Vegetarian Paddlers

If we consume meat, shall we meet…
With an untimely end?

Beats me!

I probably consume enough chicken and ground turkey to keep most of you safe from avian flu!

But, I get the largest portion of my protein from the GNC Pro Performance brand 100% Whey protein supplement I take twice daily.

This works out pretty good for travelling, requiring only my shaker bottle and some clean water to prepare.

It dissolves well, and tastes pretty decent.

Yes, I am aware that whey is a dairy product, coming from cruelly treated dairy cows.

I like animals as much as the next guy. I went to special effort to harmlessly remove the squirrel that got down our chimney and stuck on top of the flu in the fireplace two days ago.

I’m having Carol dip out the pollywogs that grew in the rainwater in our above ground pool before she finishes pumping it out today. I’ll put them in the retention pond tonight.

Question: How do pollywogs get in a pool with 52" high sides when there are NO frogs there? :slight_smile:

One critter that TOTALLY freaked me out was a mangrove crab that hopped in the boat with me when Donna from Sweetwater was leading Carol and I for our first trip through the Weedon Island tunnels. I didn’t see them on the trees at first, and saw something that looked to me like a BIG, nasty spider landing right between my bare legs in the boat.

Did you know that a Shearwater Merganser has an ejection seat?? That one did! :slight_smile:

I think there is a reasonable position between the dietary extremes for most people who are not constrained by medical/hereditary issues.

I fight with cholesterol, myself. After several years of dietary restriction (eating ALL of Charlie Tuna’s relatives!) to no avail, the doctors say that my cholesterol is just what’s normal for me. Blood pressure and triglycerides are OK, so just eat reasonable and keep excercising.

Whatever you choose for yourself after due consideration, be at peace with it.


strange twist
in the debate when all the person wanted was some recipes but ok. well being a PETA-type myself i’m vegan because of ethics. whether or not something looks like meat or tastes like it is irrelevant because it isn’t and didn’t involve any of the inherent cruelty that i see in meat production. veganism isn’t about purity or moral superiority its about taking steps and examining all the causes of suffering around you. of course every diet has negative impacts on the surrounding world but we can do so much more to minimize it than the average american diet allows for.

I stand by my words!
After having checked out several sources concerning B-12, I found nothing that contradicted what I learned in the course of my education. All the sources cited the need for vegans to suppliment their diet with B-12. One did mention certain soy or yeast sources, but also said that the consensus amoung experts is that absorption of B-12 from these sources is problematic.

As far as what is natural (concerning the fact that we have omnivore teeth), I believe the problem is one of semantics. I would define “natural” as what happens outside of the realm of man’s inventiveness (eg., laptops). The fact that we have omnivore teeth is natural by any definition I can think of. Of course, I am not suggesting that we give up on un-natural items (then I would not be sitting at this computer.) I am only saying that God (or nature, if you please) is trying to tell us something by giving us omnivore teeth.


I take vegetarians - very tasty.

I’m still trying…
to figure out how one hamburger costs 75 square feet of rain forest. I didn’t have this sort of math at Stevens.

splitting hairs.

– Last Updated: Nov-12-05 6:03 AM EST –

bacteria living an a healthy human small intestine can do so,the human can then absorbwhat those bacteria produce. So there is "synthesis" in the small intestine.

Whether the natural human is actually a symbiotic colony is unarguable, if all the bacteria in a body and on it died, fungus would make life impossible, and one could not digest food well.

So let's just say that a normal humans bacterial symbiotes can systhesize b12 and that we can just absorb it from them. (but after antibiotics and an unhealthy diet???) Does the average american(or reader of this board) even give credit to or know about the bacteria they host inside and outside. So if you want to be really accurate the human as an isolated organism does not synthesize b12 but the normal human as it exists as a symbiotic colony can.

Is the hair split yet? Now I'll set the hair on fire!

Nnly bacteria can synthesize b-12 NO "animal" makes it, bacteria only. by the logic that "since I cannot synthesize b12 I should eat meat" then cows, chickens, sheep and all animals should be meet eaters. Scary.

BTW I do take animal protein now and again.

Diet for a Small Planet…
… popularized many years ago the enormous bio/eco-logical cost to the earth of eating meat. (Just ignore the recipes that otherwise landmark book.)

Unfortunately, the same goes for a number of other aspects of The American Way of Life than diet.

Party on…


beej jerky
is find for a lunchtime snack but do not eat it for breakfast. Turkey jerky is good too.

jerky, the anytime meal
breakfast ,lunch, dinner, anytime is a fine time to eat jerky. except that fruit jerky , it’s disgusting! fish jerky is good also when slow smoked with hickory chips, triggerfish seems to work best. I’m living proof that one can live off coffee, beef jerky, gummi bears, bread , and beer.

Ever freshen a cow?
To get a cow to milk, the cow must be made pregnant. After the calf is born, the calf is permanently removed from the mother so the farmer can collect and sell the milk to the public. (vegetarians included). Quite often the calves are sold off for veal.

I smile when a milk drinking vegetarian talks about how they would never eat veal because it is cruel.

that produce B-12 in the gut are too far down in the digestive tract. B-12 is only absorbed higher up in the gut, so that this source of

B-12 is irrelevant.


In that case, I make full use of all my enzymes, since I eat the shells of fried shrimp! Have you consumed your M.D.R. of chitin today?


p.s. I also eat all but the larger bones of chicken, but my favorite is still a Porterhouse steak, cooked Missouri style (burnt on the outside, rare on the inside…high heat!), with a generous edge of fat!

Oh no…
Just purchased two Belted Galloway steers! Now what do I do??

I’m not saying
that it is cut and dried morally wrong or hypocritical to say your are opposed to killing and eating animal flesh, and then eat vegetable protein that is deliberately reconstructed to look like animal flesh. Just from my POV seems kinda confused.

By the way, I gave him several good vegetarian recipe ideas, so I was plenty on topic.

i think that it would be confusing to give up meat because you hate the way it tastes then start eating fake meat products. there is no moral inconsistency with eating a product that tastes like a product but has none of the overlying ethical problems of the original product.

i agree with those who think that vegetarians who drink milk but decry the treatment of veal calves are missing it but i don’t disparage them because i believe in a moral continuum where all steps towards an end goal of less suffering are positive and that being vegan isn’t a door that you walk through and are suddenly crowned with moral superiority.

i wish you well
on your endeavor to regain our lost hunter-gatherer roots. i think if everyone followed your lead built SOFs and fished and hunted and gathered food from the forest we’d have much less of an impact on the planet. you can donate your unnatural appendages like your tv and car in an auction to raise money for p-net.

I find that I usually stick with
freeze-dried food for tripping. My wife and I are lacto-ovo vegetarians so we tend to eat a lot of cheese on trips. Pita pizzas are a good supplement when you want a change. Peanut butter is a good lunch. I lived in India for three years and found their vegetarian food terrific. You can buy it in a sealed package that doesn’t need refigeration and it can be very good.

Check out the book “Food
Revolution,” by a guy named Robbins, whose dad was Robbins and uncle was Baskin–but who ended up a non-ice-cream-eating vegetarian. Lots of disturbing facts, not just about the huge environmental costs of animals raised for food, but also about how poorly the animals we eat are treated and how much more healthily most vegetarians live (e.g. average cholesterol 165 versus the usual average of 210).


Get a copy of …
the November National Geographic Magazine.

There is page near the back that has just about all the nutritional benefits of each food.

I will eat just about anything that is thrown at me, but it appears that the vegetarians are living longer lives.



Longer life for vegetarians?

– Last Updated: Nov-15-05 9:57 AM EST –

Even if that's so, I'd rather live 50 years (which I have already exceeded) eating what I want and like, rather than 100 years being miserable eating rice cakes, yeast, tofu, and bottled water. And I might want to give up things like surfing thru rock gardens also, to assure a longer life, but I'm not about to do that either. By my reckoning, there are three types of people in the world: 1.those who enjoy life with gusto, 2. those who try to make anything enjoyable or lively look like the worst thing in the world for you (I believe that this group loses sleep at night, worrying there may be someone, somewhere, enjoying themselves), and 3.those unfortunate souls who believe the second group.