What's Your 'If I Won the Lottery' Boat?

Deam Boat
Mine would be a 25# Colden Flashfire,composite gunnels,green translucent gell coat,with a Swift solo seat.WWWWWait a minute—I have one!!

Smiling Turtle

Outer Island
A custom strip built Outer Island. Red cedar with Mahogany accents.Some kind of cool inlay on the deck. Carbon recessed coaming and hatch plates.

Works for me. ;-]

If I won the lottery the best luxury would be unlimited free time to travel wherever I wanted and paddle the boats I already own!

Boat? Or boatS?
Production boats aren’t that expensive, compare to cars, that is. So anyone who can afford a car can afford the best production boat that fits their style. No need to wait till the lottery come in.

However, with unlimited funds, it’s possible to have every conceivable boat for every conceivable condition and usage. In that sense, the “dream boat” are just more boats.

I’d get a yacht…
and have all kinds of boats on it so wherever I went I would have the appropriate boat, LOL!

I’d rather have the option to
singlehand it when the mood strikes, as long as we’re fantasizing…


If I won the lottery
I’d finish getting my skeg repaired

Lottery winner!
If I won the lottery it would be a miracle.

I don’t play the lottery.

But if there was a miracle and I won; I wouldn’t buy a canoe.

I already have every canoe I want, or need.

What I would buy, without a doubt; a Shelby Cobra.


an ocean trawler
to carry my fleet of kayaks


There ya go
A BIG boat with a professional captain and co-captain to operate it, cuz I’d want to be paddling, not driving! Anchor in different places, no worries about setting up tents or finding hotels. Skip the air travel and boat rentals, and stay on the water, yeah. Even just one year of this kind of travel would open up lots of possibilities.

Lots & lots of training
Already have my dream boat (NDK Pilgrim), I’d spend the money on training.

How about this dream boat?
A large ocean-going boat with pro captains, your choice of top instructors, individual cabins, your favorite boats, room for some like-minded paddlers, and NO DEADLINE for return!

It would have a library of kayak porn, of course. A room for repairs to equipment. A heated room for hanging and drying wetsuits, drysuits, long undies, etc.

A roving ship of kayaking fools!

re: yacht.net
"First off: everyone stop with the yacht links. Of course if we won the lottery we’d all have some ridiculous boat to carry around our fleet of paddle power boats. This is paddling.net not somehugethirtymilliondollaryacht.net =) "

I agree. I was surprised when several ppl starting going off on what yacht they’d get.

My first thought, like yours, was literally, “Geez, this isn’t yacht.net now, is it?” =D

Yes and no…
I hear what you’re saying, but fact is the economy still kinda sucks right now, and plenty of ppl are just barely scraping by, with no spare four grand lying around to buy a top-of-the-line production boat.

How many ppl out there are working for $10-12/hr, or perhaps less? How many can’t afford a new car, and are hoping and praying that their old hunk of junk will hold together another couple of years?

Sure, some of us can already afford anything we want. But not everybody. =[

Boats, not boat
I’d start with a surf ski (Huki). Then add a Ranger X15 for fun in the surf and rock gardens. Then a SUP for whitewater. I like my QCC700X for touring, so wouldn’t replace it.

Yukon Voyageur

– Last Updated: Jul-31-12 8:42 PM EST –

The canoe in this image:

A 34-foot carbon fiber/foam core voyageur canoe. Weighs little over 100 pounds, adjustable side-side sliding roller seats. Responds beautifully with a good crew of 6-10 and fully loaded with gear.

I paddled it 1000 miles in the Yukon-1K race, but it was only rented. I'd like to own one (this is the only one in existence). Would need to take a few experienced crew to return with me to the Yukon.

I'd have a new boat built just like it. This particular one was built in Texas but lives permanently in Whitehorse YT. It is a little worn from several expeditions down Yukon so far, and is stored outdoors under the sun. Then I'd pay to fly my crew back up to the Yukon for a return engagement, and probably live there for a while.

How about paddles?
Boats are fine but you need to apply power against the water.

I’m a single blader with a preference for wood. I’d assemble a collection of classic wood blades to hang on the wall. Some vintage Lutras and perhaps a Quimby or two. There’s a long list of others. As for current paddles, I’d commission a few Dog Paddles. I’d have Marc build me a touring blade as well as a freestyle blade for use and one just to hang on the wall.

It to the charity of my choice since I already own an ultralight canoe and kayak.

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