Used Pungo 120 hull advice

At 74 with a wrecked back and legs I’ve given up lifting anything over my head. Your Pilot is a tall vehicle!
We transport 2 140 in the bed of my pickup with an extender. Almost no lifting.
I can still pick up a 140 with one hand and move it short distances.

Good to hear.

I owned a Pungo Classic about 25 years ago. It was the third or forth kayak purchased, when I was starting out. It paddled decent for what it was, and my lack of skills. It had no bulkhead in the rear. The round hatch held a small water proof ditty bag. Basically good for storing keys and not much else. The only flotation in the kayak back then, was the infamous grey thing( aka hunk of mini cell foam at the bow and stern). Thus if it flips, it fills with water and mostly sinks. Hard to empty out all that water. I found out the hard way, back then.

The 120 and the 140 should have at least a rear bulkhead, to help with flotation. The first couple years of the P140 only had a rear bulkhead. Wilderness tried to save a few bucks the first couple years, by only putting in a rear bulkhead. After a couple years of complaints of having a front hatch with no bulkhead, they finally added them.

If you buy the 120 and/or the 140, you may need to reseal the bulkheads. Typically the caulking around the bulkheads crack and leak, after a few years. That is no big deal. Sometimes even new kayaks have bulkheads that need to be recaulked.

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I’m 67 and my 80# canoe was a bit much to put on the roof rack alone. I built a simple $20 DIY loader and it was a total game changer. Her rec-kayak is only about 43# and I can lift that overhead, but I still use the loader when we go together. I load the kayak first and then slide it across and then load the canoe. Both from the same side.

Always fun at 100 lb. & 22’ with a 7’-11" vehicle height and 70th birthday past. :joy: Bath mat works great for loading.

If they built the pyramids I can get that up.

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Hello all. I missed out on the Pungo 140 but am looking at a Pungo 120 with the rubber hatch cover ($350) and a Pungo Classic (no bulkhead) $150. Also just found a Heron 11 XT like new for $350 and a Necky Manitou 11 also like new fro $350. Any thoughts on best kayak for 6 ft tall 230 lbs? Thanks, Jerry

14’ as noted several times.


Did you ever get a boat?

Unfortunately not. I had an agreement with the owner of the Pungo 140, 80 miles away, to hold it till I could get there. She sold it the day before I was set to make the drive. My fault for procrastinating. Since then I have not found any Pungo 140s on the market. There are a couple of 120s but everyone has convinced that these are too small for me. I am looking every day.

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OK, after months of looking for an affordable used Pungo 140 or 125 I saw a local scout leader, who probably weighs 280, happily using a Perception Prodigy 12 in open water. I am 228 fully dressed and booted. So I looked it up and it has a max wight of 350. So at the 80% safety rule it should be good for 280. Should be absolutely fine for me. I found one for $280 on Facebook Marketplace and I bought it. I must say I love it. Will I still dream about a Pungo 125 (used at $900) or a Pungo 140 (used at $750)? Yes of course. But for now the Prodigy 12 works well, tracks well, glides smoothly and does not feel bogged down at all. I will not take it out on the ocean but on lakes and rivers it fills the bill. Happy camper.


Yes. After months of looking for an affordable used Pungo 140 or 125 I saw a local scout leader, who probably weighs 280, happily using a Perception Prodigy 12 in open water. I am 228 fully dressed and booted. So I looked it up and it has a max wieght of 350. So at the 80% safety rule it should be good for 280. I found one for $280 on Facebook Marketplace and I bought it. I must say I love it. Will I still dream about a Pungo 125 (used at $900) or a Pungo 140 (used at $750)? Yes of course. But for now the Prodigy 12 works well, tracks well, glides smoothly and does not feel bogged down at all. I will not take it out on the ocean but on lakes and rivers it fills the bill. Happy camper.

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Yes, I got a Prodigy 12 for $280 and I love it. Max capacity 350 pounds, so 80% of that is 280 which works for me at 224.

Price matters. The Prodigy is just another brand of a similar boat. I like the seat in the Wilderness boats. The 120 Pungo has a 325 max rating and thec125 Pungo is 375 max rating. I paddled 12 ft boats when I weighed 255 lbs, but I wouldn’t consider adding a load in addition to my own weight if it went over the safe load calculation. In a narrower and longer boat, you might notice a performance inprovement as your weigh gets closer to the safe load recommendation.

If your ambition grows, keep it for a guest and buy a bigger one.

My thoughts exactly. For now it works well for what i do.