my car.

A cold (19F) but sunny day.

And I just put on shorts. Legs are fishbelly white. That will change soon.

Umm … it’s snowing(?) :neutral_face:

Yesterday: image

Today: image