What's Your 'If I Won the Lottery' Boat?

Valley, Sterling and Epic
(the companies, not the boats).

So when do we leave? NM

"For another, I actually understand that everyone’s circumstances are different. "

I don’t.

At least I don’t understand how anyone who can’t afford to save up a few grands can spare the money to buy lottery ticket in the first place!

So yeah, a DREAM boat.

Boats custom built in MY color choice

– Last Updated: Aug-03-12 4:33 PM EST –

An Anas Acuta with an ocean cockpit in red with a black coaming, seam and keel strip -- I'd have money for professional color matching when I start leaving gel coat behind...

A SKUK Pilgrim in Zenith blue with a grass green coaming, seam and keel strip -- sorta like my AvocetLV colors.

And an extra paddle or two.

for sure
"At least I don’t understand"

Yep. You don’t.

for me. . . . . .
probably a Liquid Logic XP9

Rockpool Taran

this is the one
probably this new kayak…


so how much is this lottery
worth anyways? Dang, ptts, that would take a what, 65,876,987 cm. paddle?

Friendship Sloop

– Last Updated: Aug-04-12 10:12 AM EST –

And the ready availability of someone who knew how to sail it. Mostly I want to be able to party with the other Friendship Sloop owners each year at the gathering in Rockland ME. It looks like they are having a lot of fun.

you buy one
I’ll teach you. Lotta’ dang bowsprit on those boats; get one with roller furling head sails to make life much easier ;-).

Can make anything I want but no time
so $$$ would let me get stuff done.

Something I cannot make but would use to transport above boat(s).


Deal Breaker
Yeah, but the art work is excluded.

Not to bother
Circumstance is a result of one’s decision.

If someone is buying lottery and have no money for a kayak, I choose NOT to understand them!

I used to live in the bay area. I learned to kayak there, by working in the evening & weekends in a kayak shop! I got to paddle any boat they carry, and free instruction too. :smiley:

I’m not poor any more, except I still don’t have any spare change to buy lottery. :frowning:

But I do have the first of my dream boat fleet is already in my garage. In fact, the only thing stopping me from getting the second or third boat is garage space to house them! That cost a lot more than the boats that need it. Maybe I should start buying lottery???

oh, I see
I see your mistake now… you over-simplify, and think “if you just work hard, everything always works out.”

Thing is, other ppl DO work hard, but under different starting circumstances than you did… maybe they’re a single mom, maybe they have a kid with an expensive illness, maybe they lost their job during the Great Recession and haven’t been able to find new work that pays nearly as well.

These are common stories of our nation over the past several years, along with a lot of good jobs getting shipped overseas.

Far as your ‘Bay Area experience’ goes, sorry, but I don’t think the rents back in the 19th century were anything like they are now. =D

Kidding, but you get my point. And it’s a bit arrogant and overly simplistic to think that others aren’t working every bit as hard as you say you did, rather, they face a different set of obstacles than you did back when you were young.

But maybe you just can’t relate. Or get it.

do you really see?
“Far as your ‘Bay Area experience’ goes, sorry, but I don’t think the rents back in the 19th century were anything like they are now. =D”

Well, congratulation for turning 200 year old! I mean, at least 110!

“Kidding, but you get my point. And it’s a bit arrogant and overly simplistic to think that others aren’t working every bit as hard as you say you did, rather, they face a different set of obstacles than you did back when you were young.”

But you don’t get my point. Or the response of all the others.

There’s no such thing as a “dream boat” that does everything as you imply. The dream boat is ANY boat you can go out on the water too, if you’re struggling to acquire your first boat. Otherwise, you need more than one boat to paddle more than one condition!

You’re the OP so I’m pretty sure that’s where your mistake is, thinking there’s an expensive boat out there you can just buy if only you have more money.

like talking to a wall
Live in ignorance, abc. You don’t get it, and you never will.

nor will you

– Last Updated: Aug-07-12 10:03 PM EST –

"get it"

on more than boat capability and limits.

Warren Light Craft - Little Wing 15.5

  1. Interesting dimensions that typically work well for me
  2. Curious about it because of the very unusual design
  3. Costs more than I would EVER pay, sans lottery money ($4,500)

    If not that, probably a Seaward Luna.