Tunes on my Yak

I see this thread as a microcosm
of the world not just

It IS fun when you are paddling and hear a song you like too … turn iT UP ! I always yell, with smile and a wave, makes them think either way. Then I hope those guys hanging out next to their truck don’t throw anything : )

Wearing Headphones Can Be Hazardous

Especially with todays headphones that fit into the ear canal and seal off outside noise, better music sound but they also will eliminate the sound of that jetski or other hazard. I wear them to cut grass and they are very effective at blocking the sound of the mower engine even when used at low volume.

I can already imagine some here complaining about trying to get someones attention or warn them about something but they were ignored because the @#&%* paddler was wearing headphones.

I listen once in awhile

– Last Updated: Apr-16-10 8:35 PM EST –

Although it's usually with an ipod and sacrificial set of headphones! There is nothing quite like putting in into surf, or riding up the chairlift looking at a black diamond slope with the right music pumping.

Helen didn’t have speakers, did she?
Sorry, couldn’t resist. All in good fun, mate!

I don’t think so
Did Freya ?

You’re right, and I would not wear them

– Last Updated: Apr-17-10 10:15 AM EST –

...or put speakers in my boat. From a safety standpoint, you're right on the money, though the amount of hearing blockage will depend on the type of ear buds and the volume of the music. The effect on one's safety also depends on the nature of the water you're on, specifically the amount and type of boat traffic and the amount of maneuvering room you and the other craft on the water have. I haven't seen, experienced or heard of ear bud related incidents on the water, but I imagine that they can and do happen.

Either way, I don't see any point in listening to music when I'm on the water. For me, a big part of the experience of being on the water is hearing the sounds that go with it.